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English Courses (ENG)

ENG 0096 - Fundamentals of Grammar and Sentence Writing (3)

Developmental/remedial instruction in the basic elements of standard American English grammar, with an introduction to the essentials of effective written communication. Involves application of appropriate computer software. Students are placed in this course, ENG 1100 or ENG 1101, depending on placement exam score; see the local campus testing center for specific cut-off scores. Students may also be required to attend weekly sessions at a writing and/or computer center. Note: Under no circumstance may this course be used to substitute for any general studies requirement; nor may it be used to meet minimum degree requirements. Grade of C or better and successful completion of exit exam required.

ENG 1100 - Preparatory English (3)

Developmental/remedial instruction in composition and mechanical skills needed to write clear, effective sentences and paragraphs. Involves application of appropriate computer software and a variety of written activities. Students are placed in this course, ENG 0096, or ENG 1101 depending on placement exam score; see the local campus testing center for specific cut-off scores. Students may also be required to attend weekly sessions at a writing and/or computer center. Note: Under no circumstances may this course substitute for any general studies requirement; nor may it be used to meet minimum degree requirements. Grade of C or better required.

ENG 1101 - Composition And Modern English I (3)

Intensive instruction in the writing process. Focuses on organization of ideas in well-developed expository and argumentative essays (usually six to eight essays), with stress on grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary development. A grade of C or better is required for credit. Must be completed within first 30 hours of enrollment. Prerequisite: Placement Testing.

ENG 1102 - Composition and Modern English II (3)

Text-based analyses and application of principles and tools of research in writing short research papers. A grade of C or better is required for credit. Must be taken within first 30 hours of enrollment. Prerequisite: ENG 1101 or equivalent.

ENG 1103 - Honors English Composition I (3)

Introductory study and practice of composition for the superior student. Prerequisite: Minimum English score of 27 on the ACT or 640 on the SAT, or recommendation by an 1101 instructor.

ENG 1104 - Honors English Composition II (3)

Continuation of study and practice of composition for the superior student. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in ENG 1103 or recommendation by a 1101 or 1102 instructor.

ENG 2205 - World Literature before 1660 (3)

Introduction to attitudes, philosophies, and reflections of life in world literary masterpieces from the ancient world, Middle Ages, and Renaissance. Requires demonstration of acceptable writing skills. Prerequisite: ENG 1102 or equivalent.

ENG 2206 - World Literature after 1660 (3)

Introduction to attitudes, philosophies, and reflections of life in world literary masterpieces from the Enlightenment to the present. Requires demonstration of acceptable writing skills. Prerequisite: ENG 1102 or equivalent.

ENG 2207 - Honors World Literature before 1660 (3)

A course for the superior student, focusing on representative selections of the world鈥檚 dramatic masterpieces in prose and poetry. Prerequisite: ENG 1104 or permission of department chair.

ENG 2208 - Honors World Literature after 1660 (3)

A course for the superior student, focusing on representative selections of the fictional masterpieces in Western literature. Prerequisite: ENG 1104 or permission of department chair.

ENG 2211 - American Literature before 1875 (3)

Study of works of selected writers in various American traditions and styles from colonial times to 1875. Prerequisite: ENG 1102 or equivalent.

ENG 2212 - American Literature after 1875 (3)

Study of works of selected writers in various American traditions and styles from 1875 to the present. Prerequisite: ENG 1102 or equivalent.

ENG 2244 - British Literature before 1785 (3)

A survey of British literature from its beginning to 1785. Prerequisite: ENG 1102 or equivalent.

ENG 2245 - British Literature after 1785 (3)

A survey of British literature from 1785 to the present. Prerequisite: ENG 1102 or equivalent.

ENG 2260 - Introduction to Technical and Professional Writing (3)

Technical communications for science, business, and professional work. Emphasis on writing for specific purposes to particular audiences in an organizational setting. Preparation of documents such as technical description of a mechanism or process, instructions, recommendations, reports, and resumes. Note: course is a prerequisite for all required 3300and 4400-level courses in the Professional Writing Emphasis. Students may take elective courses concurrently with this course.

