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Quantitative Methods Courses (QM)

QM 2241 - Business Statistics (3)

This course introduces statistics and data analytics to support business decisions. Topics include probability, descriptive, and inferential statistics. Prerequisite: MTH 1112 or higher and IS 2241.

QM 3342 - Decision-Making and Data Analytics (3)

This course introduces qualitative and quantitative analytic techniques applicable to business and economics and how these techniques may be applied to critical thinking and decision-making skills. Topics include individual and group decision-making, decision-making biases, decision modeling, and decision analysis. Prerequisite: Lower-level Business Core.

QM 3345 - Operations Management (3)

A study of how organizational processes add value as they convert inputs to outputs. Topics covered include the strategic relationship of operations with other functional organizations, value chain concepts, and quantitative methods including forecasting models, inventory models, statistical process control, process models and project management methods. The course also provides a review of current supply chain philosophies such as JIT, MRP, and EOQ inventory management methods. Prerequisites: Lower-level Core, MGT 3300, QM 2241, IS 2241.

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