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400 - Students


STUDENTS 401-438

401 - Student Defined
For the purpose of these policies, 鈥渟tudent鈥 means any person who has been enrolled in and is attending, or has attended any course offered by 麻豆网站列表. It does not include prospective students.
402 - Student In-State and Out-of-State Status
Given financial implications of students' residency classification, it is important to define in-state and out-of-state residency. Students are designated as having in-state or out-of-state status based on a series of factors established, maintained and updated by the 麻豆网站列表, office of admissions. These include place of legal residence, whether a graduate of a state accredited high school or equivalency. The 麻豆网站列表 Office of Admissions, through its campus locations, is the final determiner of student residency status.
403 - Student Honor Code

Academic honor, trust, and integrity are fundamental to 麻豆网站列表.

These qualities contribute directly to a student's education and reach far beyond the campus to an overall standing within the community. The following Honor Code was proposed by the SGA (麻豆网站列表Campus), approved by the Student Body and was implemented by the 麻豆网站列表 Board of Trustees. The Honor Code reads:

鈥淚, (麻豆网站列表 Student), will be honest in all of my academic work and strive to maintain academic integrity.鈥


A Student is Subject to Disciplinary Action if:

In connection with a student's admission, readmission, enrollment, or status in the university:A student gives false information to the university concerning any matter which may properly be considered in that connection; or

A student knowingly withholds from the University any information requested by the University.

In connection with the taking of, or in contemplation of the taking of any examination by any person:A student knowingly discovers or attempts to discover the contents of an examination before the contents are revealed by the instructor;

A student obtains, uses, attempts to obtain or use, or supplies or attempts to supply to any person, any unauthorized material or device;
A student uses, attempts to use, or supplies or attempts to supply to any person any material or device dishonestly.

Where the work affects or might affect a student's grade, credit, or status in the university, a student represents to be his or her own any work that is not the product of his or her own study and efforts (known as plagiarism).


Penalties for Misconduct

Any student who has committed an act of misconduct (1, 2, or 3 above) may be subjected to one or more of the following penalties: A student's grade in the course or on the examination affected by the misconduct maybe reduced to any extent, including a reduction to failure.

A student may be suspended from the University for a specific or an indefinite period, the suspension to begin at any time.

Procedure 鈥 Proceedings before the Student Services Committee may be commenced by any member of the faculty or any person summarily disciplined. Summary Discipline: Any member of the faculty who is convinced that any person enrolled in his or her course or taking an examination given or supervised by the student has committed an act of misconduct in connection therewith may take the action described in 1.a above (reduction of grade). If the instructor does so, he or she shall notify the student and the Department Chair and also shall notify the student who may request consideration of the matter by the Student Services Committee.

Commencement by instructor: Any member of the faculty who has good cause to suspect that any person enrolled in their course or taking an examination given or supervised by him or her has committed an act of misconduct, shall notify the Student Services Judicial Officer of the belief and the facts upon which it is based. The chair shall call a meeting of the committee to consider the matter.

Hearing: A hearing shall be held if the student or faculty member requests it and in any case that the misconduct could result in the student's suspension or dismissal from the University.

Determination: After the hearing is ended, the committee shall make a finding as to whether or not the person whose conduct is considered has committed any act of misconduct that warrants further action or recommendations.

404 - Payment of Registration Expenses
The payment of charges for tuition, fees, room, and board is part of the registration process. 麻豆网站列表 encourages full payment of all tuition and related fees by the last day of the regular registration period for the current semester or term. Payment of fees may be made on-line using Self-Service or at the office of Student Financial Services. 麻豆网站列表 accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express, money orders, checks, and cash.
405 - Payment Plan

麻豆网站列表 offers a tuition and fees payment plan which helps in budgeting college costs but requires financial planning by students and their families.

Students are required to pay all previous term balances and one-half of all semester charges by the last day of regular registration for the current semester. Students with an account balance after the first payment due date will be assessed a $25.00 payment plan fee. To meet the one-half requirement, students may apply the following:

  • Awarded institutional scholarship
  • Awarded financial aid 

Payment by cash, check, money order, or credit card
The remaining semester balance must be paid by the published due. Failure to pay the entire balance of tuition and fees by the final payment date will result in a late fee of $50.00. Also, failure to satisfy financial obligations to the University will result in having a restriction placed on future class registrations, possibly having the account assigned to a collection agency, non-release of transcripts and withholding of the diploma. The essential ingredient for a successful registration is for students to plan early.

Payment of Account Summary At least one-half of all tuition, fees, and charges are payable by the last day of regular registration. When a student registers during the last registration period, at least one鈥揾alf of all tuition, fees, and charges are due at the time of late registration. The remaining balance will be required by the final payment due date published by the university. Failure to pay all charges by the final payment date will result in a late payment fee.

It is the responsibility of the students to pay account balances by the established payment due dates.

406 - Clearance of Student Financial Obligations

All financial or other obligations to the University must be cleared prior to the end of each semester or term. An outstanding balance for a prior semester or term must be paid before the student will be allowed to register for subsequent semesters or terms. Transcripts and diplomas will not be issued if financial obligations have not been satisfied. Failure to meet financial obligations to the University could subject the student to additional late payment charges, as well as collection costs.


Other Student Expenses

In addition to basic regular registration expenses, other expenses such as Health Center charges may be incurred by the student and charged to the student's account. These charges are payable when incurred and are billed to the student's permanent address by Student Financial Services.


Offset of Student Funds

If a student's account has an outstanding balance and the University has in its possession any funds payable to the student, the University reserves the right to withhold the funds necessary to clear the student's outstanding balance and to cover any collection costs incurred.

Funds payable to the student may include payments or credits applied to the student's account, payroll checks, as well as funds payable from any other source. Once any outstanding balance has been paid, any remaining funds will be paid to the student.


Changes In Student Regulations Or Expenses

All financial regulations, fees or charges are subject to change as conditions warrant.


Student Bank Loans

Student bank loans are disbursed each semester or term. Most bank loans are disbursed electronically. Loan disbursement information is not given over the telephone; an inquiry must be made in person at the office of Student Financial Services. Students may reference their promissory note for loan disbursements dates to determine when to expect loan proceeds. All loan applicants are required to participate in an entrance interview at www.studentaid.gov concerning their financial obligation as recipients of loan funds.


Student Funds Held

麻豆网站列表 acts as an agent holding miscellaneous scholarship funds from donors to be applied to the accounts of students. All transactions relating to a funds-held account must take place at the office of Student Financial Services.


Student Refunds

Students may add/drop courses during the first week of the semester without penalty. After this week students are responsible for all charges. A student may withdraw during the first week of the semester by following withdrawal procedures and paying a $50 withdrawal fee. Registration charges will be removed from the account and room/board charges may be prorated. Withdrawals may occur after the first week of the semester however, the registration charges will not be reduced and a $50 withdrawal fee will be assessed.

麻豆网站列表 delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.


Ineligibility for Student Refunds

A student who is withdrawn from the University for disciplinary reasons, or for other similar reasons, is not eligible for any refund or reduction in semester charges.


Student Returned Checks

If a check is returned to the University, the amount of the check and a returned check fee will be assessed to the student. Returned checks should be redeemed immediately. Students who continually write bad checks will forfeit their check-writing privileges. If two checks are returned, privileges are suspended permanently.

