Undergraduate Research | 麻豆网站列表


Undergraduate Research

Welcome to the Undergraduate Research Home Page!

Welcome to the Undergraduate Research Home Page! At this site is information about undergraduate research opportunities with TROY Biology faculty, as well as information about past and current undergraduate projects. If you have any questions, please email Dr. Landers, the coordinator of undergraduate research for the department.

Getting started in research

If you are interested in finding a research project, look at the individual faculty web pages to see their research interests by clicking here.

Contact that faculty member and discuss the possibility of working on a research project. Your project,  level of involvement and  commitment are agreed upon between you and the faculty member. The Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences has written a GUIDELINES FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH. Please read over this handbook for more information about research projects.

麻豆网站列表 Credit Research projects can be taken for credit or just for the experience. If you are interested in research credit, you will need to sign up for BIO 4491/4492. Students interested in research credit should have junior or senior standing at Troy University.    

Advantages of credits/signing up for credit

Your research will appear on your transcripts. You will have a more in-depth involvement in the project.

Disadvantages of signing up for credit

You will have to hand in a report and satisfy syllabus requirements. You will have to pay tuition for the credit.


Student Research Travel Grants

The Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at 麻豆网站列表 encourages students who are biology and environmental science majors to conduct undergraduate and graduate research with faculty members in the department.  The primary goal of the grants is to support student travel to give presentations resulting from their research at professional conferences.


Students pursuing B.S. or M.S. degrees in biology or environmental science at Troy University and who have conducted research resulting in abstracts accepted/published in official proceedings of scientific conferences are eligible to apply for a grant.  Applicants must be officially registered as students at 麻豆网站列表, and proposals must be submitted prior to professional conference dates.


A. Cover sheet
The cover sheet should include the following:  names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers of the student investigator(s) and their faculty advisors.

B. An official copy of the accepted/published abstract resulting from research conducted while pursuing a B. S. or M.S. degree at 麻豆网站列表 and a copy of the oral/poster presentation will be submitted.

C. Anticipated benefits to the student(s), faculty advisor(s), and 麻豆网站列表 by attending and presenting at the professional conference of interest will be summarized.

D. An itemized budget will be submitted.  

A detailed budget must be provided.  Budget items may include the following:  conference registration, mileage or air fare, lodging, meals, printing costs, and oral presentation preparation (not for purchase of computer hardware or software).  Proof of these costs (official receipts) will be submitted to the department after the conference is attended and the presentation has been made.  Funds will be provided on a reimbursement basis.

Proposals are reviewed by a 麻豆网站列表 Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences evaluation committee.  Proposals are submitted to Dr. Wayne Morris, Professor of Biology, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, MSCX 210F, 麻豆网站列表, Troy, AL  36082. 


Funding requests in amounts up to $750 per conference are allowed.  If multiple students are giving the same presentation, transportation and lodging will need to be shared and monetary requests reflecting this accordingly.


Recipients of grants must acknowledge the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences in any scientific articles as well as in any professional presentations resulting from the work supported. 


Guidelines for Undergraduate Student Research

Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
麻豆网站列表, Troy, AL 36082
Revised 2024

            The purpose of these guidelines is to help undergraduates doing research in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at 麻豆网站列表.


            What are the benefits of conducting research?  Deciding to complete a research project is potentially one of the most important decisions that a student can make.  

Gain valuable research skills and experience
Contribute knowledge to the field of biology
Attend meetings and conferences and potentially publish results
Possibly obtain scholarships or fellowships available to student researchers
路       Make a positive impression on graduate schools, medical schools, other professional schools, or future employers

路       Decide if a future career in a research-oriented field is appropriate



Once a student decides to participate in undergraduate (UG) research, the student must find a Faculty Supervisor. Students can investigate the areas of expertise and interests of the faculty in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences by looking at individual faculty web pages or the Department web page. Talk to the potential Faculty Supervisor to find out if undergraduate research is available with that person. Each faculty member and project will have different requirements for student GPA, prerequisite coursework, project length, and workload.  The Supervisor will decide whether a student is a match for a particular project based on student background, enthusiasm, and schedule.

