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Criminal Justice Courses (CJ)

Note: CJ 1101 Introduction of Criminal Justice and Criminology is a prerequisite for all 3000 and 4000 level Criminal Justice courses

CJ 1101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice and Criminology (3)

Agencies and processes involved in the administration of criminal justice.

CJ 2221 - Survey of Law Enforcement (3)

A survey of policing, covering developmental history, the system of law enforcement organizations in the U.S., personnel administration, police roles and behavior, operations, and major issues such as discretion, civil liability, risk, and excessive force.

CJ 2231 - Survey of Corrections (3)

Philosophy, theory, and practices involved in the treatment of convicted law violators, the examination, and the appraisal of the effects of correctional treatment upon post-correctional behavior.

CJ 2241 - Survey of Law and Criminal Procedure (3)

An examination of the American legal system with emphasis on the analysis and processing of criminal offenses, including an examination of constitutional criminal procedure concerning arrest, pre-trial and trial processes.

CJ 3302 - Criminal Justice Administration (3)

A survey of public administration as it applies to criminal justice organizations. The major dimensions of criminal justice organizations examined include organizational theory, organizational design, leadership and decision making, interpersonal and organizational communication, human resource management, legal aspects of administration, financial management, and organizational change.

CJ 3305 - Crisis Management (3)

This course provides an overview of methods used to identify, plan for, mitigate, respond, and recover from a variety of events. The structure of the federal and state level crisis management and functions are considered along with the emergency support functions relied upon. Emphasis is placed on the roles and responsibilities of leadership during a crisis along with the framework of national, regional, and local response. The ability to understand and evaluate the phases of a crisis, continuity of government, and the private sector during incidents is also examined. Case studies, exercises, and discussions will be used to encourage critical review of the philosophy and principles of crisis management. This course addresses development of risk matrices, identification of threat and risk, crisis theory, stress management and the probability of crisis event occurrence.

CJ 3308 - Foundations of Intelligence (3)

An intellectual foundation for the study of intelligence, both as it has been practiced through history and as it is currently practiced by different nations and other entities today.

CJ 3309 - Foundations of Homeland Security (3)

An examination of the political and social complexities and dilemmas associated with state and local law enforcement and federal agencies roles in the defense of our nation subsequent to Sept. 11, 2001.

CJ 3310 - Psychology for Criminal Justice Officials (3)

Behavior of subjects and police officers in normal and unusual conditions, arrest, interrogation, detention, incarceration, protest, demonstrations, riots, public calamities, reactions of special interest groups, minorities, and specialized tests.

CJ 3325 - Juvenile Justice (3)

Provides a basic overview of the American juvenile justice system, beginning with the development of the juvenile court and addressing the jurisdiction, role, responsibilities, administration, and organization of the juvenile justice system. Also examined are the interfaces between police, schools, and the court, the issues of child abuse, and the operation of treatment programs.

CJ 3335 - Security Operations (3)

An introduction to the administration of private security, the analog to the police in the public sector. Issues in private security concerning ethics, law, and policy, as well as administration, are considered.

CJ 3348 - Deviant Behavior (3)

An examination of the various types of social behavior that violates norms (folkways, mores, and taboos). Special emphasis will be given to the social controls that regulate behavior and the causes and consequences of deviant acts.

CJ 3349 - Punishment (3)

This course provides an overview of the how and why behind punishment. Looking at social and criminological theories students will examine various interpretations and justifications for punishment to include various legal decisions.

CJ 3350 - Gangs (3)

An examination of the nature and extent of gangs and gang crime in the United States and around the world.

CJ 3352 - Constitutional Law in Criminal Justice (3)

Constitutional provisions which are relevant to criminal law and procedure, their construction and development through court interpretation, and their application in criminal proceedings.

CJ 3365 - Victimology (3)

This course provides an opportunity for the student to gain an understanding of the crime victim鈥檚 position and issues with the criminal justice system. Specifically, trends, applied responses to victimization, offender-victim relationships, typologies, measuring victimization, and prevention are examined.

CJ 3367 - History of Criminal Justice (3)

Upon completion of the course the student must have demonstrated his/her knowledge of criminal justice systems from approximately 1700 B.C. to the present. With that knowledge and comprehension, the student should be able to analyze and apply lessons learned from that historical context to current situations in the United States Criminal Justice System.

