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Law Courses (LAW)

LAW 2221 - Legal Environment of Business (3)

This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts, principles, and rules of law and equity that apply to business activities. This course provides an overview of law in general, the American legal system, federal and state court procedures, effects on law-making by legislative, judicial, and administrative procedures. The course may also include constitutional law, business ethics, contracts, products liability, sales and commercial paper.

LAW 3323 - Entrepreneurial Law (3)

This course is designed to explore in-depth the type of legal and ethical issues that entrepreneurs, small business owners, and family business owners encounter in the marketplace. Prerequisite: Lower-level Core.

LAW 4420 - Administrative Law (3)

Administrative law is the law relating to administrative agencies. An overview of the legal environment of public administration. The focus is on the powers and procedures of administrative agencies including administrative discretion, rule-making, investigations, prosecuting, negotiating and settlement based on Constitutional law, statutory law, common law, and agency-made law and the liability of governments and their officers. Prerequisite: LAW 2221.

LAW 4425 - Investigation and Evidence (3)

An examination of theories and practices of the investigation process in the criminal justice system. An analysis of information and application of operational techniques relating to crime scenes, forensic sciences, interviews, and interrogations. A study of issues concerning rules of evidence, trial testimony, and other constitutional processes. Prerequisites: LAW 2221.

LAW 4465 - Special Topics in Law (3)

This course examines a selected legal topic of interest that is not covered in other course offerings. The topic for the semester will be indicated in advance. Students may repeat the course for credit so long as the selected topics are different. Maximum credit of six hours. Note: This course may not be substituted for any required course.

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