Biological Environmental Sciences Publications | Â鶹ÍøÕ¾Áбí



Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications Publications (Refereed journal articles, book chapters, and books) 

Names of faculty members are printed in bold. The list includes only those papers published while faculty members worked at Troy University. Listed alphabetically by year.



Alstrom, P., Mohammadi, Z., Enbody, E. D., Irestedt, M., Engelbrecht, D., Crochet, P., Guillaumet, A., Rancilhac, L., Tieleman, I., Olsson, U., Donald, P. F., Stervander, M. 2023. Systematics of the avian family Alaudidae using multilocus and genomic data. Avian Research 14, 100095. 

Boesch, D.F., Cebrian, J., Fonseca, V.F., Landers, S.C., Marshall, N.J. 2023.  Editorial: Vulnerability and resilience of marine ecosystems affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Front. Mar. Sci. Vol. 10-2023.

Brannock, P.M., Demopoulos, A.M.J., Landers, S.C., Waits, D.S., Halanych, K.M. 2023. Metabarcoding analysis of meiobenthic biodiversity along the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf.  Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Sci

Cho, J.L., Liu, S., Wang, P., Park, J.W., D. Choi, D., R. E. Evans, R.E. 2023 Silver Nanoparticles Induced with Aqueous Black Carpenter Ant Extract Selectively Inhibit the Growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Biotechnol Lett, . 

Diamond, A. R. 2023. New combinations in Asarum (Aristolochiaceae) for two recently described Hexastylis species. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 17(2): 427-429.

Fogelman, KJ, Boyd, K.B., Abdelrahman, H.A., Figiel, C.R., Stoeckel, J.A. 2023. Thermal Tolerance of the Piedmont Blue Burrower Cambarus harti and Sympatric Native and Invasive Crayfish Species of the Southeastern United States. Freshwater Crayfish 28(1): 37-44.

Fogelman, K., Stoeckel, J., Miller, J., Helms, B. 2023. Feeding ecology of three freshwater mussel species (Family: Unionidae) in a North American lentic system. Hydrobiologia, 850, 385-397.

Giurgiu, M, Kaltenbach, R., Ahrend, F., Weeks, S., Clifton, H., Bouldo, M., Voloshin, V., Zhong, Z., Harden, S., Kofman, A. 2023. Multiple Genetic Polymorphisms within microRNA Targets and Homologous microRNA-Binding Sites: Two More Factors Influencing microRNA-Mediated Regulation of Gene Expression. In: Abdelmoula Nouha Bouayed and Abdelmoula Balkiss (eds.), Advances in Genetic Polymorphisms (IntechOpen: Rijeka).

González-Casarrubios, A., Cepeda, D., Pardos, F., Neuhaus, B., Yamasaki, H., Herranz, M., Grzelak, K., Maiorova, A., Adrianov, A., Dal Zotto, M., Di Domenico, M., Landers, S.C., Sánchez, N. 2023. Towards a standardisation of morphological measurements in the phylum Kinorhyncha. Zoologischer Anzeiger. 302: 217-223. 

Hopper, G.W., Bucholz, J.R., DuBose, T.P., Fogelman, K.J., Keogh, S.M., Kubala, M.E., Lodato, M.B., Nichols, D.H., Gonzalez, I.S., Pfeiffer, J.M., Stoeckel, J.A., Lozier, J.D., Atkinson, C.L. 2023. A trait dataset for freshwater mussels of the United States of America. Scientific Data 10, 745.

Kaltenbach, R., Weeks, S., Patel, R., Harden, S.B., Kofman, A. 2023. An Excel Macro Code to Retrieve and Analyze the Homologous microRNA-Binding Sites from the TargetScan Database. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 50(3)-2023: 41757-41758.

Smith, C. M., Chicas-Mosier, A. M. Fadamiro, H. Y., Appel, A. G. 2023. Potential of the oothecal parasitoid Aprostocetus hagenowii (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) as a biological control agent for the Turkestan cockroach Blatta lateralis (Blattodea: Blattidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 116(4): 1128-1136.

Varnum, T., Pool, C., Ahrend, F., Weeks, S.S., Biswas, A., Benjamin, D., Holloway, T., Mason, J., Miller, N., Chapani, M., Calderon, B., Bouldo, M., Kaltenbach, R., Ding, K., Walter Bel, W., Boyd, C.A., Ma, L., Zhong, J., Finch, A., Harden, S.B., Kofman, A.V. 2023. An Excel Macro Code for the Analysis of the Density and Distance between the Homologous microRNA-Binding Sites. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 53(3)- 2023: 44482-44483.

