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Sociology Courses (SOC)

SOC 5506 - Urban Society (3)

Historical, physical, economic, and social evolutions of urbanized areas. There is an emphasis on contemporary urban problems with implications for policy and planning.

SOC 5515 - Sociology of Gender (3)

Provides an analysis of the conceptualization of gender, reinforced with a focus on the methods of studying gender, historical perspectives on gender, biological and social bases of gender, and how gender intersects with other stratification systems within societies. Using a multicultural perspective, special emphasis is placed on how gender is manifested in the family, work as well as other major social institutions.

SOC 5556 - Gerontology (3)

Multidisciplinary overview of characteristics, strengths, and problems of older persons; diversity in aging process involving gender, race, ethnicity, subculture; services to older adults; gerontology as an academic discipline and a field of practice.

SOC 5560 - Sociology of Health, Medicine and Illness (3)

The sociological perspective applied to medicine. Topics include changing ideas of disease causation, the role of practitioners and patients, the institutional setting, differential delivery of health services, differential patterns of morbidity and mortality and the politics of health.

SOC 6615 - Trends in Globalization (3)

Examines the accelerated rise of globalization since the 1970s and its effect on individuals, families, communities, society, and the world. Students will learn about theories of globalization; and the effects of globalization on cultural, economic, and political life. Topics to be addressed include: the shift from a developmental economy to global economy, culture and globalization, migration and family structures, and global identity formations,

SOC 6618 - Criminology(3)

This seminar will introduce you to the major criminological theories, concepts of deviance and crime as well as some correlates of crime. We will also trace the origins of criminological theories and examine their underlying assumptions and contributions to criminology and recent debates about criminological theory in the literature. Finally, we will evaluate some recent theoretical developments in criminology focusing on the extent to which they move us beyond traditional perspectives. Throughout, we will be especially concerned with the following issues: 1) evolution of central concepts in criminology over time; 2) unique contributions of each theory to our understanding of crime; 3) relationships among theoretical concepts; and 4) operationalization of theoretical concepts in empirical research and assessment of research findings relevant to these theoretical concepts.

SOC 6620 - Peace, Conflict, and Human Rights (3)

This curse will conduct and in-depth investigation of the multiple ways to create the conditions where social justice can flourish from global to local levels. Themes will include non-violence, conflict resolution, human rights, social inequality, and the role of ethnic and religious affiliations in current wars and conflict at home and abroad. This course will also explore non-violent struggles at the international level and the nation-state level.

SOC 6622 - Sociology of the Family (3)

An in-depth analysis of sociological perspectives on family behaviors and relationships. Readings and discussions will focus on major changes that occurred in the social institution of the family since the middle of last century. The course will investigate sociological theories about the family and use empirical approaches to better understand family life. Discussion will consider theories, explanations, and debates about changing family forms and asses the implications of contemporary family change for research and public policy. Class topics include families through the lens of gender, race and class variations, fertility intentions and childlessness, non-marital child bearing and teen pregnancy, transition to adulthood, marriage and cohabitation, parenting, divorce, remarriage, step families, multigenerational, and aging families, and same sex couples as parents.

SOC 6625, 6626, 6627 - Specialized Study in Area of Sociology (3)

A study of a problem or problems using research techniques. Selection of problem must be approved by the professor under whom the study is to be made and the Dean of the Graduate School. The study should contribute to the student鈥檚 program. Preparation of a scholarly paper is required and may involve oral defense. Total credit for any combination of enrollments in these courses may not exceed six semester hours. A specialized study may be substituted for a required course only once in a student鈥檚 program. See semester hour limits listed under Course Restrictions in General Regulations section.

SOC 6628 - Gender, Crime, and Justice (3)

This course is designed to explore the important and under-studied intersection between gender/women and crime. The word intersection is used because the status structures commonly used by criminologist, and sociologist never occur alone. Another way of saying this is that scientists study a number of social demographics or correlates of crime at the same time. Thus, in this class women involvement in crime, whether as victims or as offenders, or as professionals engaged in the criminal justice system, a number of these variables have to be investigated (studied) at the same time. We will explore the nature and extent of women as victims, offenders, and workers in the criminal justice system. We will investigate the relationship between victimization and offending, and study the details of women in the criminal justice as offenders or workers (professional as law enforcement officers, court personnel, correctional workers, etc.) A major focus will be to learn about the major debates and topics within criminology relating to gender and crime. In addition to the above ideas, we will look at women fear of crime, women limited mobility economically, crime policies that impact the lives the women as victims, offenders, and professionals.

SOC 6631 - Deviant Behavior (3)

This course focuses upon the social and cultural factors as they apply to deviance. The work of other disciplines in the study of deviation is reviewed and evaluated. Special emphasis is given to the different sociological approaches in the area of deviance; selected types of social deviation are examined and analyzed through these different sociological perspectives. The course is structured as a service course that has a pragmatic and interdisciplinary appeal to people in education, business, counseling, criminal justice and agency work, as well as to those who wish to further their training in sociology.