            Once it is agreed that a student will participate in a particular project, the student and faculty member then decide if the student signs up for research credit (Guided Independent Research BIO 4491鈥4492 or Guided Independent Study BIO 4493鈥4494) or not.

There are advantages and disadvantages for enrolling in BIO 4491鈥4494.  The advantages are: 1) students will tend to have more involvement in the project if taking it for credit and 2) BIO 4491, 4492, 4493, and/or 4494 will count as upper-level BIO electives.  The disadvantages are 1) students have to pay tuition for the credits and 2) students will be committed to a more regular schedule and have to follow a syllabus of requirements (see Appendices for sample syllabi).  

If a student decides to take Guided Independent Research or Study, the student may take BIO 4491 or BIO 4493 for 1-3 hours credit each.  If the student wants to continue the project for credit after the first semester, they may sign up for the continuation course, (either BIO 4492 or BIO 4494) for 1-3 credit hours.  A maximum of 6 credits is allowed in BIO 4491-4494.  Alternatively, the student may choose to continue to participate in the research without receiving additional credit.  



Good research projects are well-planned and developed before data collection begins. At the beginning of your project, the student meets with the Faculty Supervisor to discuss many aspects of the project, which may include:

      1)  What is the question / hypothesis the research is addressing?     

路        What are the short term and long-term goals, and expected results?

路       What pertinent background reading or preliminary work should be conducted?

路       How does this project fit into the bigger picture?

            2) Methods

路       What specific methods will be used in the lab/field?

路       What background knowledge will you need?

路       What will your involvement be in this aspect of the project?

            3) Analysis of data

路       How will the data be recorded, analyzed,  and archived?

路       What will your involvement be in this aspect of the project?

            4) Timeline for project, weekly schedule.

路       How much work will this project involve?

路       How many hours per week?

路       How long will you be involved with this project?

            5) Safety

路       Read and sign a Departmental lab safety and/or field safety guidelines sheet before beginning.

路       Be aware of any chemical hazards involved with the project. Talk to your Faculty Supervisor about chemical hazards, read pertinent Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), and follow safety guidelines.

路       Talk to your Faculty Supervisor about personal safety issues, such as avoiding research at night and collections in unsafe locations.

路       Be aware of Departmental procedures for chemical storage, disposal, and any laboratory safety issues specific to a supervisor鈥檚 laboratory.

路       Talk to your supervisor about field safety (allergies, dangerous plants, animals, or locations)              

               6) Presentation of data

路       Will this research be presented at a scientific meeting?

路       Are there abstract deadlines that need to be followed?

路       Who will write and author publications from this research?

            7) Permission

路       Student and Faculty Supervisor should obtain appropriate licenses and collection permits

路       Project must be approved by the University鈥檚 Non-human Subjects Review Committee            

Once the student understands these fundamental principles of research, the project can be designed and research initiated.  Keep in mind that UG research is 鈥済uided鈥.  All phases of the project are supervised and approved by the Faculty Supervisor.




Ownership of research data and notebook  

All data collected in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences are the property of 麻豆网站列表 and are administered by the Faculty Supervisor.  All students must maintain a research log and/or other appropriate records of their research data (computer files, digital photographs, programs, specimens, etc.), as directed by the Faculty Supervisor. The Faculty Supervisor will provide a laboratory notebook and other data recording materials (e.g., tablet, computer, external storage, etc.).  The log serves as a research diary for recording daily activities, progress, and sometimes raw data.  The log and any other records of the research must always be kept in the laboratory or in an accessible location in the field. All original data and any specimens/products/files must be provided to the Faculty Supervisor before the student graduates and at the end of the project.  Data collected during a Troy University UG project may not be presented at any meeting, posted on the internet in any way, or published in any form before or after graduation without the prior consent of the Faculty Supervisor.


Publication and presentation of data

Data collected from UG research may be published by the Faculty Supervisor in abstracts, conference papers, journal articles, book chapters, reports, and other appropriate means for disseminating data.  Further, this data may be presented at conferences or used to support grant applications or any other use deemed appropriate by the Faculty Supervisor.  


