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Reading Courses (RED)

RED 6603 - Special Topics in Literacy (3)

An in-depth investigation of an approved topic designated by the instructor and the student for further research and exploration of a particular topic in literacy education.

RED 6625 - Specialized Study in Area of Literacy (1-3)

A study of a problem or problems using research techniques. Selection of the problem must be approved by the student鈥檚 adviser, the instructor under whom the study is to be made, the appropriate college dean, and the Dean of the Graduate School. The study should contribute to the student鈥檚 program. Preparation of a scholarly paper is required and may involve an oral defense. Total credit for any combination of enrollments in these courses may not exceed four semester hours. A specialized study may be substituted for a required course only once in a student鈥檚 program. See semester hour limits listed under Course Restrictions in General Regulations section.

RED 6630 - Directed Reading Practicum (3)

This course is designed to provide the future teacher with directed practice in providing reading interventions to individual students or small groups of students in school settings. Experiences in the planning and preparation of lessons, modification of lesson procedures, and materials to fit student needs and the ongoing evaluation of student progress are included.

RED 6670 - Advanced Study of Literacy (3)

This course will require students to examine, in depth, the science of reading. Reading sub-skills, including phonological awareness, fluency and comprehension, will be covered, as well as specific teaching methodologies proven effective for literacy instruction. These strategies will include explicit and systematic instruction, guided practice, error correction, corrective feedback, and multi-sensory language instruction. Course content will emphasize specific teaching methodologies to improve reading comprehension.

RED 6674 - Literacy in the Content Areas Grades 6-12 (3)

The examination of research-based methods and materials for teaching reading and writing in grades 6-12. Field experiences required.

RED 6675 - Literacy Instruction for Diverse Populations (3)

A study of English language learners and culturally and academically diverse learners and an examination of appropriate instructional strategies for those learners. Field experiences required.

RED 6678 - Literacy and Multicultural Diversity (3)

A course designed to help teachers explore the cultural values, language structures, and belief systems of the major racial, ethnic, and national groups found in today鈥檚 classrooms. Specifically, methods, materials, and evaluation instruments and techniques which would maximize learning efficiency for these culturally diverse groups will be introduced. Children鈥檚 literature and instructional activities that would increase self esteem and understanding of cultural diverse groups and their contributions to society will be explored.

RED 7778 - Teaching Reading to Culturally Diverse Groups Through Literature (3)

A course designed to help teachers explore the cultural values, language structure and belief systems of the major racial, ethnic, and national groups found in today鈥檚 classrooms. Specifically methods, materials and evaluation instruments and techniques which would maximize learning efficiency for these culturally diverse groups will be introduced .

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