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Human Resource Management Courses (HRM)

HRM 3375 - Global Human Resource Management (3)

A survey of the roles, functions, and activities of human resource management including job analysis, job design, recruiting, selection, placement, training and development, compensation, employee and labor relations, and current issues in both the domestic and global environments. Prerequisite: Lower-level Core, MGT 3300.

HRM 3376 - Honors Global Human Resource Management (3)

A survey of the roles, functions, and activities of human resource management including job analysis, job design, recruiting, selection, placement, training and development, compensation, employee and labor relations, and current issues in both the domestic and global environments for the superior students. Prerequisite: Lower-level Core, SCOB Honors Student, and permission of the Associate Dean.

HRM 4455 - Employment Law (3)

A study of the major employment laws and related regulations as they apply to the private sector. Prerequisite: Lower-level Core.

HRM 4473 - Labor Law and Collective Bargaining (3)

A study of court decisions, national labor, administrative regulations, and procedures of the National Labor Relations Board that guide effective approaches to collective bargaining and labor relations. Prerequisite: Lower -level Core.

HRM 4481 - Staffing (3)

Addresses theory, principles, practices, and legal requirements for effective recruitment, selection, and promotion in organizational settings. Prerequisite: Lower--level Core.

HRM 4482 - Managing Health, Safety and Diversity (3)

This course addresses the theory, practice and legal requirements in managing employee health, safety, and cultural diversity in organizational settings. Prerequisite: Lower-level Core.

HRM 4483 - Human Resource Development (3)

Theory and practice in human resource training and development applied to organizational settings. Prerequisite: Lower-level Core.

HRM 4485 - Performance Appraisal and Compensation (3) (capstone)

Addresses theory, principles, practices, and legal requirements linking effective performance management and compensation and benefit systems in organizational settings. This is a capstone course for the Human Resource Management Concentration. Prerequisite: Lower-level Core, HRM 4455, HRM 4481, HRM 4483.

HRM 4496 - Special Topics in HRM (3)

This course examines a selected human resource management topic of interest that is not covered in depth in other course offerings. Prior topic approval by the Associate Dean of the Sorrell College of Business is required. Prerequisite: Lower-level Core.

HRM 4499 - Human Resource Management Internship (3)

The Human Resource Management Internship provides students with the opportunity to gain real-world work experience in the field of human resource management. Students gain practical, professional experience in conjunction with academic development under the supervision of both a faculty member and a supervisor within an organization. A written request must be submitted to the department chair at least two weeks in advance of the semester or term in which the study is to be undertaken. Note: This course may not be substituted for any required course. Students may earn no more than 6 hours of internship credit. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing, department chair approval.

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