407 - Student Room Application Fee (麻豆网站列表Campus)
All students residing on the 麻豆网站列表campus are required to pay a $100.00 room application fee. This fee is a one-time, non-refundable fee.
408 - Student Room Rent (麻豆网站列表Campus)
Room rent expense is not refundable after completion of registration (see Housing Contract). Board is refunded on a prorated weekly basis. No meal plan changes will be allowed after the second week of classes. All room and board adjustments are made in the Housing Department located on the 麻豆网站列表Campus.
410 - Student's Role in Institutional Decision Making
The administration of 麻豆网站列表 supports student participation in institutional decision-making. The Student Government Association (SGA) is an active and vital organization which serves as a link between the student body and the administration. The SGA (of which all students are members) serves as the governing body for student issues and performs many other valuable functions for students. Students are actively integrated into the university decision-making process through representation on University standing committees, membership on the Student Services Judicial Committee and the University Activities Council, representation on the University Board of Trustees, generally on University ad hoc committees, and on various advisory committees in some academic schools and departments. Student representatives to committees are recommended by the SGA and names are submitted through the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration to the University Chancellor for appointment. The SGA President represents the student body by serving as a non-voting member of the University Board of Trustees. The Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration serves as co-advisor to the SGA, thereby providing an open channel of communication to the administration on a daily basis. The student voice is an active component of the university's decision-making process.
411 - Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
麻豆网站列表 compiles and maintains information about students which facilitates the educational development of the student and the effective administration of the university. To better guarantee the rights of privacy and access as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment, 20 U.S.C. 1230, 1232), 麻豆网站列表 has adopted the following policies and procedures:
  • 麻豆网站列表 shall not permit access to or the release of education records or personally identifiable information contained therein, other than directory information, without the written consent of the student, to any party other than the following:
    • Other school officials and teachers of this university who have been determined by the university to have legitimate educational interests. A school official is:
    • A person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position.
    • A person elected to the board of trustees.
    • A person employed by or under contract to the university to perform a special task, such as the attorney or the auditor. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official is:
    • Performing a task that is specified in his/her position description or by a contract agreement.
    • Performing a task related to a student's education.
    • Performing a task related to the discipline of a student.
    • Providing a service or benefit relating to the student or student's family, such as health care, counseling, job placement or financial aid.
  • Officials of other schools or school systems in which the student seeks or intends to enroll, upon condition that the student may receive a copy of the record if desired and have an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of the record. 
  • Certain authorized representatives of federal departments or agencies or state educational authorities for purposes of audits, evaluative studies, etc. Data collected will be protected in a way that prevents personal identification except when specifically authorized by federal law. The data will be destroyed when no longer needed for such purposes. 
  • In connection with a student's application for, or receipt of, financial aid. 
  • State and local officials or authorities to which such information is specifically required to be reported or disclosed pursuant to state statute adopted prior to November 19, 1974.
  • Organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs and improving instruction, if such studies are conducted in such a manner as will not permit the personal identification of students by persons other than representatives of such organizations and such information will be destroyed when no longer needed for the purpose for which it is conducted. 
  • Accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions. 
  • Parents of a student who is a dependent for income tax purposes. 
  • Pursuant to a lawful subpoena or court order. 
  • Other appropriate persons in an emergency to protect the health or safety of the student or others. Students shall have access to all such information in accordance with the procedure outlines in this statement. 
412 - Educational Records General Policy


Definition of Educational Records

Student educational records are defined as those records, files, documents, and other materials, which contain information directly related to a student and are maintained by the university or by a person acting for the university. Specifically excluded from the definition of 鈥渆ducational records鈥 and not open to student inspection are the following materials:

  • Records of instructional, supervisory and administrative personnel which are in the sole possession of the maker and accessible only to the maker or a designated assistant to the maker.
  • Records of campus security, except in those instances where they have been transmitted within the university for administrative purposes.
  • Records which are created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or para-professional acting in a professional or para-professional capacity, or assisting in that capacity, and which are created, maintained, or used only in connection with the provision of treatment to the student, and are not available to anyone other than persons providing such treatment or who could not be involved officially within the university, but such records are available to a physician or appropriate professional of the student's choice, if requested by the student.


Directory Information

The following categories of information with respect to each student have been designated by the university as directory information which may be made available to the public, absent a student's written request that any such information should not be released without the student's prior consent. A copy of the form to request withholding information is available in University Records, Adams Administration Building.

  • Student's name, address, telephone number.
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Name and address of parents (or guardian, husband, wife, as appropriate).
  • Religious preference (optional), whether or not a veteran, marital status.
  • Last-term attended 麻豆网站列表, if any, and the most recent previous institution attended.
  • High school of graduation and year of graduation.
  • Part-time employment, if any, and name of employer.
  • Major and minor fields of study, degree desired, and classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior).
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports.
  • Degrees and awards received (i.e., Dean's list, Who's Who, etc.) .


Location of Records

The university has designated the following officials or their equivalents at the campuses as responsible for student records within their respective areas of responsibility:

  • Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration
  • Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  • Senior Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs and Online Education
  • University Registrar
  • Deans of various schools within the university

These officials shall hereinafter be referred to as 鈥渞ecords officials.鈥 Each official is responsible for maintaining a listing of student records within such records official's area of responsibility, which listing shall indicate the location and general content of the records. Any student request concerning his/her records or files, including requests that information not be disclosed to the public, requests for disclosure to third parties, and requests for access by the student shall be directed to the appropriate records official. Forms for all such requests may be obtained from these officials. The appropriate records official will also attempt to resolve any challenges to the records at an informal hearing with the student and, if an agreeable solution is not reached, the records official will refer the student and his/her challenge to the university hearing officer, who shall set a hearing within 10 days thereafter for final decision.


Access of Student Records to Student

The student is accorded the right to inspect and review, in the presence of a university staff member, any records, files and data directly related to the student. To inspect his/her personal folder or file, a student shall submit a written request to the appropriate records official which request shall be signed by the student and, if not personally submitted by the student, then the student's signature shall be acknowledged by the affidavit of a Notary Public. The request for inspection shall be acted upon within 45 days from the date such request is received. If, in the opinion of the appropriate records official, inspection can reasonably be accomplished by providing copies of documents, such copies shall be made and provided to the student.


Limitations on Access

The right of inspection does not include:

  • Financial records of the parents of the student or any information contained therein.
  • Confidential letters and statements of recommendation, which were placed in the education records prior to January 1, 1975, if such letters or statements are not used for purposes other than those for which they were specifically intended.
  • Other confidential records, access to which has been waived by the student in accordance with policy concerning waivers. 


Challenging the Contents of Student Records

If, after inspecting his/her record, a student wishes an explanation or to challenge any part of the contents of such record, then the student shall submit a written request for a hearing. The request for the hearing should identify the item or items in the file to be challenged and state the grounds for the challenge, e.g., inaccuracy, misleading nature, inappropriateness, etc.  The records official shall examine the contested item, shall hear the person responsible for placing the item in the file if appropriate and possible, and shall examine any documents or hear any testimony the student wishes to present. The records official may decide that the contested item should be retained or that it should be deleted or revised or he/she may refer the matter to the hearing officer who shall set a hearing within 10 days thereafter for the final decision. In the event any part of the challenged item is retained, the student shall be allowed to place a written examination thereof in the file. A written decision shall be delivered or mailed to the student within 10 days from the date such hearing is concluded, either by the records official or the hearing officer.


Waiver of Access

A student or a person applying for admission may waive his/her right of access to confidential statements concerning that student's application for admission, financial aid, employment, honorary recognition or any other benefit made available by Troy University. The student may sign and return the waiver or may request a list of the names of persons who will be asked for recommendations as to such application prior to signing and returning such waiver or the student may decline to waive the right of access. No such application shall be conditioned upon or prejudiced by the student's failure or refusal to sign such waiver.


Providing Records to Third Parties 鈥 Content of Consent

The policy of 麻豆网站列表 is to refuse access to student records to third parties without the written consent of the student except as provided herein. Any records pertaining to a student, which are not excluded, shall be released upon receipt of that student's written request, directed to the proper records official, specifying the records to be released, the reason for such release, the person to whom the records are to be released, and whether a copy thereof is also to be furnished the student.


Transfer of Information by Third Parties

Any information released shall be expressly conditioned upon the understanding that the party to which the information is being transferred will not permit any other party to have access to such information without the consent of the student. Such conditional understanding shall be in writing, and included in or attached to each release of information.


Student Record Access

麻豆网站列表 shall maintain a record, kept with the education records of each student, which will indicate all parties which have requested or obtained access to a student's education records. This record will indicate specifically the legitimate interest that each such party has in obtaining this information. Such record of access shall be available only to the student, to the school official and his/her assistants who are responsible for the custody of such records, and to persons or organizations authorized.