Authorship for publications 

The Faculty Supervisor may include the student as an author on publications resulting from the work if the student contribution is, in the opinion of the Faculty Supervisor, sufficient to merit authorship.  Much time and effort is required by the Faculty Supervisor to effectively coordinate and oversee UG student involvement in a project. The Faculty Supervisor develops the research idea; provides instruction regarding techniques, methodologies, and approaches; oversees basic laboratory instruction; and writes or reviews the abstracts and papers resulting from the research.  Data obtained from an UG project can be presented or published as an independent project or combined with data from the Faculty Supervisor鈥檚 research or with data from other student projects.  The order of authorship is an important issue in academia.  Authorship issues need to be discussed candidly by the student and Faculty Supervisor at the beginning of the project. 


Collecting permits and licenses and University approval 

Research requiring collection of organisms, or environmental sampling, needs to be designed to have minimal impact on natural resources.  Appropriate Federal, State, or local (including University) permits and licenses for fieldwork and collections have to be obtained prior to data collection.  Permission should be obtained from landowners before collection on private property takes place. Additionally, permits may be needed for special locations (ex. state parks). If needed, the Faculty Supervisor can assist in obtaining these permits and licenses.

Many Federal, State, and Local agencies require licensing for research involving animal care, drugs, endangered species, and radioactive isotopes.  In addition, 麻豆网站列表 requires that the Non-human Subjects Review Committee approve all research projects. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in the loss of a license for the Department or the University.  Moreover, the violator may be subject to Federal, State, or Local penalties.  Students should check with the Faculty Supervisor to determine whether licenses are necessary.


Professional conduct and plagiarism  

Students and faculty are expected to conform to the codes of ethics and conduct established by professionals in their fields.  Intentional plagiarism involves copying the work of others and representing it as one's own.  Serious breaches of codes of conduct, such as data fabrication, plagiarism, unprofessional conduct, or a disregard for the need to obtain the appropriate licenses, may result in both disciplinary action and a failing grade in Guided Independent Research or Study.  If the student has questions about codes of ethics, professional conduct, or the proper citation of material, they should ask their Faculty Supervisor for clarification.


University reporting (for Faculty Supervisors):

1) Research involving vertebrate animals must be approved by the Animal Research Review Board

2) A course syllabus must be given to the student at the beginning of the term and must be on file in the Department office (for students taking research for credit. See Appendix I and II for sample formats).  

3) A work product must be submitted by the student if taking research for credit, as indicated in the syllabus. This product can be submitted in a variety of formats (printed copy of meeting presentation with summary report, written paper, data notebook with summary report, etc.) as determined by the Faculty Supervisor. Copies of this report must be on file in the Department office at the end of the course .

4) A Student work agreement may be used by the faculty member for research projects not enrolled for course credit (Appendix III).           



(Sample syllabus for Bio 4491鈥4492)

  BIO 4491 鈥 Guided Independent Research, Section XXXX, 1 Credit             Fall 2024 
Location: 201 MSCX                                                Time: Arranged 
Text: None, though student must read, follow, and understand the Guidelines for Undergraduate Research 
Course Instructor:  Dr. W.M. Axolotl   210A MSCX 670-3661 
Office Hours: Arranged 
Student: John Smith

Research project for John Smith: Morphological analysis of the trematode parasite Alloglossidium.

Course description, objectives: Undergraduate research with attention to critical evaluation of research techniques, methods, and procedures.  

Course learning objectives: Students will learn how to conduct research, record data, and produce a scientific presentation. 

Desired competencies: Students will develop independence in the laboratory regarding their research project and will learn how to write a scientific abstract.

Method of instruction: Individual instruction in the laboratory.

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, permission of guiding professor (Faculty Supervisor), approval of the Department Chair and Dean.  A written request must be submitted to the Department Chair at least two weeks in advance of the term that the research is to be undertaken.  GIR may be taken only in the applicant鈥檚 major or minor field.

Requirements:  Students must follow University regulations concerning eligibility.  Students are required to work on their research project for a minimum of 3 hours/week per credit hour.  At the end of the course the student must submit a project report/data report.


