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Education Courses (EDU)

EDU 5590 - Global Identity: Connecting Your International Experience to Your Future (1-3)

Studying abroad is a transformative experience that has the power to challenge our thinking and our perspective on the world. This course aims to attract students across disciplines, to promote inter-professional development, and to prepare them to expand their understanding of their global identity and communicate their growth in intercultural competence toward their personal and professional development. Stu-dents make connections between their study abroad experience and the broader range of skills connected with this experience, to become a competitive member of a global workforce.

EDU 6600 - Classroom Management and Behavior Intervention (3)

This course is a study of current theory, research, and practice in psychology, sociology, leadership, and human behavior as related to school age students, the nature of the educational organization, and the role of the teacher in that organization. Emphasis is placed upon the formation of a positive, developmental philosophy for effective management of classroom resources and student behavior as well as the identification of some appropriate methods and techniques to apply this philosophy.

EDU 6603 - Planning For the Classroom (3)

This course provides students with an overview of the K-12 classroom environment and the planning necessary to establish environments that are conducive for learning.

EDU 6606 - Current and Emerging Instructional Technologies (3)

This introductory course focuses on current and emerging instructional technologies. The emphasis of this class is on the instructional use of computers, Microsoft Office Instructional Applications, software tutorials, mobile learning, desktop publishing and storyboarding, graphics, hypermedia, social media, and web-based instructional technologies. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

EDU 6607 - Curriculum Integration of Technology (3)

This course covers the evaluation, selection, and integration of various instructional software and web-based technologies into curricula, taking into consideration teaching and learning styles while relating technologies to instructional settings, diverse models, and developmental levels. Micro-lessons are produced using multimedia-authoring tools. Prerequisite: EDU 6606 or permission of instructor.

EDU 6611 - Educational Technology in the Curriculum (3)

The purpose of this course is to advance pre-service and in-service teachers beyond simple computer literacy and basic understanding of Computer-Based Instructional Technologies. It will focus on more advanced educational use of multimedia and Internet based technologies. The student will explore technologies and learning tools that foster a more learner centered constructivist environment within their specific teaching area. Critical issues arising from the integration of these technologies such as development of interactive environments and new modes of communication and subsequent effects on the definition of learning will also be investigated.

EDU 6613 - Principles of Instructional Design (3)

This course focuses on the development of instruction by using the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) approach based on the ADDIE Model. Students will develop the necessary pedagogical skills that will facilitate the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of instructional needs to synthesize appropriate teaching and learning curriculum.

EDU 6614 - Instructional Performance Design Systems (3)

This course introduces students to the Macro Instructional Design Approach and further exposes them to the pedagogies, processes, tools, and techniques of curriculum design and performance improvement. It includes instructional design and development (ID) case study analysis and in-depth discussion of the relevant literature to foster theoretical application and evaluation of instructional design and program development products. Prerequisite: EDU 6613

EDU 6616 - E-Learning Design (3)

A study of various forms of distance learning with emphasis on computer based systems and online learning. The course integrates relevant technology including multimedia authoring, web design, and internet delivery systems. The course concentrates on the development of web-based instructional materials and the management of internet-based courses and programs. Students design an educational website and develop a strategy to deliver web-based instruction. Prerequisite: EDU 6606 and EDU 6613

EDU 6617 - Graphic Design in Multimedia Instruction (3)

A study of graphic design principles as they apply to the development of multimedia instructional courseware. The course integrates advanced graphics, multimedia authoring and web design software to teach the student relevant technology as it applies to instructional design. Students apply graphic design principles in developing a variety of multimedia instructional products working individually and in teams. Prerequisite: EDU 6606 and EDU 6613

EDU 6618 - Advanced Multimedia Instruction (3)

An advanced course in computer based multimedia interactive course design. The course integrates course design software, multimedia authoring, web design and presentation graphics in the development of a multimedia lesson or course. The course concentrates on the total instructional process culminating complete multimedia class delivered either by disk or internet. Students develop their own video and audio elements learning the complete production process necessary for multimedia instructional products. Prerequisite: EDU 6617

EDU 6619 - Instructional Media (3)

A study of graphic design principles as they apply to the development of multimedia instructional courseware and multimedia interactive course design. The course integrates advanced graphics, multimedia authoring and web design software to teach the student relevant technology as it applies to instructional design. The course integrates course design software, multimedia authoring, web design, social media and presentation graphics in the development of multimedia lesson or course. The course concentrates on the total instructional process in developing and delivering interactive online lessons or courses. Students develop their own video and audio elements learning the complete production process necessary for multimedia instructional process. Prerequisite: EDU 6606 and EDU 6613

EDU 6625, 6626, 6627 - Specialized Study in Area of Education (1-3)

This course focuses on the study of a problem or problems using research techniques. Selection of the problem must be approved by the student鈥檚 adviser, the instructor under whom the study is to be made, the appropriate college dean, and the Dean of the Graduate School. The study should contribute to the student鈥檚 program. Preparation of a scholarly paper is required and may involve an oral defense. Total credit for any combination of enrollments in these courses may not exceed 4 semester hours. A specialized study may be substituted for a required course only once in a student鈥檚 program. See semester hour limits listed under Course Restrictions in General Regulations section.