Destruction of Records

麻豆网站列表 retains the right, if not otherwise precluded by law, to destroy records as a matter of policy. However, upon written request, a student shall be granted access to and copies of his/her records, which are not excluded by the provisions of paragraph 2, prior to the destruction of such records. Absent such a request on file prior to destruction, no copy of records to be destroyed need be furnished the student.


Cost of Copies

Any copies of records furnished at the request of a student shall be subject to the payment of a reasonable fee, to be established by the university from time to time, for such service.

413 - Parental Notification Letter
In accordance with (FERPA) Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the university must have parental and student consent to allow the university to release student information to the parents and/or legal guardians. This information includes grades, billing information, schedules and judicial files. Questions concerning the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act may be referred to the Student Services Office on each campus.
414 - Social Security Number
Disclosure of a student's Social Security number is voluntary and not mandatory. A student's Social Security number is solicited pursuant to the authority delegated to the officers of 麻豆网站列表 by the Board of Trustees thereof under Alabama Code, Title 52, SS 509 (116) - 509 (128c) and will be necessary if the student is employed by the university, including employment through a student financial aid program. When provided, the Social Security number will be used as the most efficient means of identifying the student and eliminating confusion over similar names and names changed by marriage. No right, benefit or privilege provided by law will be denied to a student if they refuse to disclose their Social Security number. In addition, 麻豆网站列表 assigns an identification number to each student through the University's computer system. These numbers are used to identify individual students on class rolls or other verification documents.
415 - Release of Address Information
麻豆网站列表 shall not release address labels, in either print or electronic format, of students, prospective students, or employees, to off-campus organizations. When 麻豆网站列表 has entered into a business agreement with an organization, the addresses may be made available as part of that agreement, at a cost set by the university. On-campus organizations and departments may obtain address labels, at a cost set by the university, for purposes related to their routine operation and which are consistent with the university's educational mission. Written requests for address labels, including a copy of the material to be sent, must be approved by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration or his designee.
416 - Hazing Policy
Hazing is defined by Section 16-1-23, Code of Alabama (1975), and by such section as may be amended from time to time. Additionally, for the purpose of these standards, hazing is any action taken or situation created, whether on or off organizational premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule to any person, whether or not such person has consented to participation in the activity. Such activities and situations include but are not limited to paddling in any form, scavenger hunts, road trips, excessive fatigue, deprivation of normal sleep, engaging in public stunts, morally degrading or humiliating activities, blind-folding, branding, calisthenics, running, forced consumption of food, alcohol, drugs, or any other substances and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of 麻豆网站列表. No organization shall allow any of its pledges/associates, members, or other persons to participate in any hazing ceremony, activity or practice. Hazing in any form is absolutely prohibited at Troy University. For enforcement purposes, this policy applies to both individuals and organizations.
417 - Student Grievances
Student grievances are handled through one of two procedures depending on the nature of the grievance. If the matter is academic in nature, the student should address the concern with the appropriate faculty member, department chair and/or dean. If the matter is not resolved through these channels, the student should then address the concern with the Provost's Office. If the matter is not academic, the student should address the concern with the appropriate department head. After that, all student grievances that are non-academic related should be brought to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration Office or his designee. Should a student not know where to file a grievance, the student should come to the Student Services Office on their respective campus.
418 - Student Proprietary Rights for Coursework
Academic work submitted by students in partial completion of course requirements (tests, reports, photography, electronic discs, etc.) remains the property of the student. Student permission must be granted if faculty members decide that student work maybe used in other venues. Further, in all cases, when students request return of their previously submitted coursework, faculty members will comply with requests in a timely manner. (Board of Trustees____, see Student Handbook, Bulletins, review every five years).
419 - Student Identification Cards

Validity, Possession and Usage: Identification cards are mandatory and valid only to the person issued. This card must be carried at all times while the student is on campus and presented to any university official or duly constituted authority upon request. Refusal to identify oneself to an official of the university or any misuse of the ID card constitutes grounds for serious disciplinary action.

Return: This card remains the property of the university and must be returned upon withdrawal.

Replacement: ID card has been issued to you as a four-year ID card. Loss or theft of ID card should be reported immediately to the ID Center on your campus. The replacement cost is $15.00. To help ensure that ID cards are not duplicated, a new student must have made an ID card or picked up their ID card by the fourth week of the student's first semester or term. If a student fails to follow this procedure, a fee of $15.00 will be assessed at the time an ID card is requested.

420 - Administrative Summons to a Student
Summons, or requests for students to report to an administrative office, should be promptly carried out. When the request to report at a specific time conflicts with a student's class schedule, notification of class absence for such purpose will be issued by the Office of Student Services on the specific campus. Refusal to respond to a summons or request to report to an office is contrary to university policy and subjects the student to disciplinary action.
421 - Unauthorized Student Group Gatherings
Any and all students and/or persons participating in an unauthorized group meeting on the campus which creates a disturbance or results in destruction of university or personal property, or brings discredit to the university, shall be subject to disciplinary action and possible civil action. Participants are defined as those persons actively engaged in the action and those drawn to the scene, out of curiosity, as spectators and who refuse to disperse after warning. Any student that can be identified personally by university officials and/or through photographs taken at the scene of the disturbance are also defined as participants.
422 - Speech and Demonstration Policies
University recognizes and supports the rights of students and employees to speak in public and to demonstrate in a lawful manner in designated areas of the campus and at designated times. In order to, maintain safety, security and order, and to ensure the orderly scheduling of campus facilities, and to preclude conflicts with academic and curricular activities, 麻豆网站列表 reserves the right to limit such activities regarding time, place, and manner of such activities. The specific location for these activities shall be determined by the Student Services Office on each campus. Please consult the specific section for the campus in question. In general, the amphitheater adjacent to the Trojan Center maybe used for such events (Troy).
423 - Administration, Enforcement and Appeals of Visitor Violations
The regulations/policies shall be administered and enforced by the office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration and such other university officials as shall be designated. Visitors to the campus and all others violating these regulations regarding registration time, place, and manner of speech and demonstration will be subject to immediate eviction or removal from the campus, without further warning, by appropriate university officials, and may be subject to appropriate legal action. Additionally, students and student organizations violating these regulations will be charged with violating the Standards of Conduct and may be disciplined, up to and including suspension and expulsion from the university.
424 - Visiting Speaker/Notices Printed Materials Policy

麻豆网站列表 has established policy and procedures regarding invitations to and the appearance of outside speakers on the university campus. In the interest of orderly administration and to ensure effective public relations, adequate preparation and reservation of facilities as well as proper maintenance of the campus, the following procedures have been established by the university. An outside speaker (one who is not a registered member of the student body, faculty or staff of this university) may be invited to speak on campus only by university recognized student, faculty or staff organizations.

The faculty member or officers of an organization sponsoring an outside speaker shall assume full responsibility for making the necessary arrangements, paying all expenses, including any damages to university property during the course of the event, and preserving the peace and dignity of participants of the scheduled event. Any responsible officer who willfully violates this policy may become subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Individuals who are not associated with the university as a student, staff or faculty member and who wish to speak without organization sponsorship must provide notice to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration or designee. An area for campus expression and demonstrations is designated on each individual campus. On the 麻豆网站列表campus, the area designated is the concrete area in the amphitheater, on the west side of the Trojan Center.

Prior to extending an invitation to an outside speaker for a campus event, the organization shall submit a written request to the Office of Student Services. Such requests shall be completed to furnish all information required thereon. Upon receipt of the request form, properly completed and executed by the authorized officer and the faculty advisor of the organization, the Student Services Office shall determine the availability of adequate facilities for such event. The proposal shall be reviewed to determine whether university regulations have been fulfilled. A copy of the request shall be returned to the sponsoring group, showing the findings and action taken thereon. Said request will be acted upon by the Student Services Office within a maximum of one week of the time of the receipt of the request.424.1 All notices and printed material pertaining to the speaker or scheduled event shall:

Bear the name of the sponsoring organization and shall not contain any implication that the speaker or event is being sponsored by the university.