Important dates:
Aug 19 Last day for to WD w/o owing full tuition, drop w/o financial penalty
Aug 19 Last day to add a course
Sept 3rd Labor Day Holiday  
Oct 19 Last day to withdraw or drop  without academic penalty
Nov 12 Holiday
Nov 24-26 Thanksgiving Holiday

Dec. 1st- Due date for ASB abstracts



1) Attendance, work effort, performance, and adherence 

to lab/ field safety rules:                                                                                   50 pts 

(25 given before drop date, remaining 25 given at the end of the course)

2) Submission of an acceptable scientific abstract           (Due Dec 1st)                   50 pts

3) Submission of laboratory data and preparation of either an oral

(powerpoint) or poster presentation (preliminary or final, as instructed)     50 pts


Total                            150 points

Grading scale:           A > 90%, B > 80%, C > 70%, D > 60%, F < 59.9%.


Course policies:

1) Attendance. Attendance and participation is required.  Due to the nature of research, your hours may change to accommodate the research goals.  If you are habitually late or absent from announced lab work times, the instructor may assign you a grade of FA and reassign your project to another student. Exceptions will be made if you can provide a University approved excuse (note from physician, official university function, illness in immediate family) for your missed lab dates.

2) Attendance and work effort grade. Your instructor will provide you with a grade before the drop date.

3) Research paper/data report. Specific requirements are available from your Faculty Supervisor. Students are required to hand in a final work product.

4) 麻豆网站列表 supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which insure that postsecondary students with disabilities have equal access to all academic programs, physical access to all buildings, facilities and events, and are not discriminated against on the basis of disability. Eligible students, with appropriate documentation, will be provided equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic skills and potential through the provision of academic adaptations and reasonable accommodations. Further information, including appropriate contact information, can be found at the link for 麻豆网站列表鈥檚 Office of Human Resources at http://www.troy.edu/humanresources/ADAPolicy2003.htm.

5) Additional Services.  Students who have or may be dealing with a disability or learning difficulty should speak with the instructor, contact  the Adaptive Needs Program (102 Eldridge Hall), or call 670-3220. Various accommodations are available through the Adaptive Needs Program.
6) Lab/Field Safety.  Absolutely no eating, drinking or use of tobacco in the lab. All students must read, understand, and sign the Departmental lab safety rules and/or field safety rules handouts. Additional laboratory or field rules may be given to the student and must be followed.

7) Incompletes. Will be given only in special circumstances. See Bulletin for guidelines.

8) All students must read the current edition of 鈥淕uidelines for Undergraduate Student Research鈥 available from their Faculty Supervisor or from the Dept. Biol. Env. Sci., prior to beginning the course.

9) Cheating or professional misconduct: Will result in student dismissal from the class and possible University disciplinary action.

10) This syllabus is subject to change without notice.  Students will be informed of any changes at the earliest possible date.

 (Recent GIR syllabus)

  BIO 4492 - Guided Independent Research, Section XXXX, Spring 2022

Location:201 MSCX             Time: TBA

Student: John Smith

Instructor: Dr. Brian Helms

Dr. Helms will act as faculty supervisor for this project.  He will provide laboratory space and instruction and oversee research associated with this project.


Topic: Introduction and practical application of geometric morphometric techniques.



1.      To expose the student to a functional ecological question that involves use of geometric morphometrics

2.      To learn basic methods associated with geometric morphometric data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation.  


This experience will involve readings, short-term projects and a semester-long project focused on geometric morphometric (GMM) techniques.  The primary assignment will be to execute an original morphometric study and present this study as a written paper in manuscript format.  This is a continuation of Fall 2021 Independent Research 4491.     


Student will do focused background reading and literature searches related to GMM theory and techniques.  The student will gain a full range of experience working with various types of specimens for GMM analysis. Student will generate, analyze data, and produce a report of findings. Meetings between Dr. Helms and the student will occur regularly each week to discuss progress, questions, and problems.  


     Work Plan:

Background readings (week 1-12) 鈥 Chapters from Geometric Morphometrics

for Biologists: a Primer by Zeldith et al. (2004), as well as specific articles in the primary literature, will be assigned throughout the semester.  

Develop Question/Hypothesis (week 4) - Develop testable hypothesis

Laboratory (weeks 5-10) 鈥 Gather specimens, photograph and digitize.