ENG 3301 - Women's Literature (3)

Representative works of literature by women. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3305 - Folklore/Mythology (3)

A multicultural survey of the forms and varieties of the mythology and folklore of major western cultures, emphasizing stories of Scandinavian, German, British, and American origin, and the application of these forms in modern cultures and literature. This course is recommended for English teachers seeking middle school certification. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3310 - Fiction and Film (3)

Representation of fiction on film, with attention to visual techniques and the translation and representation of major literary themes. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3315 - Modern Drama (3)

Study of plays written between 1900 and the present. List of plays may vary with each offering. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3320 - Introduction to Linguistics (3)

Overview to linguistics, the scientific study of language. The course will acquaint students with the grammatical, social, biological, and technological applications of language. Prerequisites: ENG 1101, 1102.

ENG 3326 - Science Fiction (3)

An exploration of the literary, social, and generic importance of science fiction. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3330 - Introduction to Digital Humanities: A Literary Perspective (3)

This course offers students a basic introduction to the concepts, tools, and techniques of Digital Humanities (DH) geared toward applications in writing, literary and cultural studies. The course borders on the intersectionality of literature, in particular, and the humanities in general, with innovations in technology.

ENG 3333 - Health, Medicine and the Humanities: The Intersectionality of Health Literature (3)

This course focuses on a study of texts and films by, for, and about health care providers, medical practitioners and patients from various global cultures in order to investigate the intersectionality of the humanities, medicine and health as a whole. We will explore how literature and motion pictures interact with communicable, non-communicable diseases, mental illnesses and other public health concerns paying particular attention to how language is used by both healthcare providers and recipients across cultures. The goal is to sow that even though medicine and healthcare are within the sciences, at their very nucleus is the humanities.

ENG 3341 - Advanced Grammar I (3)

Detailed study of the structural system of English grammar. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3345 - Technical and Professional Editing (3)

Principles and practices of editing technical and scientific documents. Overview of the editing process; defining the editor鈥檚 rules and responsibilities, revising at structural and sentence levels, and addressing stylistic conventions of technical fields. Includes technical and scientific documents such as reports, proposals, and user manuals. Prerequisite: ENG 2260 or permission of instructor.

ENG 3351 - Introduction to Creative Writing I (3)

Practice in writing poetry, short stories, and/or plays, along with a concentrated study of the techniques and principles of creative writing in each genre. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3352 - Advanced Creative Writing I (3)

Continued practice in writing poetry, short stories, and/or plays, along with a more advanced study of the techniques and principles of creative writing in each genre. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses; ENG 3351 or permission of instructor.

ENG 3353 - Advanced Creative Writing II (3)

Practice in writing poetry, short fiction, or plays for class and instructor evaluation. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses; ENG 3351 or permission of instructor.

ENG 3354 - Advanced Nonfiction Writing (3)

The literature of fact. Emphasis on student writing and analysis of nonfiction forms, such as personal narrative, autobiography, lyric in prose, and New Journalism. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses; ENG 3351 or permission of instructor.

ENG 3355 - Verse Writing (3)

Development of techniques in the practice of poetry, including expression through metrical patterns, rhyme, rhythm, imagery, metaphor, and symbolism. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses; ENG 3351 or permission of instructor.

ENG 3356 - Form and Theory of Fiction (3)

Primarily a reading course for writers. Examination of the classic texts of literary theory; analysis of the use and purpose of the elements of fiction; and discussion of fiction form, from the short-short to hyper-text. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3357 - Form and Theory of Nonfiction Literature (3)

Examination of the theories behind various forms of nonfiction literature, whether autobiography, biography, the essay, diaries, and/or travel writing, with special emphasis on the historical evolution of a particular form. List of readings will vary with each course offering.Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3362 - The Arthurian Legend through the Ages (3)

Examination of Arthur not only in literary and historical works from its earliest traces in the Middle Ages to the present, but also in archaeology, the visual and decorative arts (especially painting and sculpture), manuscript decoration, film, musical, and opera. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3365 - Advanced Technical & Professional Writing (3)

Study of technical communication as a dynamic process in organizational and social environments, including the manner in which organizational hierarchies, purposes, and stylistic conventions interact with the writing process. Professional literature and professional associations concerned with improving communications within students鈥 disciplines. Prerequisite: ENG 2260 or permission of instructor.