Be posted only on bulletin boards situated inside the buildings on campus. Any locations for posting such material other than on bulletin boards must be approved by the Student Services Office, who shall be primarily concerned with the prevention of any temporary or permanent damage to university property or the appearance thereof.

Be distributed on campus only at tables or booths provided for such purpose inside the buildings on campus. Any locations for distributing such material other than the customary places must be approved by the Student Services Office, who shall be primarily concerned with the prevention of excessive litter spoiling the appearance of the campus.

Be removed by the sponsoring organization within 24 hours following the scheduled event.

The university will not tolerate any speech on campus, which presents a clear and present danger to the persons and property within the campus community. The privilege of any speaker to speak on campus will be denied if it reasonably appears that such speaker would advocate:

  • Violent overthrow of the government.
  • Willful destruction or seizure of school property.
  • Disruption or forceful impairment of education functions.
  • Physical harm, coercion, intimidation or other invasion of lawful rights of the school officials, faculty, or students.

If a recognized organization fails to obtain the approval of an invitation, which it wishes to extend to a speaker, it may appeal, through the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration, to the Chancellor's Cabinet of the University.

The sponsoring organization shall make it clear, at the time the speaker is introduced at the scheduled event, that the views expressed by the speaker are not necessarily those of the university.

425 - Student Notices Through The Mail
Notices or any other correspondence will be addressed to students at the last address posted on the records of the university. Such correspondence deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, shall be presumed to have been received and read by the students. 麻豆网站列表 is not responsible for mail, which is undeliverable per the address on the student's record.
426 - Student e-Mail Address
A student's university e-mail address is the official point of communication for all university business conducted with the student.
427 - Policies Pertaining Primarily to Student Organizations


Administration of Student Organizations (General Policy)

When groups of students wish to have a continuous association, intended to last beyond the term of those immediately involved, causing them to congregate for activities on the campus, requiring from time to time the use of university facilities, and advertising them to the general public as a group centered on the campus, it is proper that they be required to register with the university. All registered associations should be accorded the same privileges and bound by the same obligations. No student organization may carry on any activity on university-controlled property unless it has been registered under the procedures herein outlined.


Registration of New Student Organizations

A group of students wishing to register an organization at 麻豆网站列表 must file documents with the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office on other campuses.


Conditions for Maintaining Student Organization Registration

Each organization wishing to maintain registration with the university must have on file by the fifth week of the fall semester a 鈥淪tudent Organization Application for Registration.鈥 Registration will be suspended until such time a completed form is received. Notification of subsequent changes in officers by the organization shall be filed in the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses) when such changes occur. Any change or amendment affecting the nature or purpose of the organization as originally approved, must also be approved by the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses).


Suspension of Student Organization Registration Through Inactivity

Registration may be suspended by the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses) subject to appeal to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration:

  • When an organization fails to file a 鈥淪tudent Organization Application for Registration鈥 by the fifth week of each semester or
  • When the organization does not actively promote the ends and purposes specified in its constitution, as evidenced by membership, meetings, and other activities. Ten members will be regarded as a normal minimum, and an organization may be expected to show cause as to why it should not be suspended when its membership falls below ten. Registered student organizations are expected to comply when requested by the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses) to provide a brief report on their year's activity. An organization suspended through inactivity may be reactivated by application to the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses) subject to appeal to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration, by a group following the registration procedures.


Suspension of Registration of Cause for Student Organizations

Registered student organizations are expected to conduct their activities in accordance with their constitutions, and with the procedures and limits set forth in University 鈥淪tandards of Conduct鈥 and other policies referred to in this handbook. Any organization which ignores the procedure or exceeds the limits stated herein shall be officially warned by the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses). If repeated or flagrant violations occur following such warning, registration of the organization may be suspended by the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership or the Student Services Office (other campuses). A suspended organization may not hold meetings on the campus, or otherwise request the privileges of a registered organization. Recognition may be restored to a suspended organization by action of the Director of Student Involvement (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses). After suspension for a period of four years, a group may petition for re-establishment in order to register the organization.


Faculty Advisors: Eligibility and Role in Student Organizations

All student organizations must have one or more qualified faculty advisors. When the membership reaches 25 or more, the organizations may wish to obtain an additional faculty advisor. Any faculty member with at least one year's experience at 麻豆网站列表 may serve as faculty advisor to a student organization. With the approval of the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or Student Services Office (other campuses), faculty with less than one year's experience may also serve, as may non-teaching members of the university staff whose positions are comparable to full-time faculty members. The Director of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or Student Services Office (other campuses) must be advised and approve of any change in faculty advisors. A faculty member who agrees to the request of a student organization to serve as its faculty advisor accepts thereby responsibility for encouraging the organization in its purpose and activities, within the limits of the university policy. Faculty and alumni advisors are responsible for:

  • This policy, and other university regulations pertaining to student organizations and speakers.
  • The constitution and purposes of the student organization they are advising.
  • The activities and projects of their organizations.
  • Personal or designated attendance at all functions and meetings. Policy or program decisions reached at meetings must be reviewed and approved by the advisors. Organization advisors should be called upon to express their views and make suggestions before decisions are reached. Speakers and special programs sponsored by student organizations must have the formal approval of a faculty advisor, as being in accordance with the standards set forth by the university.
428 - Student Fund Raising
Approved student organizations proposing fund-raising activities must have these plans approved by the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership on the 麻豆网站列表campus or through the Office of Student Services on other campuses.
429 - Policies Governing Student Social Events



It is expected that all social activities support standards of good taste and refinement. Any group sponsoring an event or function will be responsible for any misconduct by its members or guests. Only 麻豆网站列表 students and invited guests will be admitted to events. Each organization shall do whatever is necessary to check student ID cards for admission to events. Those people who are not guests of students of 麻豆网站列表 should politely be refused admission. Sponsoring organizations will make necessary arrangements through the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses) for security for off-campus social activities. For on-campus activities the campus police or security must be notified.


Registration of a Student Event

Any university organizations planning a social event must register that event with the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses) on the form available in that office. This must be done before the date of the activity (on or off campus). This form should be filled out completely, including advisor's signature. This is a registration process and does not mean university approval or disapproval. All fraternity or sorority events, on or off campus, will be registered by the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership ONLY AFTER the faculty advisor has approved them. Organizations other than fraternities and sororities will secure approval from their faculty advisor before submitting forms to the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership. Violation of any of the above will result in disciplinary action to include a possible $25.00 fine and restriction of future events.


Advisors for Student Events

At least one advisor will be present from the beginning to the close of the event. Events will normally be approved provided the faculty advisor has given prior approval on the standard form. The responsibility of the social event rests entirely with the organization and its advisor.


Serenading 鈥 Student Group Activities (麻豆网站列表Campus)

All serenading or other group-type activities must have approval from the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses if needed) and must comply with stated regulations. So as not to interfere with the rights of other students, serenading is limited to the hours between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.

430 - Involuntary Administrative Withdrawal & Readmission Procedures Policy for Psychological Problems
麻豆网站列表 shall established and maintain guidelines for students displaying emotional problems or abnormal behavior. In some instances, a student's behavior may be beyond campuses' resources and capabilities and require consideration of involuntary withdrawal from the university, or from university housing, for a specific period to ensure the safety, security, and wellbeing of the student and/or other members of the university, and to assure the orderly operation of normal university functions. These standards and procedures are maintained in the office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration and available in the student handbook.
431 - Institutional Responsibility
Admission, discipline, promotion, graduation, and formulation of all rules and regulations pertaining to students of the University are matters to be handled by the institution. Students violating rules and regulations may be punished, suspended, excluded, or expelled as may be determined by the institution.
432 - Right to Refuse Admission to a Student

An applicant may be declared eligible for admission, registration, enrollment or re-enrollment at the University only after satisfying all requirements established by the. The institution shall have the right to examine and appraise the character, personality and qualifications of the applicant. In order that this examination and appraisal may be made, the applicant shall furnish to the institution such biographical and other information, including references, as may be required.