Analysis (weeks 11-12) - Apply appropriate statistical methodology to analyze data, perform exploratory graphical analysis, data interpretation

Report (weeks 13-15)  - develop report in scientific format,  submit 1st draft for review, revise and submit final report 


Course Description: Supervised study through a combination of laboratory experiences, guided readings, creative endeavors


Desired competencies:  Student will develop independence in the laboratory and learn to write a scientific paper.


Method of Instruction:  Individual instruction in laboratory


Requirements:  The student is expected to work on the project at least 3 hours/week per credit hour (total of 42 hours over the semester). Student will produce a report on their findings using a standard scientific paper format (Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Literature Cited), which is due at the end of the semester. 



1.     Attendance, work effort, and adherence to lab rules: 50 pts

2.     Submission of acceptable abstract: 50 pts

3.     Submission of laboratory data and final report in journal format: 50 pts.

TOTAL 鈥 150 pts


Scale:  A > 89.9%, B > 79.9%, C > 69.9%, D > 59.9%, F < 59.9%



1.     Attendance and participation is expected.  Due to nature of research, hours may change to accommodate research goals.  If you are habitually absent from announced lab times, the instructor may assign a grade of FA and reassign your project to another student.  Exceptions can be made with a University-approved excuse.

2.     Instructor will provide a grade before the drop date.

3.     Scientific requirements for the research paper will be provided by the instructor.  Students are required to hand in a final report (an oral presentation at a recognized scientific meeting can substitute for this requirement).

4.     Disability Services provides assistance and accommodations to students with documented disabilities that may impede their academic progress. Services include notifying instructors about the specific accommodations to which the student is entitled. Disability Services will not alter the academic requirements of individual courses. Each student must provide recent documentation of his or her disability in order to participate.

5.     No eating, drinking, or tobacco use in the lab.  All students must read and sign the Departmental Lab Safety Rules and/or field safety rules handout.

6.     Incompletes will be given only under exceptional circumstances.  See Bulletin.

7.     All students must read the current edition of the 鈥淕uidelines for Undergraduate Research鈥 available from the Faculty Supervisor or Department prior to beginning the course.

8.     Cheating, gross misconduct, and falsifying data will result in dismissal from the class and possible disciplinary action.

9.     This syllabus is subject to change without notice, and students will be informed at the earliest possible date.





(Sample syllabus for Bio 4493-4494)

 BIO 4493 鈥 Guided Independent Study, Section XXXX, 1 Credit             Fall 2024
Location: 201 MSCX                                                Time: Arranged 
Text: None, though student must read, follow, and understand the Guidelines for Undergraduate Research 
Course Instructor:  Dr. W.M. Axolotl   210A MSCX 670-3661.  
Office Hours: Arranged 
Student: John Smith
Research project for John Smith: Morphological analysis of the trematode parasite Alloglossidium.

Course description, objectives:  Supervised study through internship, field or laboratory projects, guided readings, creative endeavors, or achievement in specific skills. 


Course learning objectives: Students will learn how to conduct research, record data, and produce a scientific presentation. 

Desired competencies: Students will develop independence in the laboratory regarding their research project and will learn how to write a scientific abstract.

Method of instruction: Individual instruction in the laboratory.

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing, permission of guiding professor (Faculty Supervisor), approval of the Department Chair and Dean.  A written request must be submitted to the Department Chair at least two weeks in advance of the term in which the study is to be undertaken.


Requirements:  Students must follow University regulations concerning eligibility.  Students are required to work on their research project for a minimum of 3 hours/week per credit hour.  At the end of the course the student must submit a project report/data report.


Important dates:
Aug 19 Last day for to WD w/o owing full tuition, drop w/o financial penalty
Aug 19 Last day to add a course
Sept 3rd Labor Day Holiday  
Oct 19 Last day to withdraw or drop  without academic  penalty
Nov 12 Holiday
Nov 24-26 Thanksgiving Holiday

Dec. 1st- Due date for ASB abstracts




1) Attendance, work effort, performance, and adherence 

to lab/ field safety rules:                                                                                   50 pts 

(25 given before drop date, remaining 25 given at the end of the course)

2) Submission of an acceptable scientific abstract           (Due Dec 1st)                   50 pts

3) Submission of laboratory data and preparation of either an oral

(powerpoint) or poster presentation (preliminary or final, as instructed)     50 pts

Total                                                                                                            150 points


Grading scale:           A > 90%, B > 80%, C > 70%, D > 60%, F < 59.9%.