EDU 6629 - The Master Teacher (3)

This course is designed to assist the beginning graduate student in determining the expectations and attributes of the master teacher. Major emphasis will focus on effective teacher characteristics, skills and practices of teaching, as well as a review of the requirements for National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS).

EDU 6630 - Teachers and the Law (3)

This course is designed to help teachers become legally literate by providing them with information about the law that affects them, how the legal system works, and how that system can work for them.

EDU 6632 - Seminar in Classroom Teaching (2)

This course is an inter-disciplinary seminar course designed for classroom teachers who desire to investigate in depth the techniques, procedures and strategies related to improving learning through improved teaching.

EDU 6645 - The Nature of Intelligence (3)

This course provides a description and analysis of the quantitative and qualitative aspects of intelligence. It includes classic and contemporary theories of learning and their relationship to the understanding of individual differences.

EDU 6650 - Global Education in the Elementary/Middle School (3)

This course is designed to instruct teachers about the complexities of citizenship in a world community, current issues, and concerns in this field, and methods of globalizing the existing elementary curriculum.

EDU 6653 - Educational Evaluation (3)

A study of the basic statistical processes and measures used in education. Analysis of a variety of standardized tests and measurements procedures including construction, use and interpretation. Construction of teacher made tests and measuring devices.

EDU 6655 - The Arts Curriculum (3)

This course prepares the teacher to provide a broad-based arts education program that includes history, interpretation, production, and appreciation. Emphasis is placed on utilizing the arts to enrich students learning in all curricular areas.

EDU 6656 - Teaching the Bilingual Child (3)

This course prepares teachers to make classroom and instructional accommodations to meet the needs of the bilingual child. It also addresses facilitating home-school partnerships with families of bilingual children.

EDU 6658 - Understanding Cultural Diversity (3)

Understanding of culturally different studies, the psychological and sociological factors that influence the counseling, teaching or training, and the employment of the culturally different. Special emphasis is placed on current practices utilized in overcoming the deficiencies in school, home, and work settings.

EDU 6665 - Field Project (3)

The content of this course is variable, depending on student interests. The determination of the course content for each student will be made through collaboration between the student, the student鈥檚 adviser, and the Instructor. Students may focus on supervised teaching, action research, or a project with a P-12 school system. This course is open only to students enrolled in teacher education programs. The field project does not replace the comprehensive exam. Students are required to take the comprehensive exam.

EDU 6672 - The Wiregrass Writing Project (3)

The Wiregrass Writing Project is the local affiliate of the Alabama Writing Project and the National Writing Project. The National Writing Project strives to improve student writing achievement by improving the teaching and learning of writing in the nation鈥檚 schools. The 165 sites operate on a teachers teaching teachers model. Successful writing teachers who attend this invitational summer institute will examine their classroom practice, conduct research of sound theory supporting particular approaches to the teaching of writing, and develop their own writing skills.

EDU 6680 - The Alternative Experience Internship Grades K-6(3)

This field experience is designed only for students who are admitted to the Alternative Fifth-Year Experience Route Program in Elementary Education. The internship will consist of a minimum of 100 clock hours of instructional experiences in elementary classroom (K-6) settings. Grading system is Pass/ Fail.

EDU 6682 - Internship in Area of Specialization (3)

This field experience is designed for teacher education candidates who hold current graduate-level professional educator certification and desire additional certification in another field and/or level. Experiences include planning, teaching and supervised activities in an approved clinical setting. Grading system is Pass / Fail. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program, completion of all required coursework, and approval from the Director of Teacher Education.

EDU 6691 - Research Methodology (3)

This course is a study and evaluation of a variety of research methods and types of reporting. (May carry the prefix appropriate to the program of study i.e. SPE, SED, IED). A grade of 鈥淏鈥 or better is required.

EDU 6693 - Quantitative Methods of Evaluation of Teaching and Learning (3)

This course is a study of descriptive and inferential statistics commonly used in the literature of psychology and education. Emphasis is placed on the application of statistical method to research design. Instruction deals specifically with measures of central tendency and variability, probability theory, estimation and significance, correlation and regression, analysis of variance, and chi-square. A grade of 鈥淏鈥 or better is required.

EDU 6695 - Thesis (3)

The thesis must be related to an educational problem or situation. Information regarding the thesis program may be obtained from the Dean of the Graduate School. This course may be repeated. Grading system is Pass/Fail.

EDU 6696 - Practicum in Area of Specialization (1-6)

The Practicum is supervised experiences related to instruction in area of specialization. The application of skills, concepts, and principles acquired in previous courses will be emphasized. Prerequisite: All Teaching Field courses must be completed.

