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Science Courses (SCI)

SCI 1110 - Exploring the Solar System (3)

This course examines each of the major planets; their surfaces, interiors and atmospheres, and why they are all so different. The course also examines the major moons of the planets, any planetary ring systems, and many minor bodies such as comets and asteroids. Other topics covered include the exploration of the solar system with robotic spacecraft. Extra-solar planets, possibilities of extraterrestrial life and the search for extraterrestrial life. Co-requisite: SCI L110

SCI L110 - Exploring the Solar System Lab (1)

Hands-on exercise to study the planets, moons, and planetary motions. Night-time observing of constellations, the Moon and any visible planets. Co-requisite: SCI 1110

SCI 2233 - Physical Science (3)

Basic chemistry and physics for non-science majors Co-requisite: SCI L233. Note: Credit does not count toward a major in any science curriculum.

SCI L233 - Physical Science Lab (1)

Laboratory experiments in basic chemistry and physics. Co-requisite: SCI 2233.

SCI 2234 - Earth and Space Science (3)

Basic astronomy and geology for non-science majors. Co-requisite: SCI L234. Note: Credit does not count toward any major in the sciences.

SCI L234 - Earth and Space Science Lab (1)

Laboratory experiments in basic astronomy and geology. Co-requisite: SCI 2234.

SCI 2240 - Principles of Astronomy, Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology (3)

Basic facts and theories related to astronomical phenomena. Co-requisite: SCI L240.

SCI L240 - Principles of Astronomy, Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology Lab (1)

Star and constellation identification and observations using the telescope. Co-requisite: SCI 2240.

SCI 3335 - Physical Geology (3)

Constructive and destructive processes which alter the earth. Co-requisite: SCI L335.

SCI L335 - Physical Geology Lab (1-2)

Laboratory studies of constructive and destructive processes which alter the earth. Co-requisite: SCI 3335.

SCI 3365 - Principles of Applied Science (3)

In this course, we will learn the scientific method, and how it applies investigations in science and engineering. Students will learn how to ask well defined questions, propose hypotheses, test hypotheses, and learn on what basis one rejects or accepts a hypothesis. We will go on to see how these methods are applied in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Finally, we will also see how misapplications of the scientific method leads to questionable pseudoscience.

SCI 3366 - Survey of Electronics Technology (3)

In this course, students will develop understanding of basic concepts in electronics, including component identification and behavior, dc and ac circuit principles, solid-state devices, and both linear and switching circuits without getting into rigors of mathematics. Students will also learn how digital electronics fed to microprocessor technology. Students will be able to apply these learned concepts in design and analysis of electronics systems.

SCI 3370 - Toxic, Radioactive, & Hazardous Materials (3)

In this course, students will learn the basic principles of hazardous materials management. The course will be suitable for students with limited scientific background knowledge in chemistry and physics. Students will learn how to classify toxic, radioactive, and hazardous materials and evaluate the dangers associated with them. Students will study current industry practices and learn how to manage hazardous materials in a safe, legal, and economical manner.

SCI 4440 - Travel Study in Comprehensive General Science (1-3)

Supervised investigation of relevant topics in Comprehensive General Science through travel- study abroad or within the interior of the United States.

SCI 4450 - Science in a Regulatory Environment (3)

An examination of the applications of Biology, Chemistry, and Physical Sciences for compliance with select environmental regulations. Prerequisites: Biology, Chemistry or Physical Science.

SCI 4474 - Internship in Science Education (9)

The Professional Internship Program is the culminating clinical field-based experience for students seeking certification in a teaching field. The Professional Internship Program provides the student with the opportunity to conduct classes and assume the role of a teacher while receiving supervision from a classroom teacher and a university supervisor for a period of one full semester. The student will demonstrate skills of the informed, reflective decision maker throughout the internship experience. Prerequisite: admission to TEP. Co-requisite: SED 4454.

SCI 4481 - Methods and Materials for the Secondary Teacher (3)

A survey of teaching methods and materials appropriate for teaching in the content areas for grades 6-12. Topics addressed will include teacher evaluation in the public schools, collaboration with special education teachers, and lesson planning formats. In addition, teaching methods, selections organization and use of biology/science materials for grades 6-12 will be covered in detail. A professional laboratory experience is included in this course. Prerequisite: admission to TEP.

SCI 4491-92 - Guided Independent Research (1 to 4 credit hours per course per semester)

Additional information is indexed under Independent Study and Research.

SCI 4493-94 - Guided Independent Research (1 to 4 credit hours per course per semester)

Additional information is indexed under Independent Study and Research.

SCI 4498 - Internship in Comprehensive General Science(1- 3)

Supervised work experience in the biotechnology industry, governmental agency, business, or other working environment in which a student will learn and apply pertinent professional skills.

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