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Economic Courses (ECO)

ECO 1150 - Survey of Economics (3)

This course is a study of commerce and economics and their impact on society, technology, and business. This course will cover basic commerce and economics terminology and concepts important to managers.

ECO 2251 - Principles of Macroeconomics (3)

Macroeconomic theory of the national economy with emphasis on income, employment, banking, and public policy.

ECO 2252 - Principles of Microeconomics (3)

Microeconomic theories of value, production, distribution of income, and basic international economic analysis.

ECO 2253 - Honors Principles of Macroeconomics (3)

Macroeconomics theory of the national economy with emphasis on income, employment, banking and public policy for the superior student. Prerequisite: SCOB Honors Student/permission of the Associate Dean.

ECO 2254 - Honors Principles of Microeconomics (3)

Microeconomic theories of value, production, distribution of income, and basic international economic analysis for the superior student. Prerequisite: SCOB Honors Student/permission of the Associate Dean.

ECO 3351 - Honors Intermediate Macroeconomics (3)

Study of the variables affecting employment, income, and prices. Monetary theory and theories of fluctuation are reviewed. Policies dealing with economic stabilization are examined. This course is designed for Sorrell Global Scholars honors students. Prerequisite: Sorrell Global Scholars student or permission of Associate Dean; ECO 2251 or ECO 2253.

ECO 3351 - Intermediate Macroeconomics (3)

Study of the variables affecting employment, income, and prices. Monetary theory and theories of fluctuation are reviewed. Policies dealing with economic stabilization are examined. Prerequisite: ECO 2251.

ECO 3352 - Intermediate Microeconomics (3)

Study of price and distribution theory as it relates to households, firms, and industries. Theories of factor prices and general equilibrium are also examined. Prerequisite: ECO 2252.

ECO 3353 - Money and Banking (3)

Principles of money, credit, and banking including monetary systems, theories, and commercial banking operations related to the Federal Reserve System. Prerequisite: ECO 2251 and ECO 2252.

ECO 3354 - Honors Intermediate Microeconomics (3)

Study of price and distribution theory as it relates to households, firms, and industries. Theories of factor prices and general equilibrium are also examined. Prerequisite: Sorrell Global Scholars student or permission of Associate Dean; ECO 2252 or ECO 2254.

ECO 3355 - Labor Economics (3)

Employment, unionism, labor-management relations and human capital. Prerequisite: ECO 2252.

ECO 3360 - Entrepreneurial Economics (3)

This course presents a wide-ranging overview of the place of entrepreneurship in economic theory, with a special focus on applications to institutions, organizations, strategy, economic development, and related fields. An emphasis on historical pieces on the economics of entrepreneurship as well as modern applications will be studied. Prerequisites: ECO 2251, ECO 2252.

ECO 3361 - Sports Economics (3)

Sports Economics introduces essential core economic concepts and then develops them with examples and applications from the sports industry. The sections are devoted to illustrating prominent areas of economics: industrial organization, public finance, labor economics, and econometrics. Prerequisites: ECO 2251, 2252.

ECO 3362 - Public Choice (3)

Public choice applies economic tools and methodology to the study of public decision-making. The emergence of government, collective choice within government, effects of legislative structures on outcomes, the role of interest groups as compared to that of the median voter, rent-seeking, bureaucracy, regulation, the size and scope of government, and alternative forms of governance. Prerequisites: ECO 2251, 2252.

ECO 3363 - Mathematical Economics (3)

This course develops the mathematical treatment of theory of firm, household behavior, stabilization policy, growth theory, input-output analysis, and linear programming. Prerequisites: ECO 2251, 2252, AND MTH 1125, or 2201.

ECO 3365 - History of Economic Thought (3)

This course surveys the main schools in the history of the development of economic thought. Prerequisite: ECO 2251, 2252.

ECO 4434 - International Economics (3)

An advanced analysis of the principles underlying international trade and international finance. This course is for Economics Majors. Students who have taken ECO 4451 cannot take ECO 4434 for credit. Prerequisite: ECO 2251 & ECO 3352.

ECO 4450 - Honors Economics Seminar (3)

Current problems in economics. This course is designed for Sorrell Global Scholars honors students. Prerequisite: Sorrell Global Scholars student or permission of Associate Dean; ECO 3351 and ECO 3352

ECO 4451 - Economics of Globalization (3)

Principles underlying international trade and international finance. Prerequisite: ECO 2252 & Lower-level core.

ECO 4452 - Environmental Economics (3)

Theoretical and empirical examination of natural resource and environmental economics. Prerequisite: ECO 2252.

ECO 4453 - Public Finance (3)

An analysis of the principles underlying government expenditure and taxation programs presented from both a theoretical and a pragmatic perspective. Prerequisite: ECO 2252.

ECO 4454 - Economic History: The Rise of the Western World (3)

A study of the institutional factors that contributed to the Western world鈥檚 economic growth. Prerequisite: ECO 2251, 2252 and one introductory HIS course.

ECO 4455 - Comparative Economic Systems (3)

An analysis of the economic systems of capitalism and socialism focusing upon how a multitude of specific nations in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, such as the United States, Mexico, Germany, Poland, Japan, and China, et al., arrange and conduct economic affairs in the 21st century. Prerequisite: ECO 2251 or 2252.

ECO 4456 - The Economics and Moral Foundations of Capitalism (3)

A study of the interrelationship between markets and morals. Investigates the role ethics and ethical ideas play in understanding economic life. Prerequisite: ECO 2251, 2252.

ECO 4457 - Econometrics (3)

A study of the methods used to empirically verify economic theory. Statistical inference applied to economic models, both micro and macro. Prerequisite: ECO 2251, 2252 and QM 2241, or SS 3376, or STAT 2210.

ECO 4458 - Law & Economics (3)

An economic analysis of the legal system that explores the efficiency of different legal decisions. Prerequisite: ECO 2251, 2252.

ECO 4459 - Economics Seminar (3)

Current problems in economics. Prerequisite: ECO 3351 and ECO 3352.

ECO 4460 - Regional and Urban Economics (3)

The economics of cities and urban problems and the effects of geographic location on the decisions of individuals and firms. The importance of location in everyday choices is easily assessed from our day-to-day lives, yet traditional microeconomic models are spaceless. Prerequisites: ECO 3351,3352.

ECO 4461 - Austrian Economics (3)

The historical and philosophical roots of the Austrian School, the impact it has had within the economics profession, and the unique insights it has provided in such areas as the theory of value, monetary theory, and business cycles. Prerequisites: ECO 2251 and ECO 2252.

ECO 4462 - Game Theory (3)

This course provides an introduction to game theory with applications to economics. Moreover, the course presents an approach to modeling a social situation as a game and develops techniques for solving the game in order to gain insight to individual behavior. Prerequisites: ECO 2251, 2252, AND MTH 1125, or 2201.

ECO 4463 - Honors Economics of Globalization (3)

Principles underlying international trade and international finance. Prerequisites: ECO 2252 and lower-level core and SCOB honors student.

ECO 4499 - Internship (3)

The Economics Internship provides is a supervised work experience that provides students with the opportunity to gain applied work experience their field of study. Students with the opportunity to gain real-world experience in their field of study. Students are interviewed and selected by the individual companies offering the internship. This course may be repeatable and must comply with the SCOB internship policy. See the Economics division chair for details.

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