SOC 6632 - Minorities in the U. S. Social Structure (3)

An in-depth theoretical and methodological study of racial and cultural minorities in America society will be undertaken in this course. This course includes directed readings on the intersecting dimensions of inequality that are woven through life in contemporary societies. The goal of the course will be movement away from unidimensional analyses and movement toward thought and scholarship that consider the multiple effects of cross-cutting oppressions and privileges.

SOC 6633 - Race, Crime, and Justice (3)

Explores the relationship between the criminal justice system and racial minorities in the United States. Seeks to understand some of the economic, political, and sociological reasons why racial minorities, particularly African-Americans, are over represented in the criminal justice system. Explores normative issues of justice and equity in broader social interactions that influence and are influenced by crime and the criminal process.

SOC 6635 - Sociology of Education (3)

This course is structured to conduct a thorough survey of education in contemporary society. Emphasis will be placed on examining education as a social institution and the school as a social organization. The educational system鈥檚 role in creating inequality and the contribution of formal education to individuals鈥 physical and mental well-being will also be examined. Topics will include the dynamics of race, class, and gender in education, standardized testing, school choice issues, and the current state of higher education.

SOC 6636 - Social Inequality (3)

Examines theories, definitions, and measurement of poverty and implications of recent research on the poor; considers social consequences and strategies to combat poverty.

SOC 6640 - Death and Dying (3)

An overview of historical aspects of death and dying will be conducted in this course In addition, the bio-medical, economic, social, and psychological issues surrounding death and dying in the 21st century in America will be explored in depth. Both individuals as well as societal attitudes toward death and the dying process will be covered, including; an exploration of the death system, variations of grief, hospice and palliative care, end of life issues and decisions, the bereavement, grief and mourning process and funeral process. A theoretical and applied approach will be utilized in this course.

SOC 6644 - The Sociology of Cinema (3)

This course is designed to critically examine sociological issues within American society via the lens of cinema.

SOC 6645 - Sociology of Violence (3)

This course offers a graduate-level foundation of theoretical and empirical research in the study of violence. While it primarily focuses on scholarship within the discipline of sociology, it will also examine other disciplines and benefit from interdisciplinary contributions to the understanding of violence & society. During the semester the diverse forms, sites, and spaces of violence and the intricate relations of violence with issues and discourses of race, gender, ethnicity, religions, and state, among others, will explored and discussed.

SOC 6646 - Food and Society (3)

Explores the central role of food in social life, considering similarities and differences in the sociality of food across communities, places, regions, and nation-states. The sociological significance of food is approached from multiple perspectives: institutionally as part of economic and political systems; inter-personally, as an important element of identity and socialization; organizationally, as part of the community and family structure; and as an embodiment of class, culture, age, and gender.

SOC 6655 - Sociological Social Psychology (3)

This course provides and in-depth exploration of the topic of social psychology. Subtopics to be examined as part of this course include the self, emotion, motivation, group dynamics, and collective behavior, as well as the theoretical paradigms of symbolic interactionism, social exchange, and social constructionism. Emphasis will be placed on the similarities and differences between the sociological and psychological approaches to social psychology.

SOC 6656 - Sociology and Religion (3)

This course introduces fundamental concepts used in the sociology of religion and discusses different aspects of religion from a sociological standpoint. It examines the classical/neo-classical perspectives and thinkers that have extensively influenced contemporary scholars in the field. While this course also analyzes examples of different worldwide religions, it primarily focuses on the sociological understanding of religion as a social phenomenon.

SOC 6665 - Sociological Theory (3)

Theoretical analysis of social inequality with emphasis on how social class status, power, and culture, shape social relations and determine life chances. Emphasis will also be given to an examination of how social inequality affects attitudes, opinions, and political choices of individuals and groups. Topics that are covered include family, educational opportunities, religious practices, status attainment, and social mobility.

SOC 6680, 6681 - Selected Topics in Sociology (3)

Sociological examination of a designated topic of special and/or current interest and importance that is generally not covered in regularly offered courses in the department.

SOC 6690 - Internship 1 in Sociology (3)

Application of skills and knowledge of Sociology in government agency, public service institution or similar situation under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite(s): SS 6690, SS 6691, SS 6698, and approval of the student鈥檚 academic adviser and/ or graduate coordinator.

SOC 6691 - Internship 2 in Sociology (3)

Advanced application of skills and knowledge of Sociology in government agency, public service institution or similar situation under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of SS 6690, SS 6691, SS 6698, SOC 6690 and approval of the student鈥檚 academic adviser and/ or graduate coordinator.

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