The University reserves the right to refuse admission to a non-resident of Alabama, to an applicant whose admission would cause the institution to exceed its maximum capacity, to an applicant whose request for admission is only to a program that is already filled, to an applicant whose transcript(s) are from an unaccredited institution or who is otherwise ineligible for admission. 

433 - Violation of State or Federal Law
A student at 麻豆网站列表, who is charged with or indicted for a felony or crime involving moral turpitude, may be suspended pending the disposition of the criminal charges against him/her.
434 - 麻豆网站列表 Alcohol Policy

Policy Statement

麻豆网站列表 recognizes that the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol interfere with the rights of everyone to a safe and productive educational environment or workplace. 麻豆网站列表 has a legal obligation to maintain a drug-free school and drug-free workplace. Accordingly, TROY complies with and upholds all federal, state, and local laws that regulate or prohibit the possession, use, or distribution of alcohol, prescription drugs not prescribed by medical personnel, and/or illicit drugs. Unless otherwise stated by law, each individual retains responsibility for his or her mental or physical state, even if altered by alcoholic beverages or other drugs. Students, faculty, staff, and employees of TROY are hereby notified of the University's alcohol policy and are expected to adhere to the guidelines set forth in this policy.

Summary of State and Local Laws Regarding Alcohol

All campus leaders (faculty, staff, students) must ensure compliance with the following laws of the State of Alabama and the City of Troy:

  • Possession, use or purchase of liquor, beer, or wine by persons under 21 years of age. (Code of Alabama, 28-3-266)
  • Sale or advertisement of sale of alcoholic beverages without a license. (Code of Alabama, 28-3-60:10)
  • Public drunkenness (Code of Alabama, 28-3-260:3)
  • Providing liquor, beer, or wine to an underage individual. (Code of Alabama, 28-3-261)
  • Sale of alcoholic beverages on Sunday (Code of Alabama, 28-3-261)
  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances. (Code of Alabama, 32-5A-191)

University Regulations

  • No individual under the legal drinking age of 21 years will be allowed to consume, serve, sell, or possess alcohol on university property.
  • Public drunkenness or driving under the influence on campus is prohibited.
  • The consumption of alcohol by those of legal drinking age will be restricted to the following properties of 麻豆网站列表:
    • The Arboretum Building
    • Tailgate Terrace(s)
    • Red Wave Executive Suites and Stadium Club located in Movie Gallery Veterans Stadium and other designated viewing suites
    • Hawkins Adams Long Hall of Honor
    • Private university living quarters where those present are of legal drinking age. Consumption or display of alcoholic beverages in the public areas of residence halls is prohibited.
    • In common areas for special events, if approved by the Chancellor or his/her designee. For faculty sponsored events, the designee is the Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost; for events sponsored by the TROY administration, the designee is the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration; and for all other groups the designee is the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration. The consumption of alcohol at other campus locations will be approved by the appropriate chain as just defined.
  • Sponsorship of events promoting or glamorizing the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited (i.e., two for one specials, beer bashes, happy hours, etc.).
  • On-campus advertisements directly promoting consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  • Campus organizations must enforce additional group/individual standards, as directed by their national or international organizational bylaws, which may be more restrictive than those established in this policy.
  • The consumption of alcohol during university field trips, off- campus student group activities, and other student-oriented off campus events is prohibited, unless in compliance with applicable laws and regulations (i.e., students are 21-years old, travel abroad where laws on alcohol consumption are less restrictive).
  • University employees are strongly advised not to provide alcohol for students at off-campus locations. Employees choosing to provide alcohol to students do so outside the scope of their employment and assume all risks.

Policy Violations

Enforcement of the alcohol policy for students shall reside in the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration, with the university's judicial officer acting as the initial contact for such violators. Enforcement of the alcohol policy for faculty resides with the Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost and for staff with the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration respectively. Violations in these areas will be handled by the University Personnel Advisory Committee. Enforcement on other campuses will be with the respective officials in the reporting chain of the officials previously cited.

Violations of the 麻豆网站列表 Alcohol Policy will be handled as follows:

  • University Organizations
    • First Time Offenders, within an academic year:
      Will be referred to the university judicial officer for disciplinary action.
      Will be fined $200*
    • Repeat Offenders, within an academic year:
      Will be referred to the university judicial officer for appropriate disciplinary action to include possible revocation or recognition as an approved organization.
      Will be fined $500*
  • Students
    • First Time Offenders, within an academic year: Will be referred to the university judicial officer for disciplinary action, in accordance with the Standards of Conduct as outlined in The Oracle, to include community service, alcohol assessment and/or counseling, or suspension.
      Will be fined $75.*
    • Repeat Offenders, within an academic year: Will be referred to the university judicial officer for disciplinary action to include community service, alcohol assessment and/or counseling, or suspension.
      Will be fined $150*.

Faculty/Staff Violations of the 麻豆网站列表 Alcohol Policy by faculty/staff will be handled by the University Personnel Advisory Committee.

* Money collected from fines for alcohol policy violations will be used specifically for TROY alcohol education programs. If it is determined that the student does not have the ability to pay the monetary fine, the student will be required to work the fine off through school services, to be determined by the Judicial Officer.

Services Provided

TROY provides free, confidential counseling for students having drug or alcohol abuse problems within the SAVE Project/University Counseling office or through similar programs on other campuses. Referrals for extended treatment may be made to community counseling and local treatment programs.

鈥淪mart Choices鈥 is a campus sponsored alcohol awareness program designed to alert students to the problems associated with alcohol abuse. Staff members are available to provide a variety of programs and presentations for campus organizations and classes. 鈥淪mart Choices鈥 is housed in the Student Development/Counseling office.

Individuals not covered in the above areas should check with their respective campus counseling services to acquire necessary help or contact the 麻豆网站列表Student Development/Counseling office for further information.

Policy Distribution

The TROY Alcohol Policy is made available to students, employees, and the general public through the following means: The Oracle, the student handbook, published and distributed through the Vice Chancellor for Student Services office 
The Bulletin published and distributed through the Provost's Office.
The Faculty Handbook and The Staff Handbook published and distributed by the Human Resources Department. 
Appropriate publications on each campus.

Policy Review

The university's standing committee, The Substance Abuse and Prevention Committee, will annually review the university's alcohol policy across the campuses to assess its effectiveness. Recommended revisions will be presented to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration.

435 - Applicants with Criminal Records Policy

It is the responsibility of 麻豆网站列表 to create a safe and secure environment on its campus. 麻豆网站列表 takes the responsibility of keeping their current students, employees, visitors, and property safe. Ultimately, 麻豆网站列表 has to consider requirements under the law to protect special categories of people. 

麻豆网站列表 does not wish to exclude any potential student with a criminal background from the opportunity of higher education. Generally, a criminal record does not automatically deny a potential student from those opportunities. 

麻豆网站列表 will make every effort to balance the interest of the applicant and the current campus populations. The University does reserve the right to deny admissions to an applicant and/or expel an admitted student. For further explanation, see points 5 and 6 below. 

The University's Colleges may have additional requirements that reflect the needs of their college. Such policies will be in accordance to the general admissions policy and state requirements (ex. Certification requirements for teachers or nurses). 

Grounds for Refusing Admissions

麻豆网站列表 will have two main questions when reviewing applications with a criminal record:

  • Does this individual pose a real threat to the safety or property of the individuals on campus at any given time?
  • Would the admittance of this student violate the law or the mandates of any relevant professional or regulatory body?

Additionally to the above statement, if there is a third party involved in the delivery of the program, applicants/students may have to meet those set requirements. 