Wang, C., Yap, Z., Wan, P., Chen, K., Folk, R. A., Damrel, D. Z., Barger, W., Diamond, A. R., Horn, C., Landry, G. P., Samarakoon, T., Harvey, S., Morgan, D. R., Qiu, Y., Li, P. 2023. Molecular phylogeography and historical demography of a widespread herbaceous species from eastern North America, Podophyllum peltatum (Berberidaceae). American Journal of Botany e16254. .

Woods, M.  2023. Apios.  In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds, 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico.  22+ vols. New York and Oxford. Vol. 11, part 1, pp. 378-380.

Woods, M.  2023. Rhynchosia.  In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds, 1993+.

 Flora of North America North of Mexico.  22+ vols. New York and Oxford. Vol. 1, part 1, pp. 382-389.



Cepeda, D., Sánchez, N, Sørensen, M.V., Landers, S.C. 2022. Leiocanthus quinquenudus sp. nov. and L. satanicus sp. nov, two new species of pycnophyid Kinorhyncha (Allomalorhagida: Pycnophyidae) from the Gulf of Mexico. Zootaxa 5093: 315- 336.

Clifton, H., Giurgiu, M., Stephens, S., Kaltenbach, R., Davis, E., Raval, J., ChandThakuri, S., Helms, B., Drozhenko, V., Ding, K., Milanovich, S., Savinov, A., Voloshin, V., Zhong, J., Kofman, A. 2022. The Abundance of Homologous MicroRNA-Binding Sites in the Human c-MET mRNA 3’ UTR.  Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 42: 33543-33549.

Fogelman, K., Stoeckel. J., Abdelrahman, H., Helms, B. 2022.  The relative importance of suspended versus benthic food resources to freshwater mussels in central Texas, U.S.A.  Freshwater Biology 67(6) https:// 10.1111/fwb.13901

Fogelman, K.J., Stoeckel, J.A., Miller, J.M., Helms, B.S. 2022.  Feeding ecology of three freshwater mussel species (Family: Unionidae) in a North American lentic system.  Hydrobiologia.

Frischer, M.E., Landers, S.C., Walker, A.N., Powell, S.A., Lee, R.F. 2022. Black gill in marine decapod crustaceans- A review. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 2022: 1-22.

Guillaumet A., Russell, I.J. 2022. 
Bird Communities in a Changing World: The Role of Interspecific Competition. Diversity 14:857.

Kennedy, M.C., Sørensen, M.V., Landers, S.C. 2022.  Echinoderes zacharyi, sp. nov., a new kinorhynch in the E. coulli species group (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida) from the Gulf of Mexico. Zoologischer Anzeiger 301: 91-99.  

Landers, S.C., Hoffman, K. P., Sánchez, N., Sørensen, M.V. 2022. Kinorhynch diversity in the southern Gulf of Mexico and a description of Dracoderes chaac sp. nov.  Gulf and Caribbean Research 33: 1-13.

Miller, J.M., Gibson, K.J., Stoeckel, J., Helms, B., Stewart, P.M. 2022.  A two-year study of the reproductive biology of the Sly Crayfish, Procambarus versutus (Hagen, 1870) (Decapoda: Astacidea: Cambaridae).  Journal of Crustacean Biology 42(1): ruab075.

Park, J-W., Crowley, D.E. 2022. Phytochemical effects of Apium graveolens on the abundances of functional genes associated with PAH degradation in soil.  Bioremediation Journal



Al-Maliky, T., Al-Maliky, M. J., Al-Maliky, G. M. J., Boyd, C. A.  2021.  Effects of prebiotic and molasses on water quality, growth and survival, Metapenaeus affinis and Macrobracum nipponense in vitro, without changing water or adding pellets.  Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries Vol. 25: 767 – 783.  ISSN 1110-6131 

Bickley, S., Helms, B., Isenberg, D. J., Feminella, J., Roberts, B., Griffiths, N. 2021. Lack of long-term effect of coarse woody debris dam restoration on ecosystem function and water quality in Coastal Plain streams. Journal of Freshwater Science 40

ChandThakuri S., Park I., Park, J.W. 2021. Molecular Detection of Waterborne Campylobacter in Bon Secour Bay, Front. Sci. Technol. Eng. Math. 5: 30-31.