ENG 3366 - Professional Document Design (3)

Overview of the fundamental concepts and techniques of information design and production for both print and online documents, including the coordination of text, typography, and graphics; principles of audience analysis, usability, and readability; and an introduction to computer software for desktop publication and web design. Prerequisite: ENG 2260 or permission of instructor.

ENG 3371 - Literature for Adolescents (3)

Principles of and practice in the selection of literature for upper-elementary and for junior and senior high school students, with attention given to multicultural literature. Note: No credit toward English major or minor. Credit applied only to middle school education certification program in English. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 3380 - Sociolinguistics: Language, Culture and Society (3)

The study of the relations of language to culture and society, inclusive of regional, social, and stylistic variation, as well as gendered discourse. The course will introduce students to the socio- cultural factors in language varieties.

ENG 3385 - Foundations of Second Language Acquisition (3)

Learning theory, acquisition barriers, various methodologies, communicative approaches and competence, and applied linguistics, including the practical issues of L2 learning.

ENG 4400 - Selected Topics in Literature and/or Professional Writing (3)

Study of a topic of special interest and importance not covered in regularly offered courses in English. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4401 - Chaucer (3)

Study of Chaucer鈥檚 major poetry. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4402 - Studies in Medieval Literature (3)

Study of non-Chaucerian British literature from the Middle Ages, including Beowulf, Piers Plowman, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, mystery plays, Le Morte d鈥橝rthur, and other works. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4403 - English Renaissance Literature (3)

English prose and poetry of the 16th and 17th centuries with an emphasis on Sidney, Spenser, Donne, and Jonson. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4404 - Milton (3)

Milton鈥檚 poetry and major prose. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4405 - History of the English Language (3)

Study of the development of English from the Anglo-Saxon period through the present, with reference to the Indo-European background of English. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4406 - Studies in British Literature Before 1660 (3)

Selections from Medieval and/or Renaissance British literatures, including classical, historical, and cultural background. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English course.

ENG 4407 - Fantasy Literature (3)

This course will introduce the student to a wide range of Fantasy literature from the Middle Ages to Modern times. This course will discuss allegory and other subgenres that use fantastic elements that alter reality as we know it in order to concentrate on a very real problem in the human condition, especially when no better way exists for an author to make the point. Prerequisites: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4410 - Studies in Eighteenth-Century British Literature (3)

Selections from Restoration and 18th-century British literature and its historical and cultural background. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4413 - Studies in Nineteenth-Century British Literature (3)

Study of Romantic and/or Victorian literatures. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000 level English courses.

ENG 4414 - British Novel Before 1900 (3)

Representative novels by British writers of the 18th and 19th centuries. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4415 - American Renaissance (3)

Selections from the major writers of the American literary renaissance, including such writers as Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, Whitman, and Dickinson. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4416 - Nineteenth-Century American Novel (3)

Study of representative American novels of the 19th century. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4417 - Modern Short Story (3)

Examination of 20th and 21st century short stories. List of stories may vary with each offering. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4418 - British Culture on Location (3)

An intensive presentation of British culture on-site in London, Oxford, and other important British locations.

ENG 4419 - Advanced Writing (3)

Provides students the opportunity to write, review, and evaluate texts relevant to the professions they plan to enter and to apply rhetorical analysis to specific writing situations. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4420 - Selected Topics in Creative Writing (3)

Study of a topic of special interest and importance not covered in regularly offered courses in creative writing. Prerequisites: Six semester hours of 2200-level English courses; ENG 3351 or permission of instructor. Note: may be taken for credit no more than two times.

