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History Courses (HIS)

HIS 5501 - French Revolution and Napoleon (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the French Revolution and Napoleonic era.

HIS 5502 - Europe from 1815-1900 (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of European history from the Congress of Vienna to 1900.

HIS 5503 - Contemporary Europe (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of 20th century European history.

HIS 5504 - Military History of the United States (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of war in American history, from the colonial period through the Vietnam War.

HIS 5505 - The Old South (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the Old South.

HIS 5506 - The New South (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the New South, through the Civil Rights Movement.

HIS 5509 - England to 1688 (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of English history through the Glorious Revolution.

HIS 5510 - England since 1688 (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of English history beginning with the reign of William and Mary.

HIS 5511 - Colonial America (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of colonial America, beginning with European discovery.

HIS 5512 - American Revolution and New Nation (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the American Revolution and the new nation up to 1800.

HIS 5513 - Sectionalism, Civil War and Reconstruction (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of territorial expansion, slavery and sectional strife, and the resulting Civil War and Reconstruction.

HIS 5514 - Gilded Age and Progressive Era (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of American history between 1877 and 1920.

HIS 5515 - Contemporary America (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of American history after World War II.

HIS 5517 - Jacksonian America (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of American history from approximately 1800 to 1850, focusing on the Age of Jackson.

HIS 5520 - The Vietnam War (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and historiographical controversies of the Vietnam War, focusing on the historical period of 1946-1975.

HIS 5521 - African American History (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of African American history from the 17th century to the present.

HIS 5522 - History of American Gender (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of American gender history from the 17th century to present.

HIS 5523 - American Diplomatic History (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of American diplomatic history from the 1760s to the present.

HIS 5530 - Civil Rights Movement (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the Civil Rights Movement from the late 19th century to the present.

HIS 5533 - Modern Russia (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of Modern Russia from the development of the revolutionary movements and tsarist reform attempts to the disintegration of the USSR.

HIS 5537 - Interwar and World War II America (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and historiographical controversies of American history from the end of World War I to the end of World War II.

HIS 5538 - The Cold War (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the history of the Cold War from its origins to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

HIS 5540 - The History of American Minorities (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the history of American ethnic, racial, cultural, social, and religious minorities.

HIS 5541 - American Constitutional Development (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of American Constitutional development from the 1780s to the present.

HIS 5542 - Renaissance and Reformation (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the Renaissance and Reformation.

HIS 5543 - Age of Absolutism (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the age of Absolutism during the 16th and 17th centuries.

HIS 5544 - Enlightenment Europe (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of Enlightenment Europe focusing on the 18th century.

HIS 5545 - Modern Germany (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of German history from the Revolutions of 1848 to the present.

HIS 5548 - The West in American History (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the American West from European contact to the present.

HIS 5550 - Environmental History (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of environmental history from the 18th century to the late 20th century, emphasizing the post-World War II period.

HIS 5553 - Late Antiquity (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of Mediterranean and European history during the 3rd through 8th centuries.

HIS 5564 - The Crusades (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the Crusades.

HIS 5567 - Medieval Europe (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of Medieval Europe, the Byzantine and Islamic worlds from the 7th century to the eve of the Renaissance.

HIS 5574 - Modern Eastern European (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of Modern Eastern Europe from the Revolutions of 1848 through the collapse of the Soviet block and beyond.

HIS 5595 - Selected Topics in History (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of a designed topic of specific and/ or current interest and importance, which is generally not covered in regularly offered courses by the department.

HIS 6600 - Seminar in 19th Century American History (3)

Study of topics in 20th century American History. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6603 - Seminar in 18th Century American History (3)

Study of topics in 18h century American history. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6604 - Seminar in Modern France (3)

Study of topics in modern French history. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6610 - Seminar in Comparative Revolutions (3)

Study of historical topics of various revolutions, including the American, French, Russian, and other revolutions. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6611 - Seminar in 19th Century Europe (3)

Study of topics in 19th century European history, emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6612 - Seminar in 20th Century Europe (3)

Study of topics in 20th century European history. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6613 - Seminar in British History (3)

Study of topics in British history. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6614 - Seminar in Contemporary Japan (3)

Study of topics in contemporary Japanese history from the Meiji reforms to the present. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6615 - Seminar in Latin American History (3)

Study of topics in Latin American history, emphasizing on the 20th century. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6640 - Seminar in 17th century American History (3)

Study of topics in 17th century American history. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6641 - Seminar in Slavery (3)

Study of topics in slavery, focusing on American slavery. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6642 - Seminar in Ethnicity/Race in America (3)

Study of topics in race/ethnicity in American history. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6643 - Seminar in War and American Society (3)

Study of topics in war and society in American history. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6650 - Seminar in the History of Science (3)

Study of topics in the history of science. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6651, 6652 - Thematic Historiography (3)

An exploration of the major historical works and historiographical controversies in a specific topic not generally covered by the curriculum. Emphasis placed on discussion and students producing a major research paper. Designed to fulfill the historiography component for the thematic secondary field.

HIS 6653 - Seminar in Gender History (3)

Study of topics in gender history. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6660 - Seminar in Holocaust and Genocide (3)

Study of topics in the history of the Holocaust and genocide. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6665 - Seminar in Medieval History (3)

Study of topics in medieval history. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6666 - Seminar in Renaissance and Reformation Europe (3)

Study of topics in the history of the European Renaissance and Reformation. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6667 - Seminar in Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment (3)

Study of topics in age of absolutism and the Enlightenment in Europe. Emphasis on discussion and student producing a major research paper based on primary documents.

HIS 6670 - The Middle East (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the Middle East from the rise of Islam to the modern era.

HIS 6671 - Modern East Asia (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of East Asian history since the rise of imperialist and militarist Japan in Asia in the 1930s. The course focuses on China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.

HIS 6672 - Africa (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of African history, focusing on the 19th and 20th centuries.

HIS 6673 - Colonial Latin America (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of Latin American history from pre-Columbian times to the independence movements of the early 19th century.

HIS 6674 - Modern Latin America (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of Latin American history from the early 19th century to the present.

HIS 6675 - History of Mexico (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of Mexican history from pre- Columbian times to the present.

HIS 6676 - The ABC powers (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of the Latin American history, focusing on the ABC powers- Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.

HIS 6677 - History of the Caribbean (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of Caribbean history from pre- Columbian history to the present.

HIS 6678 - Women, Health, and History (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of women, health, and history in the western world.

HIS 6679 - Infectious Diseases and History (3)

An exploration of the major historiographical works and controversies of infectious disease in history from the Neolithic revolution to the present, focusing on a specific case study.

HIS 6680 - Teaching College History (3)

This course examines issues and pedagogy of teaching college level history. Students will produce a course syllabus, develop and present lectures, and develop assessments for their course content. Students will also observe a variety of teaching styles and begin to understand benefits and problems of a variety of course delivery methods.

HIS 6696, 6697 - Seminar in Selected Topics in History (3)

A study of a specific topic not generally covered by the curriculum. Emphasis placed on discussion and students producing a major research paper based on primary sources.

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