Diamond, A. R., Keener, B.R. 2021. Three Non-Native Vascular Plant Species New to the Flora of Alabama. Castanea 86: 273-277.

Dutta, S., Biber, P, Boyd, C. A.  2021.  Nearshore Sediment Comparisons among Natural, Living, and Armored Shorelines in Mobile Bay, Alabama.  Southeastern Naturalist 20: 135-151.

Guillaumet, A., Gong, Y., Wang, H.-T. 2021. Distribution and habitat use of reed warblers and grass warblers in North-East China. Journal of Asian Ornithology 37: 34–43. 

Harper, C.O., Diamond, A.R. 2021. New County Records for Solanum pseudocapsicum (Solanaceae) in Alabama. Castanea 86: 112–116.

Hoffman, K.P., Sánchez, N., Sørensen, M.V., Ingels, J., Landers, S.C. 2021. Kinorhynch communities of Mobile Bay and the Alabama Continental Shelf.  Cahiers de Biologie Marine 62:

Stoeckel, J., Szoka, M., Abdelrahman, H., Davis, J., Blersch, D., Helms, B. 2021. Crayfish chimneys function as burrow ventilation structures. Journal of Crustacean Biology 41.


Bassham, R.D., Browning, J.S., Landers, S.C. 2020. The complete life cycle of the unusual apostome Hyalophysa clampi (Ciliophora, Apostomatida), a symbiont of crayfish in Alabama (USA). European Journal of Protistology 72: 125654   

Clay, M., P.M. Brannock, M. Barbour, J. Feminella, S. Santos, and B. Helms.  2020.  Strong population structure and differentiation with and among burrowing bog crayfish species in southern Alabama wetlands.  Wetlands 40: 1595-1606.  

Collins, J.L., Kofman, A. 2020 Conservation of Human and Mouse Natural Cytotoxic (NC) Cell and Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNFï¡) Mediated Lysis.  Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 2020. 22: 16645-16649.

Colvin, S.R., Helms, B., DeVries, D.R., Feminella, J.  2020.  Environmental and fish assemblage contrasts in blackwater and clearwater streams.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149: 335-349.  

Diamond, A. R. 2020. A checklist of the vascular plants of Butler County, Alabama. Castanea 85: 65-92.

Diamond, A. R. 2020. Vascular Plant Species New to the Flora of Alabama. Castanea 85: 139-145.

Diamond, A. R. 2020. Noteworthy Collections of Four Non-native Vascular Plant Species New to the Flora of Alabama and One Species Rediscovered After 125 Years. Castanea 85: 319-326.

Landers, S.C., Bassham, R.D., Miller, J.M., Ingels, J., Sánchez,N., Sørensen, M.V. 2020. Kinorhynch communities from Alabama coastal waters. Marine Biology Research 16: 494-504.  

Landers, S.C., Lee, R.F., Walters, T.L., Walker, A.N., Powell, S.A., Patel, M.K., Frischer, M.E.  2020. Hyalophysa lynni n. sp. (Ciliophora, Apostomatida), a new pathogenic ciliate and causative agent of shrimp black gill in penaeid shrimp.  European Journal of Protistology 73: 125673 

Landers, S.C. 2020. Ciliophora. In: Schmidt-Rhaesa, A. (ed.): Guide to the identification of marine meiofauna. Pfeil-Verlag, Munich. pp 24-32. ISBN: 978-3-89937-244-1  

Park, D., Bista, N., ChandThakuri, S., Anushka, K.C., Park, J.W. 2020. Waterborne pathogenic bacteria in Mobile and Bon Secour Bays. Front. Sci. Technol. Eng. Math. 4:37-38. 

Theise N.D., Zanchi, A., Reidy, J., Feldman, H.J., Qualter, J., Gouw, A.S., Osbeck, J., Kofman, A., Balabaud, C., Bioulac-Sage, P., Tiniakos, D.G. 2020  Innervation of the proximal human biliary tree.  Virchows Arch. 477:385-392.


Guillaumet, A., Paxton, E.H.  2019. Evaluating community-level response to management actions across a diverse Hawaiian forest bird community.  Ecological Applications 29: e01953

Jones, J.D., Sinder, B.P., Paige, D., Soki, F.N., Koh, A.J., Thiele, S., . . . McCauley, L.K. 2019. Trabectedin Reduces Skeletal Prostate Cancer Tumor Size in Association with Effects on M2 Macrophages and Efferocytosis. Neoplasia. 21: 172-184.