CJ 3375 - Research Methods (3)

Principles of pure and applied research for the social sciences. Special emphasis is given to the types of research methods employed by social scientists including survey techniques, field research, quasi-experimental designs and analytical procedures currently used in the social sciences. Prerequisite: General studies math, ENG 1102 or 1104

CJ 3376 - Criminal Justice Statistics (3)

A detailed description of what social scientists do with the information they gather. Particular attention is given to descriptive and inferential statistics, the relationship between research and policy, evaluation research, and research ethics. Prerequisite: General studies math.

CJ 3380 - Digital Forensics I (3)

Basic course designed to introduce the students to identifying and collecting digital data, analyzing the data through the use of forensics tools (hands on) and presenting it in a written report.

CJ 3382 - Social Media Investigation (3)

The Study of social media and its affects and uses in law enforcement field. The proper way to forensically acquire and preserve social media evidence for use in litigation.

CJ 4405 - National Security and the Law (3)

A historical and legal exploration of national security law in the United States.

CJ 4406 - Transnational Organized Crime (3)

A critical examination and analysis of major issues, definitions, and controversies associated with organized and transnational organized crime in a modern world. Historical, criminological, and sociological aspects of crime across national and international borders will be studied and researched. Various groups in transnational organized crime will be studied as they impact continents, countries, and globalization.

CJ 4407 - Homicide (3)

This course is an examination of Homicide and its investigation. Topics will include types of homicide as well as death by natural and accidental cause. The course will review and expand on investigative theory, collection and preservation of evidence, sources of information, interview and interrogation, uses of forensic sciences and case and trial preparation.

CJ 4408 - Drugs, Alcohol, and Criminal Justice (3)

This course is designed to explore relevant issues of alcohol and drug use, policy and abuse in American society and its relationship with crime and criminal justice.

CJ 4411 - Evidence (3)

This course will provide the student with an overview of the rules of evidence applicable in criminal cases. The course will begin with an overview of the criminal trial process. Basic evidence concepts will then be explored, with particular emphasis placed upon the Federal Rules of Evidence. The course will then specifically focus on evidence concepts including, but not limited to: witness competency and impeachment, hearsay, admissions & confessions, circumstantial evidence, documentary & physical evidence and the exclusionary role.

CJ 4415 - Correctional Systems and Practices (3)

An examination of the day-to-day operations and practices in modern correctional facilities in the local, state, and federal systems.

CJ 4420 - Comparative Criminal Justice (3)

A comparative examination of criminal justice systems throughout the world with specific attention given to legal and political systems, organization and methods of law enforcement, jurisprudence, correctional policies, and practices. Theoretical frameworks, models, and propositions addressing crime across various societies are also considered.

CJ 4421 - Ethics and Civil Liability (3)

An introduction to concepts of ethics and an examination of contemporary ethical issues in the field of criminal justice including the conduct and ethics of criminal justice practitioners that give rise to civil liability and will focus on aspects of risk management to help prevent legal claims. The course will focus not only on the potential liability of police officers, corrections officers and other criminal justice practitioners for deprivation of civilians US Constitutional rights under state and federal law, but will also address officer鈥檚 day to day dealings with civil law issues while performing duties mandated under criminal law.

CJ 4425 - Violence in America (3)

In-depth study of violence, including types of violence, categories of offenders and victims, social consequences, and potential solutions.

CJ 4430 - Selected Topics in Criminal Justice (3)

An examination of a criminal justice topic chosen for its current or special interest and importance and that is not given in-depth coverage in other courses; selection topics will vary with each course offering (although a particular topic may be offered more than once).

CJ 4440 - Terrorism (3)

A critical examination and analysis of major issues, definitions, and controversies associated with the development of terrorism in the modern world. Historical, religious, and psychological and sociological aspects and explanations of terrorism will be covered, along with the characteristic means and methods terrorist groups employ.

CJ 4442 - Criminal Investigation (3)

A detailed examination of what is necessary to investigate crimes, interview people using various methodologies to solve crimes and/or prepare a case for prosecution.

CJ 4444 - Community Corrections (3)

An examination of the purposes and goals of community-based corrections and its various components, including pretrial diversion, probation, parole, and emerging alternatives to traditional incarceration.

CJ 4445 - Current Issues in Law Enforcement Operations and Administration (3)

A detailed examination of applied concepts of leadership and problem solving in law enforcement operations and administrations. Special emphasis is attached to current problems surfacing in law enforcement.