All applicants are required to disclose any conduct in violation of public law, federal, and state statutes, local ordinances, or University regulations or policies whether or not specified in detail, that adversely affects the student's suitability as a member of the academic community and regardless of whether such conduct has resulted in a conviction under statue of ordinance. If the relating information is not presented honestly or the information is incomplete, the University reserves the right to reject the application.  Failing to disclose any conviction will be considered 鈥渒nowingly furnishing false information鈥 to the University and is a violation of the Standards of Conduct as outlined in the student handbook, The Oracle and therefore subject to disciplinary action.

Once a criminal record has been disclosed to the University by an applicant, all of the documentation will be forwarded to the Dean of Student Services for further evaluation to determine eligibility for admissions and/or participation in University events and activities. The Dean of Student Services will take the following factors into consideration:

  • Whether the criminal record or other matter is relevant to the program
  • The significance of any offenses
  • The number of offenses
  • Whether the offense(s) show(s) a pattern of behavior that gives the impression that it could be ongoing or reoccurring
  • Whether or not the offense(s) involved violence or threats of violence
  • Whether the offense(s) had any unique circumstances
  • Whether the applicant's circumstances have changed
  • Evidence that the applicant can provide that the circumstance is likely not to happen again

麻豆网站列表 reserves the right to ask an applicant for information from others who may have a view on the matter. This could include, such individuals as, probation officers, counselors, or any other professional involved in the rehabilitation of the applicant or familiar with the circumstances of the applicant. 

When the Dean of Student Services has made a decision about the acceptance of the applicant, he/she will notify the Enrollment Services Officer with a letter of acceptance or a letter of denial. This letter may contain special conditions for admissions. If an applicant is denied acceptance to the University, the letter will provide a summary of reasons for the denial. 

If an applicant has been denied acceptance, then he/she can make an appeal to the University. Any appeal must be done in writing and completed within ten (10) business days of the denial letter. Letters of appeal will be reviewed by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration. 

If a student attains a criminal record while attending 麻豆网站列表, the matter will be handled according to the policies laid out in The Oracle (the student handbook). Factors mentioned in section 8 may also be considered.

Approved: Chancellor's Cabinet, Feb 22, 2012
OPR: Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration
Review: Every Five Years

436 - Campus Free Speech and Assembly Policy

Adopted by The 麻豆网站列表 Board of Trustees on August 26, 2020.


Alabama State Legislature Act 2019-396 enacted in June 2019 mandated certain free speech and assembly actions applicable to state universities and concurrent with other state and Constitutional freedoms. Complying with provisions of this new law, Troy University fully supports a campus environment that promotes, protects and upholds intellectual freedom of expression contributing to the marketplace of ideas to include those expressions that some may consider unwelcome, unpopular or disagreeable.

Policy Statement

麻豆网站列表 recognizes and supports the role of a university as a marketplace for ideas. Freedom of expression and public assembly are essential components of the education process. 麻豆网站列表 is committed to its function as an institution in which stakeholders discover and disseminate knowledge by means of research and teaching. Further, 麻豆网站列表 supports the rights of students, employees, and visitors to speak in public and to demonstrate for or against actions and opinions with which they agree or disagree.

Such freedom comes with a responsibility to welcome and promote this freedom for all, even in disagreement or opposition. The responsibility of the University to operate and maintain an effective and efficient institution of higher education requires regulation of time, place, and manner of assembly, speech, and other expressive activities on the grounds and facilities of the University. In keeping with this responsibility, students, faculty, and staff are free to exercise the rights to assemble and engage in expressive activity in a constitutionally protected manner subject only to the content-neutral regulations necessary to fulfill the mission and obligations of the University, preserve the rights of others, coordinate multiple uses of limited space, assure preservation of the campus facilities and grounds, and assure financial accountability for any damage caused by these activities.

It is not the proper role of the University to shield individuals from speech protected by the First Amendment of the United State Constitution and Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution of Alabama, including, without limitation, ideas and opinions they find unwelcome, disagreeable, or offensive.

The University will at all times strive to remain neutral as an institution on the public policy controversies of the day, except as far as administrative decisions on the issues are essential to the day-to-day functioning of the University. The University will not require students, faculty, or staff to publicly express a given view of a public controversy. However, students, administrators, faculty, and staff are free to take positions on public controversies and to engage in protected expressive activity in outdoor areas of the campus, and to spontaneously and contemporaneously assemble, speak, and distribute literature.

In all cases of expressive activity, university employees must be mindful such expression should be in keeping with the mission of the university and do no harm to the university or others.


Amplified Sound is sound that is increased or enhanced by any electric, electronic, or mechanical means, including handheld devices such as megaphones and sound trucks.

Campus Grounds means all outdoor areas owned, leased or controlled by the University that are common accessible to all students and employees such as sidewalks, lawns, parking lots, and promenades.

Demonstration action by a mass group or collection of groups of people in favor of a political or other cause or people partaking in a protest against a cause of concern; it often consists of walking in a mass march formation and either beginning with or meeting at a designated endpoint, or rally, to hear speakers.

Debate is a discussion in which opposing sides of an issue are advocated and/or presented by differing speakers.

Expressive Activity is the verbal or symbolic expression of an idea, thought or opinion and may include speeches, assembly, marches, parades, rallies, picketing, distribution of literature, graphic or pictorial displays and other similar activities intended to communicate an idea or opinion. Expressive Activity does not include speech that is likely to incite or produce imminent lawless action, expression that consists of fighting words or threats of physical harm or expression that is defamatory, obscene or commercial in nature.

Literature is any printed material that is produced in multiple copies for distribution or publication to an audience, including but not limited to flyers, handbills, leaflets, placards, bulletins, newspapers, and magazines, but does not include the Tropolitan or official University material.

Official University Function is all activities, events and programs sponsored by an academic or administrative unit of the University.

Outdoor Forum is a designated area on campus not confined by walls or a roof. Within this designated area, individuals or groups are encouraged to openly discuss, express, and/or exchange ideas on topics in accordance with university policies.

Outside Group/Individual. An Outside Group is an organization or group of people not registered with or recognized by the Dean of Students or, if a nonstudent group, another University division. An Outside Individual is any person not enrolled at or employed directly by the University.

Registered Student Organization is an organization that has been approved and recognized by the Division of Student Affairs in accordance with the ORACLE.

Sponsored Activity is any expressive activity that is presented by a sponsored guest under this policy.

Sponsored Guest is any person or organization invited to engage in expressive activity on campus grounds by a sponsoring organization in accordance with this policy.



麻豆网站列表 is committed to providing an educational environment that is conducive to the development of each individual. As a public institution, the university provides formal and informal forums for the expression of ideas and opinions as long as it is done within the context of university policies and does not impede pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic, disturb or interfere with normal academic, administrative or student activities, or involve coercive behavior.


This policy applies to all University students, employees, organizations, and sponsored guests. This policy does not apply to official academic activities and official functions of the University. For Faculty policies, refer to the Faculty Handbook.

Outdoor Forums

Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to limit a student's right to free expression elsewhere on campus so long as the expressive activities or related conduct do not violate any other applicable university policies.

  • An outdoor forum area is designated in the Quadrangle area adjacent to the student center on the 麻豆网站列表campus.
    • For Dothan - the quadrangle between the three main buildings is so designated.
    • For Phenix City - the southside of the Riverfront building is so designated.
    • For Montgomery - the paved walkway to the west main entry to Bartlett Hall is so designated.
  • The University reserves the right to define, redefine or redesignate outdoor forum locations at its sole discretion.
  • These forum areas provide an area for free exchange of ideas and do not have to be pre-scheduled, However, sponsors/participants are encouraged to schedule with the Dean of Students to minimize possible conflict.

Free Expression Responsibilities

Freedom of expression at the university includes organized demonstrations or events. At the same time, the university has long recognized that this right does not include the right to engage in conduct that disrupts the university's operations or endangers the safety of others. Expressive activity may not create a vehicular or other safety hazard or constitute disruptive activity, defamation, riotous conduct or obscenity as defined by federal or state law and may not impede access to other expressive activity, such as blocking the audience's view or preventing the audience from hearing a speaker. Displaying a sign, gesturing, wearing symbolic clothing or otherwise protesting silently is permissible anywhere unless it is a disruptive activity as defined by federal or state law.