Kumar, N.P., Harshakumar, A., Dey, N., Clifton, H., Pouncy, B., Whiten, G., Sharma, A., Patel, N., Tyler, N., Bajgain, Y., Pratikshya, J., Felts, B., Collier, L., Miller, C., Andersen, E., Andrews, B., Sebastian, C., Nichols, A., Rogers, B., Rugg, M., Shrestha, L., Smith, S., Wolford, J., Catalano, M., Patrick, T., Husher, S., Kashlev, M., Jones, J., Milanovich, S., Savinov, A., Voloshin, V., Kofman, A.V., Zhong, J. 2019. NEIL (Nucleotide Expression, Inspiration, and Logic) – a new computational approach to the analysis of microRNA-related nucleotide variations.   Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 21: 5491-15493.

Landers, S.C., Sørensen, M.V., Sánchez, N., Beaton, K.R., Miller, J.M., Ingels, J. 2019.  Kinorhynch communities on the Louisiana continental shelf. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 132: 1-14.

Lee, R.F., Walker, A.N., Landers, S.C., Walters, T.L., Powell, S.A., Frischer, M.E. 2019.  Black spot gill syndrome in the Northern Shrimp, Pandalus borealis, due to the parasitic ciliate Synophrya sp.  J. Invert. Pathol. 161: 40-46.

Li Y.X., Xu D.F., Guan Y.D., Yu K.W., Wang W.H. 2019. Phosphorus sorption capacity of biochars from different waste woods and bamboo. International Journal of Phytoremediation 21: 145-151. 

Park, D., Pushpa S., J.W. Park J.W. 2019. Oil Spill and a Fate of Food-poisoning Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Marine Sediments, Front. Sci. Technol. Eng. Math. 3:26-27. 

Sánchez, N., Sørensen, M.V., Landers, S.C. 2019. Pycnophyidae (Kinorhyncha: Allomalorhagida) from the Gulf of Mexico: Fujuriphyes viserioni sp. nov. and a redescription of Leiocanthus langi (Higgins, 1964), with notes on its intraspecific variation. Marine Biodiversity 49: 1857-1875. 

Sørensen, M.V., Thistle, D., Landers, S.C. 2019. North American Condyloderes (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida: Kentrorhagata): female dimorphism suggests moulting among adult Condyloderes.  Zoologischer Anzeiger 282: 232-251 

Thi Van Le H., Yu K.W. 2019. Long-term effect of crude oil and dispersant on denitrification and organic matter mineralization in a salt marsh sediment, Chemosphere 220: 582-589. 

Tran, M., Yu, K., Park, J.W. 2019. Tar-filled Shells and Tar Balls on the Alabama Gulf Coast Host Distinctive Bacterial Communities, BIOS 90:122-127. 

Whelan, N., Galaska, M., Sipley, B., Weber, J., Johnson P., Halanych, K., Helms, B. 2019.  Riverscape genetic variation, migration patterns, and morphological variation of the threatened Round Rocksnail, Leptoxis ampla.  Molecular Ecology 28: 1593-1610.  

Xu D.F., Cao J.M., Li Y.X., Howard A, Yu K.W. 2019. Effect of pyrolysis temperature on characteristics of biochars derived from different feedstocks: A case study on ammonium adsorption capacity, Waste Management 87: 652-660.

Zhong, J., Clifton, H., Kofman, A. 2019. Nucleotide Variations in microRNA-Binding Sites: The Need of Novel Tools for the Nucleic Acid Alignment.  Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 15: 1574-11575.


Al Jawasim, M., P. Bhattacharya, J. W. Park , Crude Oil and Dispersant Effects on Bacterial Community in the Gulf of Mexico. Front. Sci. Technol. Eng. Math. 2:25 - 26. (2018).
Byrd , T . C. and A. R. Diamond. 2018. New vascular plant records for Alabama. Phytoneuron 2018 - 5: 1 - 5 Published 26 February 2018.

Beaton, K.R., Sharma, J., Jones, C.M., Miller, J.M., Stewart, P.M., Landers, S.C. 2018.  Nematode assemblages in the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf collected during a two-year survey.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.  502: 71-80.

