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Rehabilitation Courses (RHB)

RHB 2280 - Rehabilitation Research I (3)

Introduction to statistical analysis concepts and principles necessary for understanding research reports and for the interpretation of data. Use of microcomputer statistical programs in the analysis of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate data including parametric and non-parametric analysis techniques. Topics include descriptive techniques, averages and measures of variation, tests of statistical significance, correlation and regression, and analysis of variance. Prerequisite: MTH 1110 or 1112 and IS 2241.

RHB 2281 - Rehabilitation Research II (3)

Introduction to research methodology and process with emphasis placed on the evaluation of practice. Understanding and using the journal research article as a tool for selecting appropriate intervention. Skills are built in using electronic data bases and information retrieval systems and integrated with writing skills necessary to critically evaluate the usefulness of research studies in practice application. Prerequisite: RHB 2280.

RHB 3320 - Human Behavior In the Social Environment II (3)

An examination of the social dynamics of discrimination and oppression and particularly, how discriminatory and oppressive environments have potential for negatively affecting bio psychosocial growth and development.

RHB 3330 - Introduction to Attachment Theory and Pathology in Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health (3)

This is an undergraduate level course and will provide a broad overview of Attachment theory from its origins to current research and understanding. Pathology versus wellness will be understood through the use of the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC:05) and other models of cultural and societal influences including policy, ethics and Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health trends. Additionally, reflective supervision/consultation models will be explored. Course readings and recordings are pulled from clinical and nonclinical infant/early childhood mental health and parent mental health sources.

RHB 3335 - Introduction to Infant/Early Childhood Neuroscience, Testing, and Assessment in Mental Health (3)

This is an undergraduate level course and will provide a broad overview of Neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology, which will be discussed and considered together with ethics, cultural and other specific influences. Additionally, various models of assessment will be examined, such as, biopsychosocial development and cultural formation of infants and their families through reflective lens of attachment, neurobiology, ethics, caser conceptualization, and other factors using clinical observations of infants, families, and relationships; informal and formal assessments. Course readings and recordings are pulled from clinical and nonclinical infant/early childhood mental health and parent mental health sources.

RHB 3340 - Social Policy and Planning (3)

Exploration of the social policy formulation process and the building of analysis skills in the evaluation of social policy and programs. The impact of political, economic, and social forces is a focal point, and the process of incrementalism in implementation is examined.

RHB 3345 - Foundations of Rehabilitation (3)

Review of historical, philosophical, and legislative development of the rehabilitation movement; focuses on current service delivery systems and trends.

RHB 3350 - Disability and Employment (3)

An orientation to the complex interaction between disability and employment along with the meaning and importance of work to the individual, family and community. Includes career development theories and strategies for integrating people with disabilities into meaningful careers.

RHB 3355 - Introduction to Developmental Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health (3)

This is an undergraduate level course and will provide a board overview of early human development for infants and their families. A basic understanding of influences that lead to mental health wellbeing and influences that can push development off track will be examined through the lens of attachment, neurobiology, and biopsychosocial factors. A clinical mental health and reflective perspective will be employed to inform understanding, case conceptualization, assessment and treatment of infants and their families. Course readings and recordings are pulled from clinical and nonclinical infant/early childhood mental health and parent mental health sources.

RHB 3360 - Vocational Assessment (3)

Processes, principles, and techniques used to diagnose vocational assets and liabilities of the individual. Emphasis upon the use of psychometric tests, work samples, and job samples.

RHB 3365 - Introduction to Visual Impairment (3)

This course will provide an understanding of the medical, psychological, social, educational, and vocational issues that professionals must understand in order to work effectively with persons who are visually impaired.

RHB 3375 - Diversity (3)

This course provides students with an understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity, Ethnic and gender sensitivity, as well as ageism, in social work practice with a variety of populations is highlighted.

RHB 3380 - Medical and Vocational Aspects of Disabilities (3)

Examines specific physical, psychiatric, and cognitive disabilities from medical, psychological, and vocational points of view. Covers a number of disabling conditions including etiology, characteristics, and implications for treatment and accommodation.

RHB 3385 - Rehabilitation of Persons with Severe Disabilities (3)

Course explores rehabilitation needs of persons with severe disabilities. Concepts, approaches, philosophy and ethical considerations related to independent living, supported employment, and advocacy efforts.

RHB 4405 - Juvenile Rehabilitation and Counseling (3)

Treatment modalities, diagnostic techniques, intervention systems, concurrent problems, and counseling techniques with adolescents. Emphasis is upon evaluation of services, i.e., vocational, self-concepts, academic, psychotherapy, peer relations, group counseling, family relations, and life skill development.

RHB 4410 - Rehabilitation Pre-practicum (1)

Preparation for RHB 4420. Prerequisites: RHB major with senior standing or permission of instructor.

RHB 4420 - Rehabilitation Practicum I (3)

Supervised experience in a rehabilitation setting with an emphasis on the diversity of human problems and the impact these problems have on people with disabilities. Includes a weekly seminar plus a minimum of 120 hours in a particular agency setting. Prerequisites: Rehabilitation major, RHB 4410. Practicum site must be approved by instructor during RHB 4410.

RHB 4430 - Rehabilitation Practicum II (3)

Supervised experience in a rehabilitation setting with an emphasis on the diversity of human problems and the impact these problems have on people with disabilities. Includes a weekly seminar plus a minimum of 120 hours in a particular agency setting. Prerequisites: Rehabilitation major, RHB 4410. Practicum site must be approved by instructor during RHB 4410.

RHB 4440 - Rehabilitation Practicum III (3)

Supervised experience in a rehabilitation setting with an emphasis on the diversity of human problems and the impact these problems have on people with disabilities. Includes a weekly seminar plus a minimum of 120 hours in a particular agency setting. Prerequisites: Rehabilitation major, RHB 4410. Practicum site must be approved by instructor during RHB 4410.

RHB 4450 - Senior Seminar (2)

The impact of recent changes in federal and state legislation and the role and function of professional organizations and their positions on current issues. Prerequisite: HS/RHB major with senior standing or permission of instructor.

RHB 9920 - Youth Leadership Forum Practicum (3)

The goal of the Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) is to develop a network of young adults with disabilities who realize their ability to pursue meaningful employment and societal contributions, while helping break down the barriers to independence for people with disabilities. Students taking RHB 9920 serve as group leaders for YLF participants and organize and carry out group activities and participant events. Requires Pre-YLF leadership training during the spring semester and a commitment to live on campus with the YLF participants for approximately a week.Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

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