Expressive Activity Speaking and Use of Campus Facilities

Campus Events

Campus large scale events defined as events attracting 50 or more people require coordination with either the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (for academic events) or Dean of Students (for student organizations) for speaking events or demonstrations outside the outdoor forum.
Such events may include: invited speakers, use of amplified sounds, marches etc.
Only campus recognized organizations may sponsor such activities and must request authorization to use a university controlled building or campus area.
Such requests must be submitted seven working days in advance to Dean of Students using the online event management request system.

Organization Responsibility

Organizations inviting outside groups or speakers to campus will ensure that a safe, non-disruptive environment exists for free expression. In turn, speakers 鈥渆xpressive actions鈥 must avoid defamation, threats, obscenities or conduct not conducive to good order and discipline. The University will not charge security fees based on anticipated speech content requiring the need for additional security.

Reservation Denial
  • The University will not deny a registered student organization any benefit or privilege available to any other registered student organization or otherwise discriminate against the organization based on the expression or beliefs of the organization.
  • Requests to reserve a designated area, to use amplified sound, or to register a route for a parade, march or rally may not be denied based on the content of the proposed expressive activity.
  • Requests may be denied for the following reasons:
    • Scheduling conflict with another group;
      The designated area or an adjacent area has been reserved for an official University function or the designated area is no longer suitable for use due to a conflict with a nearby official University function;
    • The reservation or registration form is incomplete;
    • The request exceeds more than fifteen days in a semester or is for more than five consecutive days;
    • The proposed event or activity will substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of traffic or create a safety hazard; or
    • The request was submitted by an individual or organization that is not permitted to reserve space on campus under this policy.
Expressive Activities Relocation

Individuals and organizations engaged in expressive activity on campus may be required to relocate to other areas by the Dean of Students or, when immediate action is necessary, the University police department, under the following circumstances:

  • The noise generated by the activity disrupts an official University function or substantially interferes with resident housing life and activities (e.g. the activity is too close to an academic, administrative or residential building);
  • The location does not safely accommodate the number of participants;
  • The number of individuals participating in or attending the activity creates unsafe conditions for vehicular or pedestrian traffic, parking, or blocks the ingress or egress to buildings or official university activities;
  • The space has been reserved for an official University function, has been reserved in accordance with this policy, or a reserved location is needed for an official University function; or
  • The activity creates a health or welfare hazard, such as interfering with fire, police or emergency services.
Distribution of Literature

Students, employees and sponsoring organizations may distribute literature on campus grounds. Sponsored guests may distribute literature only in the designated area reserved for their use. If no Registered Student Organization will sponsor an outside individual or organization to distribute literature on campus grounds, they may file a request with the Dean of Students seven business days before the requested event or activity. If an outside individual or organization does not reserve an area at least seven business days before they intend to distribute literature, they must use a designated outdoor forum defined in Section IV. C of this policy.

Students, employees, sponsoring organizations and sponsored guests who distribute literature should be responsible for refraining from littering on campus grounds.

It should be understood and presumed that all literature distributed by students, employees, sponsoring organizations, or sponsored guests does not represent the views and opinions of 麻豆网站列表. If literature could be reasonably mistaken as taking an official position on behalf of the University, a disclaimer statement should be added to the literature.

This policy does not apply to attempts to distribute literature that is commercial in nature (i.e. information about goods or services offered for sale).

Responsibilities of Individuals, Sponsoring Organizations and Sponsored Guests

Sponsoring organizations are responsible for ensuring that sponsored guests read and understand all obligations set out in this and all other applicable University policies. Members of the University community may be held individually responsible and sponsoring organizations may be held collectively accountable for any violations of University policies, including the Code of Student Conduct and personnel policies, as applicable. Sponsored guests who do not comply with this or other applicable University policies automatically forfeit their reservations and must immediately vacate University property. Repeat violations of this policy by a sponsored guest may result in loss of privilege for the sponsored guests as determined by the Dean of Students.

Appeal of Decisions Related to Expressive Activity

Students, employees and organizations whose requests for use of campus grounds for expressive activity are denied may appeal the decision to the Dean of Students no later than two business days after the decision that is being challenged was made. The appeal must be made in writing and state the specific reason(s) the individual or organization disagrees with the decision. The appeal should include all information the individual or organization believes will assist the Dean of Students to decide the matter. The Dean of Students will issue a decision on the appeal within three business days of its receipt. The decision is final.


Anyone under the jurisdiction of the University who materially and substantially disrupts the free expression of others is subject to a range of disciplinary sanctions per Alabama law. For students, see the Student Code of Conduct. For employees, see Staff and Faculty handbook.

Event Termination/ Postponement

In addition to the forgoing stipulations in this policy, the University reserves the right to cancel, relocate, postpone, or take protective measures with respect to proposed or ongoing expressive activity if the speech or conduct in question poses an imminent threat of unlawful action, violence, or disruption of University activities or operations.

Implementation and Reporting

This policy will be incorporated as follows:

  • Publish annually in student handbook- The ORACLE
  • Include with Human Resources materials for new faculty and staff orientation
  • Post on TROY website
  • Share annually with Student Government Association

麻豆网站列表Board of Trustee Reporting

  • On implementation, 麻豆网站列表Board of Trustees will report initial action to the Legislature and Governor no later than September 28, 2020.
  • Annually, by August 1, the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services will provide a 12 Month report (August 1-July 31) to Chancellor who will submit to the Board, information as follows:
    • Violations of policy with dates/ description.
    • Outcome of violation-administrative, punitive
    • Describe challenges/ successes in supporting administratively or maintaining institutional neutrality
    • Any other information Board feels necessary to report
  • Board, in turn, must submit an annual report to Governor and Legislature beginning September 1, 2021.
  • 麻豆网站列表 will submit Board report to ACHE and post on its university web site. 


437 - Weapons Policy

麻豆网站列表 Weapons Policy 

December 12, 2022

Point of Contact:  Chief George Beaudry
Effective:  January 1, 2023


The Alabama Legislature amended firearm codes and defined possession of firearms on college/university campuses by HB272 (March, 2022).

麻豆网站列表 Board of Trustees may adopt and/or modify campus firearms policies consistent with current state and federal laws.


麻豆网站列表 seeks to continue maintaining a safe and secure campus where faculty, staff, students, and visitors freely pursue academic, social, and work -related activities.

The provisions of this policy apply to all associated with 麻豆网站列表 as well as contractors, visitors, and guests.


No person shall keep, use, possess, display, or carry any firearm, rifle, shotgun, short-barreled rifle, short-barreled shotgun, handgun, or any dangerous or potentially dangerous items as defined in the weapons policy in the 麻豆网站列表 faculty Handbook, or 麻豆网站列表 Staff Handbook, or 麻豆网站列表 Student Handbook, on any property owned, controlled, or leased by 麻豆网站列表 and its component units, unless allowed by law or approved by 麻豆网站列表. 

The following exceptions apply:


Exclusions may be granted by the permission of the Chancellor or his designee for job-related, educational, and demonstrational purposes. 

Unless otherwise prohibited from possession of a firearm by state or federal law, a person may possess a firearm and ammunition for that firearm in their individual privately-owned motor vehicle while parked or operated on the grounds of 麻豆网站列表; provided the person satisfies the following conditions:

Pistols 鈥 Pistols must be kept out of sight and secured within the vehicle. Secured means within a locked compartment, lock box or similar container. 

