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Astronomy Courses (ASTR)

ASTR 3301 - Extragalactic Astronomy (3)

This course is an in-depth exploration of our current understanding of the Milky Way, external galaxies (morphology, observational measurements, evolution, composition, etc.), large-scale structure of the Universe (based on observations and simulations, including evidence for dark matter), active galactic nuclei (supermassive black holes, both active and inactive), and cosmological theories (big bang, cosmic microwave background, modified gravity, etc.). Prerequisites: MTH 1125, PHY 2262, PHY L262.

ASTR 4401 - Astronomy Capstone (1-3)

This course is an in-depth exploration of astrophysical research topics and methods. Specific topics will vary, but all will include observations. This can involve completing a proposal for competitive observing time on a research-grade telescope and/or analysis of data from a research observatory. Students will also conduct scientific writing of their results in addition to familiarization with the relevant literature to their research topic. Prerequisites: MTH 1125, PHY 2262, PHY L262.

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