EDU 6698 - Introduction to Research (3)

This course is designed to assist graduate students as they become competent consumers and producers of educational research. Purposes, designs, and characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research will be examined as students read and analyze a variety of studies. A grade of 鈥淏鈥 or better is required.

EDU 6699 - Research in Practice (3)

The purpose of this course is to provide graduate students in teacher education programs with an opportunity to design, implement, and write about practical quantitative or qualitative research related to their own teaching. Joint research projects with P-12 school systems are encouraged. Prerequisite: EDU 6698 or EDU 6653. A grade of 鈥淏鈥 or better is required.

EDU 7706 - Environmental Education: Teaching Across the Curriculum (3)

This course is designed to provide an interdisciplinary experience in teaching using an approach designed around environmental education themes. The graduate students will be immersed in teaching across the curriculum using issues related to the environment. The focus will be interdisciplinary and utilize hands-on learning experiences which will help to make learning meaningful and authentic.

EDU 7709 - Seminar in Decision-Making for Teachers and Educational Administrators (3)

The purpose of this course is to critically examine, analyze, and evaluate American public education in order to frame problems, identify possible causes, seek and collect information, delineate steps to solutions, and generate possible solutions to problems facing schools today. Particular focus will be given to curriculum and instruction, financial, political, cultural, economic ethical and legal policies, and the impact of cultural diversity in American schools. Restricted to students enrolled in an Education Specialist program.

EDU 7725, 7726, 7727 - Specialized Study in Education (1-3)

Study of the problem using research techniques. Selection of problem must be approved by the professor under whom the study is to be made, and the Dean of Education. The study should contribute to the student鈥檚 program. Preparation of a scholarly paper is required and may involve an oral defense. Total credit for any combination of enrollments in these courses may not exceed four semester hours. A specialized study may be substituted for a required course only once in a student鈥檚 program. See semester hour limits listed under Course Restrictions in General Regulations section.

EDU 7730 - The Teacher Leader (3)

The purpose of this course is to help teachers develop as teacher leaders in their schools. Major emphasis will focus on teacher leader characteristics, skills and effective practices in teacher leadership (recommended as the first course in the ELE/ECE Ed.S. programs).

EDU 7750, 7752, 7757 - Practicum in Area of Specialization (1-3)

The Practicum is a supervised application of the concepts, principles, and skills acquired by the students in previous course work. Students will explore and identify alternative solutions to the problems through group interaction. Students must receive a grade of 鈥淏鈥 or better in EDU 7757.

EDU 7760 - Leading for Learning in the School Environment (3)

This course is designed to extend the teacher leader from the classroom to the school environment. Students will be provided a study of the processes involved in evaluating school settings and the problems faced by instructional leaders. Major emphasis will be placed on the transition to a teacher leading in the school environment. Characteristics of leading for learning will be explored. Topics that affect today鈥檚 teacher leaders and positive ways to deal with instructional issues will also be investigated.

EDU 7761 - Effective Schools and Teachers (3)

This course is designed to examine the knowledge base for effective schools to enable teacher leaders to develop skills in their own practices. There will be emphasis through in-depth study of the research literature on effective school settings. Students will critically examine, analyze, and evaluate the components and characteristics of effective school environments.

EDU 7762 - School Accreditation Process (3)

The purpose of this course is to examine the local, state, regional, and national standards associated with school accreditation. The accreditation process in these areas will be reviewed and analyzed. Students will compare and contrast the different ways schools are accredited. Topics such as: the accreditation process, school self-study procedures, validation/documentation, roles of school personnel, and creating school improvement plans will be investigated.

EDU 7763 - Legal Issues and Ethics in Education (3)

The purpose of this course is to allow educational leaders to explore the organizational development and maintenance services required for effective operation of the schools within the legal framework established by local, state, and federal legislative and judicial requirements. Major emphasis will be given to studying legal issues and community relations. Legal issues and services related to exceptional children will be closely examined. The development of ethical standards, informed legal decision making, and emergency procedures for ensuring safety, as well as the political factors which impact schools, society and community relations will be studied.

EDU 7764 - Models and Strategies for Instruction (3)

The purpose of this course is to assist education specialist candidates as they explore a variety of instructional models throughout the educational and other learning environments. There will be an emphasis on current research of effective teaching and learning practices. Students will compare and contract different educational instructional practices and develop set of strategies to enhance the instructional environment.

EDU 7792 - Advanced Research in Education (3)

This course is designed primarily for students planning to prepare a thesis. Particular attention is given to the research techniques related to the types of thesis study the student desires to undertake. (May carry the prefix appropriate to the program of study i.e. SPE, SED, IED). A grade of 鈥淏鈥 or better is required. Prerequisite: This course is restricted to Ed.S. candidates only.

EDU 7795 - Thesis (1-6)

Research for and preparation of a scholarly paper related to a school administration, supervision, and/ or curriculum problem. The project will be under the direction of the student鈥檚 advisory committee. Grading system is Pass/Fail.

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