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Information Systems Courses (IS)

IS 2241 - Computer Concepts and Applications (3)

This course introduces productivity and social media applications in personal and professional development. Topics include the practical and ethical use of information technology and digital resources for improved organization, communication, and collaboration.

IS 3310 - Introduction to Information Systems & Data Analytics (3)

An introduction of information systems, their roles, and practical application in a digital business environment. Topics discussed include the fundamentals of modern business information systems for operational, strategic, and competitive decision-making is introduced and applied in real-world scenarios. Prerequisite: Lower-level Business Core.

IS 3315 - Advanced Applications for Accounting

A computer software applications course in which students use electronic spreadsheet software and other application software to design and implement solutions to common accounting problems and issues. Prerequisites: Lower-level Business Core.

IS 3320 - Data Communication & Networks (3)

This course introduces the theory and practical applications of current technologies in data communication and computer networks. Emphasis is placed on data communication principles, local and wide area networks and an understanding of the basic features, operations, and limitations of data communications and computer networks. Coverage includes wireless technologies, industry convergence, compression techniques, network security, LAN technologies, VoIP, and error detection and correction. Prerequisite: Lower-level Business Core.

IS 3346 - Database Management Systems I (3)

This course is an introduction to database management systems (DBMS) and design via conceptual, logical, and physical modeling techniques. The emphasis is on relational DBMS, including modeling organizational data, representation of data relationships, data definition and manipulation, database design and normalization concepts, database generation, and database administration. Prerequisites: Lower-level Business Core.

IS 3347 - Honors Database Management Systems (3)

This course is an introduction to database management systems (DBMS) and design via conceptual, logical, and physical modeling techniques. Emphasis is on relational DBMS, including modeling organizational data, representation of data relationships, data definition and manipulation, database design and normalization concepts, database generation, and database administration. This course is designed for Sorrell Global Scholars honors students. Prerequisites: Sorrell Global Scholars student or permission of Associate Dean; IS 2241.

IS 3350 - Business Programming (3)

The course introduces and develops programming fundamentals, including program structure, assignment, data types, input/output, control flow, functions, arrays, strings, object structures, list processing, and advanced I/O. Using an integrated development environment (IDE), students will use packages and libraries to develop object-oriented programs with a focus on data analysis and data visualization. Prerequisites: Lower-level Business Core.

IS 3351 - Honors Business Programming (3)

The course introduces and develops programming fundamentals, including program structure, assignment, data types, input/output, flow of control, functions, arrays, pointers, strings, object structures, list processing, and advanced I/O. Using an integrated development environment (IDE), students will use packages and libraries to develop object-oriented programs with a focus on data analysis and data visualization. This course is designed for Sorrell Global Scholars honors students. Prerequisites: Sorrell Global Scholars student or permission of Associate Dean; Grade of 鈥楥鈥 or higher in IS 2241 and MTH 1112.

IS 4446 - Honors Systems Analysis and Design (3)

This course discusses the processes, methods, techniques, and tools to develop information system. The course covers a systematic methodology to analyze business requirements, design information system solution, implement and test information system. This course is the capstone course for the concentration. This course follows a project-based approach that requires students to complete a software implementation project using a systems development lifecycle methodology. This course is designed for Sorrell Global Scholars honors students. Prerequisites: Sorrell Global Scholars student or permission of Associate Dean; Permission of DSS Department Chair.

IS 4447 - Systems Analysis and Design (3)

This course discusses the processes, methods, techniques, and tools to develop information systems. The course covers a systematic methodology to analyze business requirements, design information system solutions, implement and test information systems. This course is the capstone course for the concentration. This course follows a project-based approach that requires students to complete a software implementation project using a systems development lifecycle methodology. Prerequisites: Permission of the DSS Department Chair

IS 4451 - Information Security, Assurance and Compliance (3)

This course introduces information security awareness, governance, assurance, and compliance associated with essential network infrastructure. Emphasis is placed on understanding information systems security policy and technology countermeasures across network infrastructure access points including physical security, authentication, access control, encryption, and system management. Prerequisites: Lower-level Business Core.

IS 4460 - E-Commerce Design (3)

This course introduces the basic concepts and language of e-commerce. Coverage includes the planning and development of an e-commerce site, including such issues as security, customer service, payment, and marketing. The course is designed to teach students to explore and evaluate e-commerce technologies, sites, and issues. Prerequisite: Lower-level Business Core.

IS 4470 - Server-Side Web Development and Administration (3)

This course introduces server-side web application development and administration technologies. The course emphasizes on the ability to design and implement real-world web applications and server- related issues including security and scalability. Prerequisites: Lower-level Business Core.

IS 4475 - Internet Technology Development (3)

This course introduces web application development technologies in an Internet environment and the related scripting languages. The course emphasizes developing secure client-side web applications with HTML and JavaScript, and consuming web services. Prerequisites: Lower-level Business Core.

IS 4493-94 - Guided Independent Study (1 to 3 credit hours per course per semester)

Additional information is indexed under Independent Study and Research. Note: This course may not be substituted for any required course.

IS 4498 - Information Systems Internship (3)

The Information Systems Internship provides students with the opportunity to gain real-world insurance experience in their field of study. Students are interviewed and selected by the individual companies offering the internship. See the Chair of the Information Systems Division for details. Prerequisite: Student must have completed all four required IS courses with a 鈥淏鈥 average. Student must have Internship Proposal approved prior to registering for class.

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