ENG 4421 - English Novel (3)

Selected 18th, Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4425 - Modern Novel (3)

Study of representative novels written in English in the 20th and 21st centuries. Prerequisites: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4426 - Modern Poetry (3)

Study of 20th- and 21st-century poetry. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4427 - Contemporary American Literature (3)

Examination of representative American literature from the postmodern period (1960-present), with special emphasis on the diversity of themes, styles, and cultural contexts influencing the literary marketplace. Course readings may vary with each offering. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4428 - The Age of Johnson (3)

A study of the works of Samuel Johnson and of his most important contemporaries, from about 1745 to 1798. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses

ENG 4430 - Shakespeare I: The Tragedies (3)

Study of major and minor tragedies, with some attention to non-dramatic poetry. List of plays may vary with each offering. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4431 - Shakespeare II: The Comedies (3)

Study of comedies and romances. List of plays may vary with each offering. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4432 - Shakespeare III: The Histories (3)

Study of history plays, especially those concerning Wars of the Roses. List of plays may vary with each offering. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4433 - Literary Criticism (3)

Study of the major literary critics and their works from classical times to the present. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4434 - Romantic Period in English Literature (3)

Romantic prose and poetry with emphasis on the writings of Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Byron, Keats, and Shelley. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4435 - The Bible as Literature (3)

A detailed study of the literary components, composition techniques, and inclusion factors ins elected works from the New and Old Testaments. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2200-level ENG courses.

ENG 4436 - The Post-Cyberpunk, Post Colonial Science Fiction Novel (3)

This course will examine works published after the age of 鈥渉igh cyberpunk,鈥 roughly post-1988, to examine how ideas about what it means to be a nation-state, a citizen, and a human and how such stable identifiers may undergo radical change in response to ecological and/or technological pressures in strange futures, alternative presents, and pasts that might have been to look at the post-colonial, post-cyberpunk novel. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level courses.

ENG 4440 - Literature and Gender (3)

This course introduces students to the fluidity and constructed nature of gender in various genres of literature, both contemporary and classic. Students will read, discuss, and write critical about gender-related topics with a global perspective. Prerequisite: Six credit hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4443 - Southern Literature (3)

Study of works by writers from the American South from colonial times to the present. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4445 - Global Anglophone Literature (3)

Introduces students to a variety of literary masterpieces that explore global writings in English by authors who are not from Europe and North America. This course will explore issues concerning the nativization of English, exile and migration, and the postcolonial concept of the 鈥渆mpire writing back鈥 to its center. Prerequisites: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4452 - Medieval and Renaissance English Drama (3)

Survey of drama from the middle ages and Renaissance, excluding Shakespeare. Begins with brief study of folk and liturgical origins of drama, includes a few medieval mystery and morality plays, and features Renaissance plays by Heywood, Udall, Kyd, Marlowe, Beaumont, Fletcher, Jonson, and Webster. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4453 - English Drama through the 18th Century (3)

English drama (excluding Shakespeare) from the 9th through the 18th century. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4455 - Multicultural Literature (3)

A thematic study of minority American writers of various diasporic backgrounds. Works will include fiction and non-fiction by first/second generation immigrants in the United States including those of Native American People, in view of showing how they have contributed to the contemporary multicultural American landscape. Prerequisites: Six semester hours of 2200-level ENG courses.

ENG 4460 - Victorian Poetry (3)

A study of Victorian poetry, with emphasis upon the works of Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, and Hardy. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4461 - Victorian Prose (3)

A survey of the works of major Victorian prose writers, with emphasis upon the works of Carlyle, Newman, Mill, Ruskin, Arnold, and Pater. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4465 - African American Literature (3)

Study of the major African American writers from the beginning of American history to the present. Prerequisite: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4466 - Advanced Grammar II (3)

Advanced Grammar II: Descriptive constituent analysis of syntax in the context of generative grammar its relation to syntactic structures and to sentential meaning (semantics), including error/contrastive analysis, and to pragmatics and discourse analysis. Prerequisite: ENG 3341

ENG 4468 - Methods and Approaches in Second Language Teaching (3)

This course traces the evolution of language teaching from the methods era (e.g. grammar translation method, audio lingual method) to post-methods approaches (e.g., task-based learning, content-based learning, communicative approaches). Students will develop a repertoire of teaching approaches, and identify appropriate options for different language teaching scenarios.