Firearms and bows for hunting - Other than a pistol, if the firearm is a legal firearm or bow used for hunting in Alabama, the following provisions apply:

  • The person must possess a valid Alabama hunting license.
  • The firearm or bow is on campus during a season in which hunting is permitted by Alabama law or regulations.
  • The firearm is unloaded on campus grounds at all times
  • The individual has never been convicted of any crime of violence as defined in Section 13A-11-70, Code of Alabama 1975, nor is subject to a domestic violence order, and defined in Section 13A-6-141, Code for Alabama 1975. Does not apply to bows)
  • The person has no documented prior incidents on the grounds of 麻豆网站列表 involving the threat of physical injury or which resulted in physical injury to another person.
  • The firearm or bow must be in the motor vehicle attended by the person, kept from ordinary observation within the person's motor vehicle.
  • The motor vehicle is operated and parked in a valid university location (parking lot).
  • Similar to pistol exception above, the firearm or bow must be kept from view and securely locked within a locked container or in a container securely affixed to the motor vehicle.


Students - Students found in violation of this policy will be dismissed from the university immediately and may be expelled from the university.

Faculty and Staff - Employee violations will result in immediate suspension and their cases resolved in accordance with the university personnel handbook.

Visitors, contractors, vendors - Personnel in these categories in violation of this policy will be immediately removed from campus as trespassers and not allowed to return to campus.


Certified law enforcement officers on campus are exempt from this policy. However, if attending class and not in uniform, weapons must be concealed.

Private security officers who have previously coordinated with university campus police for employment at a university event.

University campus policy may pre-approve authorization to possess firearms in certain cases (e.g. rifles/firearms for use by ROTC units for ceremonies/training, etc.).

438 - Unmanned Aerials Systems (Drones)
  1. Purpose: This policy supports the safety and privacy of the university community by establishing restrictions and enabling the enforcement of applicable rules and regulations controlling the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), popularly referred to as drones, and model aircraft.  It applies to all university employees and students, and to third parties operating on university grounds.
  2. Definitions: For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions will apply:
    1. Model aircraft. The term 鈥渕odel aircraft鈥 means an unmanned aircraft that is: capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere; flown within visual line of sight of the person operating the aircraft; and flown for hobby or recreational purposes.
    2. Operator. The term 鈥渙perator鈥 means the person who is controlling, maneuvering, or commanding the aircraft.
    3. Small unmanned aerial vehicle. The term 鈥渟mall unmanned aerial vehicle鈥 means an unmanned aerial vehicle weighing less than fifty-five pounds.
    4. Unmanned aerial vehicle. The term 鈥渦nmanned aerial vehicle鈥 means an aircraft that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft.
    5. Unmanned aircraft system (UAS). The term 鈥渦nmanned aircraft system鈥 means an unmanned aerial vehicle and associated elements (including communication links and the components that control the unmanned aerial vehicle) that are required for the pilot in command to operate safely and efficiently in the national airspace system.
    6. RID: Remote Identification or Remote ID. The ability of a drone in flight to provide identification and location information that can be received by other people through a broadcast signal.
    7. FRIA: FAA-Recognized Identification Areas. A defined geographic area where drones can be flown without Remote ID equipment.
  3. Scope: This policy applies to any UAS or model aircraft operated by:
    1. University employees and students operating in any location as part of their university employment, course instruction, or other official university activities;
    2. Any person or entity operating on or above university property, whether owned or leased; or
    3. Any university department wishing to rent, lease, or purchase a UAS for university business or educational purposes, or is contracting with a third party to provide such services.
  4. Right to Prohibit: 麻豆网站列表 reserves the right to prohibit or limit the usage of UAS at any time and without prior notice on or above University property if such usage is deemed unsafe, unlawful or otherwise not in the best interest of the University or its students, faculty, staff, and/or visitors to the campus. The University Police Department is responsible for enforcement of this policy to the extent that enforcement is related to safety and security or to periods of prohibited or limited use of UAS as determined by the Division of Advancement and Economic Development or the Chancellor.
  5. Operating requirements: All operation of UAS or model aircraft by university community members, or by third parties, on or above University property must comply with FAA regulations and local, state, and federal laws regarding use of UAS. Any operation or use that violates such regulations or laws is prohibited.  It is the responsibility of the operator to be informed of and adhere to all relevant laws and regulations, including relevant university policies and procedures. Specifically:
    1. All use of UAS for purely hobby or recreation purpose must comply with the FAA Special Rule for Model Aircraft.
    2. All use of UAS for commercial or business purposes, including use by 麻豆网站列表 employees or students in support of official University functions or operations, must fully comply with the FAA's Small UAS Rule (14 CFR part 107).
    3. All operators of UAS for commercial, business or official University functions must hold a valid, unexpired FAA Remote Pilot Certification in accord with the Small UAS Rule (14 CFR part 107).
    4. The Remote Pilot shall provide any and all notifications as required by FAA regulations and/or University policies and procedures prior to the commencement of flight operations. Such notification may include, but are not limited to:
      1. Notification as may be required by the FAA to all airports within a 5-mile radius of the intended area of operation (Note: The majority of the 麻豆网站列表 Main Campus is inside of 麻豆网站列表Municipal Airport Class 鈥淒鈥 airspace); and
      2. Notification to the University Police Department prior to flight operations on any 麻豆网站列表 campus.
    5. Model aircraft or UAS may not exceed 55 pounds in accord with FAA regulations.
    6. All operators of UAS must minimize risks to other aircraft and people and property on the ground. If such risks cannot be effectively minimized, then any such operation under this policy is prohibited.
      1. All operators must maintain visual line of sight of the UAS.
      2. Small unmanned aircraft may not operate over any persons not directly participating in the operations.
      3. Operations may only be conducted during daylight or civil twilight (30 minutes before official sunrise to 30 minutes after official sunset local time).
    7. UAS and model aircraft shall not be used to monitor or record an area where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy in accordance with accepted social norms.
      1. UAS or model aircraft shall not be used to monitor or record sensitive institutional or personal information.
    8. Effective 16 March 2024, all UAS operated by 麻豆网站列表 will need to comply with FAA Part 89 "Remote Identification of Unmanned Aircraft".  There are three ways to comply: 1) operate a UAS that has this capability built-in; 2) operate a UAS that has a RID module attached to it; 3) operate a drone in a FAA Recognized Identification Area (FRIA).
      1. 麻豆网站列表 maintains an FRIA covering the football and adjacent practice fields. (See coordinates below.) University flights outside of this area require an RID-compliant UAS. TROY's FRIA is located within an area defined by the following coordinates:
        1. 31.802219N   85.951388W
        2. 31.801774N   85.950711W
        3. 31.800861N   85.951551W
        4. 31.799054N  85.951523W
        5. 31.799075N  85. 952160W
        6. 31.801290N  85.952225W
      2. University Remote Pilots are responsible for determining whether or not their UAS is compliant with the RID regulations. If the UAS does not have a compliant RID built in, or if compliance cannot be determined, Remote Operators must purchase and install a compliant RID system.
  6. Compliance and enforcement: The Division of Student Services and Administration is responsible for the administration of this policy, in coordination with other University departments and resources as necessary. The University Police Department is responsible for enforcement of this policy to the extent that such enforcement is related to safety and security.
    1. University departments who wish to purchase and operate UAS or model aircraft must notify and register such aircraft with the Division of Student Services and Administration.
    2. Persons operating UAS or model aircraft on campus in violation of this policy are trespassers and may be subject to administrative or legal action including, but not limited to, being removed from campus and receiving a written directive to remain off campus.
    3. University departments shall be responsible for ensuring contractors and vendors are aware of this compliance obligation.
    4. Student violations may be addressed in accordance with the student code of conduct, as well as other applicable policies, and may include sanctions up to and including suspension or dismissal.
    5. Employee violations may be resolved in accordance with University policies, including sanctions up to and including termination.
    6. Violators of local, state, and federal laws and regulations may be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
  7. Implementation: The Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration, or designee, is responsible for the adoption of written procedures necessary for the effective administration and implementation of UAS activities at 麻豆网站列表. Any exception to this rule or any written procedures regarding UAS must be approved by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration.
  8. UAS Operations Committee: The Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration will appoint at least three members representing Athletics, 麻豆网站列表, and Marketing/Communications to serve as a UAS Operations Committee. The Committee will meet at least annually to review current laws and regulations regarding the use of UAS.


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