Course policies:

1) Attendance. Attendance and participation is required.  Due to the nature of research, your hours may change to accommodate the research goals.  If you are habitually late or absent from announced lab work times, the instructor may assign you a grade of FA and reassign your project to another student. Exceptions will be made if you can provide a University approved excuse (note from physician, official university function, illness in immediate family) for your missed lab dates.
2) Attendance and work effort grade. Your instructor will provide you with a grade before the drop date.
3) Research paper/data report. Specific requirements are available from your Faculty Supervisor. Students are required to hand in a final written report.
4) 麻豆网站列表 supports Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which insure that postsecondary students with disabilities have equal access to all academic programs, physical access to all buildings, facilities and events, and are not discriminated against on the basis of disability. Eligible students, with appropriate documentation, will be provided equal opportunity to demonstrate their academic skills and potential through the provision of academic adaptations and reasonable accommodations. Further information, including appropriate contact information, can be found at the link for 麻豆网站列表鈥檚 Office of Human Resources at http://www.troy.edu/humanresources/ADAPolicy2003.htm.
5) Additional Services.  Students who have or may be dealing with a disability or learning difficulty should speak with the instructor, contact  the Adaptive Needs Program (102 Eldridge Hall), or call 670-3220. Various accommodations are available through the Adaptive Needs Program.
6) Lab/Field Safety.  Absolutely no eating, drinking or use of tobacco in the lab. All students must read, understand, and sign the Departmental lab safety rules and/or field safety rules handouts. Additional laboratory or field rules may be given to the student and must be followed.
7) Incompletes. Will be given only in special circumstances. See Bulletin for guidelines.
8) All students must read the current edition of 鈥淕uidelines for Undergraduate Student Research鈥 available from their Faculty Supervisor or from the Dept. Biol. Env. Sci., prior to beginning the course.
9) Cheating or professional misconduct: Will result in student dismissal from the class and possible University disciplinary action.
10) This syllabus is subject to change without notice.  Students will be informed of any changes at the earliest possible date.


(Optional work plan faculty may want to use).

Work Plan/Agreement                    Fall 2024
Student:  John Smith
Topic:  Morphological analysis of the trematode parasite Alloglossidium.
Supervisor:  Dr. Axolotl

Dr. Axolotl will act as Faculty Supervisor on this project.  He will provide laboratory space and instruction for this project and will oversee the research.

Objectives:  (1) To provide the student with research experience and training in data collection and presentation (2) to provide the student will experience in conducting literature search, and (3) to teach the student how to write a scientific abstract.
Nature of the problem:  The freshwater grass shrimp, Palaemonetes kadiakensis, harbors the renal parasite Alloglossidium renale.  It has been rarely reported and a new analysis of its prevalence and pathological effects will be a valuable scientific contribution. No data on the pathology of this infection is available and this host/parasite relationship will be investigated through histochemical staining of paraffin sections.


Work Plan:
Part 1 (Fall 2024) 鈥 Review of the literature of Alloglossidium infections.  Dr. Axolotl will collect the shrimp locally.  John Smith will fix and stain trematodes collected from shrimp, and make paraffin sections of tissue. Material collected prior to Fall 2024 will be available for analysis also. Data from whole mount stained worms and sectioned worms will be used to study species characteristics and pathological effects on the host.

Part 2 (Spring 2025) 鈥 Attend the Spring 2025 ASB meeting and present research.  The presentation can be either a powerpoint talk or a poster presentation, as approved by Dr. Axolotl. Costs for the meeting will be the responsibility of the student (travel to the meeting may be provided by TU). The student should budget for hotel and food for 4 days in addition to registration for the meeting. Student registration was $XX last year and student membership to ASB was $XX.

Work Effort: The student researcher agrees to a weekly effort of 3 hrs/week.  Holidays and final exam periods will not be counted.


The parties involved agree to the Work Plan outlined above as indicated by the signatures below.  Additionally, the student certifies that they have received and will follow the rules outlined in the current edition of the Guidelines for Undergraduate Student Research.  


John Smith________________________________________  Date  ______________


W.M. Axolotl, Ph.D. _________________________________Date  _____________




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