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Gifted Education Courses (EDG)

EDG 6666 - Nature and Needs of Gifted Individuals (3)

This foundation course in the study of gifted education and talent development focuses on understanding gifted individuals, assessment and identification issues in finding gifted students in the schools, models often used to provide education for gifted students and developing support systems for programs for gifted learners.

EDG 6667 - Creativity (3)

This course in creative thinking in gifted education focuses on understanding creativity and creative students. This course emphasizes the importance of helping children and adolescents become more self-actualized, creative individuals to better enable them to make important contributions to society.

EDG 6668 - Integrating Thinking Skills into the Curriculum (3)

The focus of this course is the integration of critical and productive thinking skills into the curriculum for gifted learners. This course emphasizes an inquiry-based approach to differentiation of the curriculum content for gifted learners.

EDG 6669 - Teaching Methods in Gifted Education (3)

This methods course in curriculum development in gifted education focuses on planning, designing, and developing appropriate curriculum for gifted students. This course emphasizes the connection between the needs of gifted learners and the cognitive, affective, social, and aesthetic areas of curriculum experiences.

EDG 6670 - Special Populations of Gifted Students (3)

This course examines ways in which teachers can identify and plan for gifted children from special and underrepresented populations with particular emphasis on underachieving students, minority students, and students with physical, emotional, and learning disabilities.

EDG 6696 - Practicum in Gifted Education (3)

Supervised experiences related to instruction in gifted education. The application of skills, concepts, and principles acquired in previous courses will be emphasized. Prerequisite: EDG 6666, EDG 6667, EDG 6668, EDG 6669, and EDG 6670, or equivalents, or permission from instructor. A grade of 鈥淏鈥 or better is required.

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