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Education Courses (EDU)

EDU 2220 - Introduction to International Education (3)

This course is designed as a general introduction to defined. In addition to exploring educational structures, philosophies and curricula of selected countries outside of USA, students will examine educational issues, challenges, and outcomes from a global perspective. Prominent issues related to education, including history, cultural traditions, politics, globalization, poverty, gender issues, and the legacy of colonization will be examined and discussed. Students will also explore and compare US education with the educational systems and contests of other countries.

EDU 2230 - Fundamentals of Teaching (3)

The course is designed for students who are interested in pursuing careers in education. It will include in-depth coverage of significant components of the teaching profession, to include lesson development and planning, classroom management, educator dispositions, and curriculum implementation.

EDU 3303 - Educational Psychology and Classroom Assessment (3)

Characteristics of the learner and the teaching-learning process. Theories of learning, instruction, and motivation, and their application to students in grades P-12.

EDU 3305 - Teaching with Technology (3)

This course is designed to introduce prospective teachers to currently available technology and to prepare them to use various media for their own education as well as in their professional careers. Students are expected to become comfortable in the use of various media and to explore the possibilities for the use of media in the classroom. Emphasis is given to ways in which multimedia can be used to meet the needs of the varying learning styles.

EDU 3308 - Integrated STEM (3)

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) literacy is a critical component of 21st century education. The central tenet of STEM literacy is the preparation of people who are knowledgeable of the connections between the content and practices of the STEM fields. This course will foster students鈥 abilities to teach in an integrative way through real world design based problems that both stimulate and teach students to think critically. Note: should be taken semester prior to internship Prerequisites: admission to TEP; must have taken or be concurrently enrolled in ELE 3361, ELE 3362.

EDU L308 - Integrated STEM Lab (1)

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) literacy is a critical component of 21st century education. The central tenet of STEM literacy is the preparation of people who are knowledgeable of the connections between the content and practices of the STEM fields. This course will foster students鈥 abilities to teach in an integrative way through real world design based problems that both stimulate and teach students to think critically. Note: should be taken semester prior to internship Prerequisites: admission to TEP; must have taken or be concurrently enrolled in ELE 3361, ELE 3362

EDU 3310 - Introduction to Education (3)

This course provides a broad overview of education, teaching and schools, and an orientation to the Teacher Education Program. Multiple field experiences in school settings are required as part of the course. This is a prerequisite course for most other education courses.

EDU 4400 - Classroom Management (3)

This course is designed for all education majors. The purpose of this course is to establish a foundation of content and application relative to classroom management and discipline, emphasizing reflection, decision making, and integrated teaching/learning strategies. Methodologies utilized will include discussion, lecture, field experience, case studies, problem solving sessions, projects, and research.

EDU 4471 - Curriculum and Instructional Delivery (3)

This course offers a survey of school curricula, organizational patterns for school systems and classrooms. It is designed for Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Special Education, and Middle and Secondary Education majors. Various instructional strategies, major philosophies and learning theories are examined. Note: should be taken semester prior to internship. Prerequisite: admission to TEP.

EDU 4476 - Internship in Elementary/K-6 Collaborative Teacher (9)

The Professional Internship Program is the culminating clinical field-based experience for students seeking certification in a teaching field. The Professional Internship Program provides the student with the opportunity to conduct classes and assume the role of a teacher while receiving supervision from a classroom teacher and a university supervisor for a period of one full semester. The student will demonstrate skills of an informed, reflective decision maker throughout the internship experience. Prerequisite: TEP Admission Co-requisite: ELE 4454

EDU 4477 - Internship in Elementary/K-6 Collaborative Teacher (9)

The Professional Internship Program is the culminating clinical field-based experience for students seeking certification in a teaching field. The Professional Internship Program provides the student with the opportunity to conduct classes in both SPE K-6 and SPE 6-12 classrooms, and assume the role of a teacher while receiving supervision from a classroom teacher and a university supervisor for a period of one full semester. The student will demonstrate skills of an informed, reflective decision maker throughout the internship experience.

EDU 4478 - Math/Science/STEM Practicum (3)

The practicum is designed to provide a supervised experience related to instruction in the areas of mathematics, science and STEM education. A diverse set of concepts, skills, and pedagogical practices pertaining to these three core areas will be emphasized in the field in conjunction with co-requisite coursework. The application of current research and evidence based mathematical, science, and STEM instructional practices will be hallmarks of the practicum experience. Prerequisite: Admission to TEP.

EDU 4490 - Global Identity (1-3)

Studying abroad is a transformative experience that has the power to challenge our thinking and our perspective on the world. This course aims to attract students across disciplines, to promote interprofessional development, and to prepare them to expand their understanding of their global identity and communicate their growth in intercultural competence toward their personal and professional development. Students make connections between their study abroad experience and the broader range of skills connected with this experience, to become a competitive member of a global workforce.

EDU 4491-92 - Guided Independent Research (1 to 3 credit hours)

Undergraduate research with attention to critical evaluation of research techniques, methods and procedures. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, permission of guiding professor, approval of department chair or dean. A written request is to be submitted to the department chair at least two weeks in advance of the term in which study is to be undertaken. May not be used to repeat a course for which a grade of D or below has been earned. Application forms are available in the Office of University Records. Guided independent research may be taken only in the applicant鈥檚 major or minor field. Also see index for 鈥淚ndependent Study and Research.鈥.

EDU 4493-94 - Guided Independent Study (1 to 3 credit hours)

Supervised study through field or laboratory projects, guided readings, creative endeavors or achievement of specific skills. Prerequisites: junior or senior status, permission of guiding professor, approval of department chair and the dean. A written request is to be submitted to the department chair at least two weeks in advance of the term in which study is to be undertaken. May not be used to repeat a course for which a grade of D or below has been earned. Also see index for 鈥淚ndependent Study and Research.鈥

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