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Business Courses (BUS)

BUS 1101 - Introduction to Business (3)

Topics covered include management, the free enterprise system, accounting, finance, marketing, economics, international business and other business concepts and terminology. This course may not be taken for credit by business majors.

BUS 1110 - Orientation to Sorrell College of Business (1)

This course introduces students to the Sorrell College of Business by providing overviews of its degree programs, the GEEKS program, technology utilized in the College of Business, and other resources to ensure success throughout a student鈥檚 time in the college.

BUS 1120 - The Global Challenge (3)

The Global Challenge will help prepare superior students for thinking globally. This course is as much about how to study and think about global problems and relationships as it is a course about specific global issues. Superior Students will be required to participate in a service learning project during the semester. There will be several options available to students to travel or work locally on international projects.

BUS 1121 - Honors the Global Challenge (3)

The Global Challenge will help prepare superior students for thinking globally. This course is as much about how to study and think about global problems and relationships as it is a course about specific global issues. Superior Students will be required to participate in a service learning project during the semester. There will be several options available to students to travel or work locally on international projects. Prerequisites: SCOB Global Scholar and permission of the associate dean.

BUS 2220 - Business Writing (1)

Analysis and composition of business and personal communications including mechanics and content of letters and memoranda. In this course, students will learn techniques for clarifying purpose, understanding readers, and organizing ideas. Prerequisites: ENG 1102 or 1104 and BUS 1110

BUS 3310 - Intermediate Excel (1)

A computer application course in which business students use common business spreadsheet software to design and implement solutions to common business problems and issues. Prerequisite: Lower-level core.

BUS 3330 - Professional Development (1)

This course is designed to provide practical career development skills, build meaningful relationships and provide the student with instruction on general principles of oral communication in classroom and other professional situations, organization of information, and different types of oral presentations. Students will learn how to brand themselves using social media; acquire communication, social influence, and genuine networking skills; and develop an understanding of how to succeed in any workplace. Prerequisite: BUS 2220

BUS 3382 - Business Communication (3)

Analysis and composition of business and personal communications including mechanics and content of letters and memoranda. Prerequisite: ENG 1102 or 1104 and Lower-Level Business Core Classes.

BUS 4425 - Special Topics in Business (3)

Special topics in areas offered by the Sorrell College of Business. Prior credit and topic approval by the Associate Dean of Sorrell College of Business required. Prerequisite: Lower-level core.

BUS 4450 - Global Leadership Experience (3)

Global Leadership Experience is a course developed to help improve the understanding of global citizenship and provide an opportunity to use leadership skills to create a transformative experience for superior students. This class allows students to interact with and learn about new cultures. A ten-day trip which is the integral experiential learning part of this class. Prerequisite: Lower level core, junior standing, completion of at least 12 hours of the business core.

BUS 4451 - Honors Global Leadership Experience (3)

Global Leadership Experience is a course developed to help improve the understanding of global citizenship and provide an opportunity to use leadership skills to create a transformative experience for superior students. This class allows students to interact with and learn about new cultures. A ten-day trip which is the integral experiential learning part of this class. Prerequisite: Lower level core, junior standing, completion of at least 12 hours of the business core.

BUS 4474 - Business and Society (3)

This course focuses on the interrelationships between business organizations and the social, economic, political, and cultural environments in which business organizations function, both nationally and globally. Among other topics, the course will address business ethics, organizational culture and values, social responsibility, and relationships with government, education, and labor unions. This course will be a primary course in which business ethics, and the essential role that ethics must occupy in corporate life, both from national and international perspectives. Particular emphasis will be placed on the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, both nationally and internationally, as essential dimensions of business ethics. What it means to be a good corporate citizen will be a primary theme of this course. Prerequisite: BUS 3382 or BUS 3330 and Senior Standing

BUS 4476 - Strategic Management (3) (capstone)

Capstone course for business majors. Integrates knowledge, skills, and concepts acquired in all business courses taken. Requires students to analyze various corporations, determine threats and opportunities posed by the external environment as well as the firm鈥檚 strengths and weaknesses, formulate strategic plans for firms, and determine how these plans should be implemented. Prerequisites: senior standing; completion of or concurrent enrollment in remaining business core courses.

BUS 4480 - Business Seminar (3) (capstone)

The purpose of this course is to strengthen the student鈥檚 competencies in each of the major functional areas of business, including accounting, finance, global/international and business ethics issues. The course focuses on an application and understanding of business via case studies and experiential activities. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Co-requisite: Recommended that this course be taken concurrently with the BSBA capstone course, BUS 4476.

BUS 4493-94 - Guided Independent Study (1 to 3 credit hours per course per semester)

Additional information is indexed under Guided Independent Research and Study. Note: This course may not be substituted for any required course. Also see index for 鈥淚ndependent Study and Research.鈥

BUS 4499 - General Business Internship (3)

The General Business Internship provides students with the opportunity to gain real-world work experience in their field of study. Students gain practical, professional experience in conjunction with academic development under the supervision of both a faculty member and a supervisor within an organization. A written request must be submitted to the department chair at least two weeks in advance of the semester or term in which the study is to be undertaken. Note: This course may not be substituted for any required course. Students may earn no more than 6 hours of internship credit. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing, department chair approval.

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