CJ 4446 - Current Issues in Correctional Operations and Administration (3)

A detailed examination of applied concepts of leadership and problem solving in corrections and administration. Special emphasis is attached to current problems surfacing in corrections.

CJ 4447 - Current Issues in Legal Systems Operation and Administration (3)

A study of the critical issues and concepts involved in modern court administration, including the law governing the presentation of evidence in the trial of criminal cases, analysis of the role of law, and the courts in American Society.

CJ 4455 - Advanced Victimology (3)

An examination of a criminal justice topic chosen from its current or special interest and importance and that is not given in-depth coverage in other courses. Prerequisites: CJ 1101

CJ 4456 - Human Trafficking (3)

Human trafficking is a course designed to help students gain a better understanding of contemporary human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Important terminology in this field, the different types of human trafficking that exist and an understanding of the scope of the problem, both domestically and globally will be explored. It will also discuss the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual trauma experienced by victims of human trafficking and the methods used for recruitment and control. The roles of government, the media, faith-based organizations, organized crime and culture will also be explored. Prerequisites: CJ 1101

CJ 4465 - Criminal Justice Study Abroad (1-3)

An introduction to study abroad programs with a comparative study of norms, culture, policing, courts, and punishment. Particular consideration is also given to travel advice and safety while studying abroad.

CJ 4472 - Cyber Crime (3)

This course will introduce the topics of computer crime and computer forensics. Students will be required to learn different aspects of computer crime and ways to uncover, protect, and exploit digital evidence. Students will be exposed to different types of tools, both software and hardware, and an exploration of the legal issues affected by on-line and computer-related criminal conduct. The course will examine the evolution of criminal law relative to the development of new technology.

CJ 4475 - Seminar in Cyber Security (3)

A capstone course designed to integrate subject matter learned in previous courses, encourage critical analysis of contemporary issues, and seek further information on testing and certifications beyond the university setting.

CJ 4480 - Digital Forensics II (3)

In depth study and analysis of operating system artifacts, event log, html, web browsers鈥nalyzing the data and presenting it in a written report. Prerequisite: CJ 3380.

CJ 4481 - Operating and File System Forensics (3)

Examination of common file systems and operating system artifacts. Students will learn general components of FAT and NTFS file systems and how data is stored. Explore artifacts from common operating systems such as Apple鈥檚 OS X and Microsoft鈥檚 Windows family. This course will explore the most commonly used file systems and operating system artifacts in preparation for real-world analysis and digital forensics.

CJ 4482 - Digital Evidence Practicum (3)

Examine various techniques and procedures for law enforcement officers related to the forensically sound identification, seizure and collection of evidence through classroom study and practical exercises.

CJ 4489-90 - Internship in a Criminal Justice Agency (3)

Experience in a selected criminal justice agency, working in groups or individually. Supervised application and observation of concepts, principles, skills, operation and functions of knowledge acquired by the student in previous or current course work and studies. Problems will be identified with attendant solutions in the areas of police work, the correctional agencies, or the court systems as appropriate to the student鈥檚 program of study. Prerequisite: Criminal Justice Major, CJ 1101, CJ 2221, CJ 2231, CJ 2241; junior/senior classification; 3.0 cumulative GPA, 3.5 major GPA; consultation with department Internship Coordinator

CJ 4491-92 - Guided Independent Research ( 1 to 3 credit hours per course per semester)

Additional information is indexed under Independent Study and Research.

CJ 4493-94 - Guided Independent Study (1 to 3 credit hours per course semester)

Additional information is indexed under Independent Study and Research.

CJ 4498 - Criminological Theory (3)

An examination of crime, overall and by category, and an examination of theories of crim causation, their research support and their impact on social policy, categories of crime, etc. The criminological theories covered will be classical, biological, psychological, economic, and multidisciplinary. Prerequisite: CJ 1101, CJ 2221, CJ 2231, CJ 2241

CJ 4499 - Professional Seminar in Criminal Justice (3)

This is a capstone course designed to (1) help seniors integrate the knowledge gained from their other required criminal justice courses, (2) assist them in developing analytical thinking skills through focusing on selected topics using a seminar approach, and (3) support them in gaining a better understanding of the criminal justice profession and the role they may play in it. Prerequisites: Completion of all Criminal Justice core courses, Senior status or permission from instructor.

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