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Physics Courses (PHY)

PHY 2252 - General Physics I (3)

An introduction to the laws of mechanics and thermodynamics. Prerequisite: MTH 1114. Co-requisite: PHY L252.

PHY L252 - General Physics I Lab (1)

Laboratory work emphasizes basic principles of mechanics and thermodynamics, the use of measuring instruments, and the interpretation of data. Co-requisite: PHY 2252.

PHY 2253 - General Physics II (3)

An introduction to the laws of optics, electricity and magnetism. Prerequisite: PHY 2252/L252. Co-requisite: PHY L253.

PHY L253 - General Physics II Lab (1)

Laboratory work emphasizes basic principles of electricity, magnetism and optics, the use of measuring instruments, and the interpretation of data. Co-requisite: PHY 2253.

PHY 2262 - Physics I with Calculus (3)

Introduction to the principles and laws of mechanics and thermodynamics, utilizing the methods of calculus. Co-requisite: MTH 1125 or higher math course, PHY L262.

PHY L262 - Physics I with Calculus Lab (1)

Laboratory work emphasizes basic principles of thermodynamics and mechanics, the use of measuring instruments, and the interpretation of data. Co-requisite: PHY 2262.

PHY 2263 - Physics II with Calculus (3)

Introduction to the principles of electricity, magnetism and optics, utilizing the methods of calculus. Prerequisite: PHY 2262/L262. Co-requisite: PHY L263.

PHY L263 - Physics II with Calculus Lab (1)

Laboratory work emphasizes basic principles of electricity, magnetism and optics, the use of measuring instruments, and the interpretation of data. Co-requisite: PHY 2263.

PHY 3310 - Modern Physics (3)

Topics covered include special relativity, quantum mechanics, statistical physics, and nuclear physics. Prerequisites: MTH 1126, PHY 2263/L263. Co-requisite: PHY L310.

PHY L310 - Modern Physics Lab (1)

Selected experiments in modern physics. Co-requisite: PHY 3310.

PHY 3320 - Mathematical Methods for Physicists (3)

In this course, students will develop a basic understanding of the mathematical skills necessary to undertake a study in Dynamics, Electromagnetism, and Quantum Physics. Prerequisite: MTH 1126.

PHY 3321 - Scientific Computing (3)

Computational methods in Engineering and Physics. Prerequisite: PHY 3320.

PHY 3325 - Thermodynamics (3)

In this course, students will be introduced to the basic principles of thermodynamics. Topics include, energy conservation, entropy, isolated systems at constant pressure and temperature and the corresponding thermodynamic potentials. Students will learn to apply these principles to other branches of science and engineering. Prerequisites: PHY3310/PHYL310.

PHY 3359 - Waves and Optics (3)

Topics of study in this course will include properties of waves, image formation, refraction, diffraction, origin of spectra, polarized light, and optical activity. Prerequisite: PHY 2253/L253 or PHY 2263/L263. Co-requisite: PHY L359.

PHY L359 - Waves and Optics Lab (1)

Students will conduct selected experiments in waves, geometric and physical optics. Laboratory work emphasizes the basic principles of optics, the use of measuring instruments, and the interpretation of data. Co-requisite: PHY 3359.

PHY 4420 - Mechanics (3)

Introduction to the kinematics and dynamics of particles: escape and terminal velocity, drag, rotational motion and rotating frames, Foucault pendulum, planetary motion and Kepler鈥檚 laws. Prerequisites: PHY 2253/L233 or PHY 2262/L262 and MTH 1126.

PHY 4435 - Electricity and Magnetism (3)

Topics include static electric and magnetic phenomena. electric and magnetic potentials, motion of charged particles, dielectric and magnetic media, and fields in conductors. Prerequisite: PHY 2263/L263, MTH 2227.

PHY 4438 - Electromagnetic Fields (3)

Topics include electric and magnetic circuit elements. Maxwell's equations and boundary condition problems in one, two and three dimensions. Prerequisite: PHY 4435.

PHY 4440 - Dynamics of Particles & Systems (3)

Introduction to the dynamics of rigid body rotation, calculus of variations and minimization and the canonical formalism. Prerequisite: PHY 4420.

PHY 4445 - Quantum Mechanics I (3)

Introduction to the principles of quantum mechanics, one dimensional systems including the square well and the simple harmonic oscillator, uncertainty relations and multi-particle systems. Prerequisites: PHY 3310, MTH 2227 or PHY 3320.

PHY 4446 - Quantum Mechanics II (3)

Topics include quantum mechanics higher dimensional systems, angular momentum in quantum mechanics, spin, the Hydrogen atom, addition of angular momentum, WKB approximation, and perturbation theory. Prerequisite: PHY 4445.

PHY 4460 - Relativity I (3)

Topics include Lorentz transformation, inertial coordinates, causal Structure of Spacetime, equivalence principle, gravitational effects in SR, curved Spacetime, and introduction to black holes. Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

PHY 4475 - Particle Physics (3)

The basic building blocks of matter and their interactions will be developed emphasizing their relationship to symmetry groups. We will introduce the photon, basic quantum electrodynamics, and introduce Feynman rules for interacting theories. Prerequisite: PHY 4445.

PHY 4478 - Relativity II (3)

Topics include rotating black holes, Hawking radiation, cosmology, tensor calculus, and Einstein field equations. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

PHY 4483-85 - Seminar in Relativity (1)

Selected topics of interest within the field of relativity. Note: may be taken up to three times for credit.

PHY 4490 - Travel Study in Physics (1-3)

Supervised investigation of relevant topics in Physics through travel-study abroad or within the interior of the United States.

PHY 4491-92 - Guided Independent Research (1 to 4 credit hours)

A physics research project under the direction of a faculty member. The project must culminate in a written report with the results reported at a department seminar. Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of department chair. Also see index for 鈥淚ndependent Study and Research..鈥

PHY 4493-94 - Guided Independent Study (1 to 4 credit hours)

Independent study for advanced students under the direction of a faculty member. Prerequisite: Permission of department chair. Also see index for 鈥淚ndependent Study and Research..鈥

PHY 4495 - Topics in Physics (3)

Focus on a topic of timely nature and/or special interest. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

PHY 4498 - Internship in Physics (1-3)

Supervised work experience in the biotechnology industry, governmental agency, business, or other working environment in which a student will learn and apply pertinent professional skills.

PHY 4499 - Senior Seminar (2)

The main objective of this course is to complete a research project in physics. You will be bringing together many of the ideas presented to you in your physics classes. In addition, you will need to acquire skill in project definition, time management, project completion timeline and schedule, clear and concise writing, and project presentation. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

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