ENG 4470 - Practicum and Assessments (3)

Overview of assessments and application of skills, concepts and principles in supervised experiences related to teaching ESL students. The Practicum is required for the TESOL Certificate. Prerequisite ENG 4468

ENG 4474 - Internship in English/Language Arts Education (9)

The Professional Internship Program is the culminating clinical field-based experience for students seeking certification in a teaching field. The Professional Internship Program provides the student with the opportunity to conduct classes and assume the role of a teacher while receiving supervision from a classroom teacher and a university supervisor for a period of one full semester. The student will demonstrate skills of the informed, reflective decision maker throughout the internship experience. Prerequisite: admission to TEP. Co-requisite: SED 4454.

ENG 4478 - Theory and Practice of Composition: Writing and Learning Across the Curriculum (3)

A study of the methodology of teaching English composition and practice in advanced writing Prerequisites: Six semester hours of 2000-level English courses.

ENG 4480 - Literary Theory (3)

This course examines the major schools of literary theory developed in the 20th century and beyond. Lectures and discussions explore theoretical perspectives on the recurrent questions: what is literature, how is it produced, how can it be understood, and what is its purpose? Readings in the course provide definitions and delineations grounded on linguistic, psychoanalytic, socio-economic, and historic utterances that distinguish literature from other epistemological and ontological texts. Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level courses.

ENG 4481 - Methods and Materials for the Secondary Teacher (3)

A survey of teaching methods and materials appropriate for teaching in the content areas for grades 6-12. Topics addressed will include teacher evaluation in the public schools, collaboration with special education teacher evaluation in the public schools, collaboration with special education teachers, and lesson planning formats. In addition, teaching methods, selections organization and use of English language arts materials for grades 6-12 will be covered in detail. A professional laboratory experience is included in this course. Prerequisite: admission to TEP.

ENG 4488 - Seminar in Professional Writing Portfolio Development (3)

Senior seminar and development of a professional portfolio containing carefully selected materials that demonstrate seniors鈥 mastery of specific writing capabilities and skills. Prerequisite: senior class standing, ENG 2260, and completion of at least three required courses and three electives in the major, or permission of instructor.

ENG 4489 - Internship (3)

Practical experience involving writing and editing skills while working under the supervision of the Alabama Literary Review staff. Prerequisite: ENG 3352, 3353 or permission of instructor.

ENG 4490 - Professional Writing Internship (3)

Writing Practicum/Internship at a local industry, publisher, arts or public agency. Provides workplace experiences in solving problems in writing, including those of career preparation and development. Prerequisite: ENG 2260, and completion of at least three required courses and three electives in the major, or permission of instructor.

ENG 4491-94 - Guided Independent Research and Study (3)

Thorough examination of material on a selected subject, requiring a documented research paper. Additional information indexed under 鈥淕uided Independent Research and Study.鈥 Prerequisite: six semester hours of 2000-level English courses. Note: Students who need regimentation of regular classroom to do good academic work should not attempt these courses. Also see index for 鈥淚ndependent Study and Research.鈥.

ENG 4495 - Senior Seminar in English (3)

A senior-level course capstone designed to engage the student with the central questions of literary studies and to develop the student鈥檚 skills in critical thinking and writing and in research. Must make a grade of C or better. Prerequisite: senior status.

ENG 4498-99 - Honors Research and Writing (1 credit hour per course per semester)

The above courses are designed for outstanding students majoring in English. Taken collectively, they constitute the English upper-level honors program in which students may specialize in a selected area of literary study. Upon successful completion of all course work and other requirements, the student will be recognized as a graduate with English honors. Prerequisite: junior or senior level, grade point average no less than 3.2 in English studies and completion of the English honors application procedure. Consult the department chair for additional information.

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