Bhattacharya, P., Landers, S.C., Park, J. W. 2018. Bacterial communities on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf are influenced by sediment characteristics affected by the Mississippi River. Gulf of Mexico Science 34:63-72.  

Bhattacharya, P., Park, J.W. 2018. The Effect of Corexit® 9500A Concentrations on the Bacterial Community in Coastal Sediments. Front. Sci. Technol. Eng. Math. 2:105-115. 

Collins, J.L., van Knippenberg, B., Ding, K., Kofman, A.V. 2018. Time-lapse microscopy. Pp. 45-73. In:  Cell Culture.  IntechOpen, London, UK, ISBN 978-953-51-6440-1.

Dosch, J., Hadley, E., Wiese, C., Soderberg, M., Houwman, T., Ding, K., Kharazova, A., Collins, J.L., van Knippenberg, B., Gregory, C., Kofman, A.  2018.   Time-lapse microscopic observation of non-dividing cells in cultured human osteosarcoma MG-63 cell line.  Cell Cycle. 17:174-181.

Gibson, K.J., Miller, J.M., Johnson, P.D., Stewart, P.M., 2018.  Acute toxicity of Chloride, Potassium, Nickel, and Zinc to federally threatened and petitioned mollusk species.  Southeastern Naturalist 17: 239-256. 

Helms, B.S., Bickford, N., Tubbs, N., Feminella, J. 2018. Feeding, growth, and trophic position of redbreast sunfish (Lepomis auritus) in watersheds of differing land cover in the lower Piedmont, USA. Urban Ecosystems 21: 107-117.

Johnson, Z.I., Jones, J.D., Mukherjee, A., Ren, D., Feghali-Bostwick, C., Conley, Y.P., Yates, C.C. 2018. Novel classification for global gene signature model for predicting severity of systemic sclerosis. PLoS One. 13(6), e0199314.

Jones, K.M., Karanam, B., Jones-Triche, J., Sandey, M., Henderson, H.J., Samant, R.S., . . . Bedi, D. 2018. Phage Ligands for Identification of Mesenchymal-Like Breast Cancer Cells and Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts. Front. Oncol. 8; 625.

Landers, S. C., Sørensen, M.V. 2018.  Echinoderes sylviae n. sp. (Kinorhyncha, Cyclorhagida), from the Gulf of Mexico, with comparative notes on a similar species Echinoderes spinifurca.  Bulletin of Marine Science 94: 1499-1514. 

Landers, S.C., Sørensen, M.V., Beaton, K.R., Jones, C.M., Miller, J.M., Stewart, P.M. 2018.  Kinorhynch assemblages in the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf collected during a two-year survey.  J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 502: 81-90. 

Mukherjee, A., Hollern, D.P., Williams, O.G., Rayburn, T.S., Byrd, W.A., Yates, C., Jones, J.D. 2018. A Review of FOXI3 Regulation of Development and Possible Roles in Cancer Progression and Metastasis. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 6: 69.

Roca, H., Jones, J.D., Purica, M.C., Weidner, S., Koh, A.J., Kuo, R., . . . McCauley, L.K. 2018. Apoptosis- induced CXCL5 accelerates inflammation and growth of prostate tumor metastases in bone. J. Clin. Invest. 128: 248-266.

Smith, C.M., Diamond, A.R., Ray, C.H. 2018. Comparison of Spider (Arachnida: Araneae) Diversity from Adjacent Mesic and Xeric Habitats Within the Pocosin Nature Preserve, Pike County, Alabama. Southeastern Naturalist 17:32-42.

Sørensen, M.V. and Landers, S.C.  2018.  New species of Semnoderidae (Kinorhyncha: Cyclorhagida: Kentrorhagata) from the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biodiversity 48: 327-355.  

Tao R., Olivera-Irazabal M., Yu, K.W. 2018. Effect of temperature and dispersant (COREXIT® EC 9500A) on aerobic biodegradation of benzene in a coastal salt marsh sediment. Chemosphere 204: 22-27. 

Weakley, A.S., Poindexter, D.B., LeBlond, R.J., Sorrie, B.A., Bridges, E.L., Orzell, S.L., Franck, A.R., Schori, M., Keener, B.R., Diamond, A.R., Floden, A.J., Noyes, R.D. 2018. New combinations, rank changes, and nomenclatural and taxonomic comments in the Vascular Flora of the Southeastern Unites States, III. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 12: 27-67.



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