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Risk Management, Safety and Insurance (RMSI)

Mission Statement

The Risk Management, Safety, and Insurance (RMSI) Department seeks to identify and evaluate risk and loss exposures to the valued assets (people, reputation and property) of 麻豆网站列表, its Trustees and affiliates, in order to efficiently and appropriately control and finance those exposures, maximizing the University鈥檚 overall mission and performance.
Emergency Management and Safety

Emergencies should be reported to:

Day Phone Number - 334-670-3215

Day Phone Number - 334-241-5920

Night Phone Number - 334-241-2651

Day Phone Number - 334-983-6556 x313

Night Phone Number - 334-615-3000

Day Phone Number - 334-448-5102

Night Phone Number - 334-298-0611

In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of the Chief of University Police or head of campus security constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus wide 鈥渢imely warning鈥 will be issued. The warning will be issued through the University e-mail system to students, faculty, staff and the campus' student newspaper, The Tropolitan. Depending on the particular circumstances of the crime, especially in all situations that could pose an immediate threat to the community and individuals, the police or security may also post a notice on the University text messaging system,
and the .


This provides the university community with a more immediate notification. In such instances, a copy of the notice is posted in each residence hall, at the front door of each on campus fraternity and sorority house, and in prominent places on campus where students may see the notice. The electronic bulletin board is immediately accessible via computer by all faculty, staff and students.  Visit the University Police Department for additional information.


SOS - 麻豆网站列表 Emergency Information

Visit the  for more information. Information concerning a particular crisis or emergency event is placed on this site simultaneously to a text message being sent out.


Campus Siren System

Visit the 麻豆网站列表 Police Department Information page for more information. Campus Siren System is a notification system that will be activated in case of an emergency.


Confidential Reporting

If you are the victim of a crime and do not want to pursue action within the University System or the criminal justice system, you may still want to consider making a confidential report. With your permission, the University Police/Security Department on your campus can file a report on the details of the incident without revealing your identity. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential, while taking steps to ensure the future safety of yourself and others. With such information, the University can keep an accurate record of the number of incidents involving students, determine where there is a pattern of crime with regard to a particular location, method, or assailant, and alert the campus community to a potential danger. Reports filed in this manner are counted and disclosed in the annual crimes statistics for the institution.

麻豆网站列表 encourages anyone who is the victim or witness to any crime to promptly report the incident to the police or security. Because police reports are public records under state law, the University Police Department cannot hold reports of crime in confidence. Confidential reports for purposes of inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics can generally be made to other 麻豆网站列表 campus security authorities, as identified above. Confidential reports of crime may be made by calling your campus police or security office or one of the other offices listed above to report criminal offenses.

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to the University Police office or Campus Security Office on their respective campus by contacting the office by phone, in person at the number or location above; via the 麻豆网站列表 Secret Witness Hotline or by texting TROJANTIP to 79516 ().


Weapons on Campus

麻豆网站列表 prohibits on all University properties possession, use, and transportation of any dangerous or potentially dangerous weapons described below:


  • Fixed blade knives concealed on the person or in a vehicle (e.g., Bowie Knife, knife, or instrument of like kind or description).
  • Shotgun or rifle or other shoulder gun
  • Pistol or revolver
  • Air gun (e.g., air or gas powered rifle or pistol)
  • Bow and arrow (e.g., archery equipment)
  • Slingshots (including throwing weapons)
  • Swords
  • Crossbows
  • Brass Knuckles
  • Fireworks or explosive devices
  • Electronic stunning devices


This policy shall apply to all faculty, staff, and students of 麻豆网站列表; and to all visitors to any University properties. This policy does not apply to duly authorized law enforcement officials in the lawful discharge of their duties. Temporary exclusions may be granted by permit only by the Dean of Students or his designated representative for job-related, educational, or demonstration purposes. Department Chairs and respective faculty members may be granted a blanket authorization by the Dean of Students or his authorized representative for organized activities. These organizations must guarantee qualified instruction, safety, and security for such activities. All applicable federal, state, as well as local laws and ordinances will be strictly enforced.

Hazard Reporting

It is often possible to personally correct a hazardous condition (e.g. wiping up a spilled drink from the floor, straightening a floor mat by a door.) On other occasions, others must be involved to eliminate a hazard. Corrections often only take place if the hazard has been identified and those empowered to reduce the risk are made aware of the hazard. If you cannot personally eliminate or guard against the hazard then report it to the supervisor of an area (e.g. shop, lab, office, etc.), to a maintenance or administrative group, or to RMSI. Below is a set of specific areas to call with potential hazards identified at the University.



Automobile Insurance | Liability Insurance | Property Insurance | Unemployment Claims | Worker's Compensation

Automobile Insurance

Insurability Statement

Drivers must be a minimum of 18 years of age or older, must possess a current valid driver's license, consent to a motor vehicle record check (MVR) and meet the university's established insurance criteria to be added to the list of approved drivers. Applicants must be approved before they can be hired if driving is one of the primary duties of the position. Current employees must be approved before they may operate a University Vehicle.

MVR - Driving Record Check

University guidelines require that all drivers of a university owned, leased or rented vehicle complete this form for the purposes of determining driver insurability before being permitted to drive. University vehicles include all fleet vehicles owned or leased by the University, as well as any vehicles purchased, leased, or rented by the University and assigned to individual employees or departments for their use.


How to obtain insurance coverage for a newly acquired vehicle:

Insurance information pertaining to 麻豆网站列表 vehicles is maintained by Risk Management, Safety, and Insurance (RMSI). The 麻豆网站列表 department purchasing a vehicle should contact RMSI within 3-5 days of acquisition to arrange for insurance coverage. Information the department should furnish to RMSI includes:

  • Make & Model
  • Year Manufactured
  • VIN
  • Copy of the Bill of Sale

Upon receipt of the insurance card, RMSI will provide the department with a copy/original to be placed inside of the vehicle.


Accident Reporting

  1. Stop immediately and contact the appropriate law enforcement agency. 
  2. Call 911 if anyone is injured or requires immediate medical attention.
  3. Take necessary precautions to protect the accident scene. Vehicles should not be moved until after the police arrive unless they present a safety hazard.
  4. Do not leave the accident scene until an accident report has been completed by the law enforcement official.
  5. Do not discuss the details of the accident with others at the scene.
  6. Do not admit liability or fault, make offers, or agree to settlement on behalf of 麻豆网站列表. It is important that such admissions and decisions be reserved for the insurance carriers.
  7. Do not sign any document other than those required by the law enforcement official.
  8. Obtain name, address, and phone number of the other driver and their insurance information and the contact information for any witnesses.
  9. Remove keys and University property and lock the vehicle if the vehicle must be towed from the scene.
  10. Ask the investigating law enforcement officer to provide the accident report number and how/where a copy of the report can be obtained.
  11. Notify 麻豆网站列表 RMSI to report the accident within 24 hours. RMSI will ask you to complete an Auto Claims Questions Form and return to them to expedite claims reporting.

Auto Claims

Auto Claims Questions Form

Windshield Auto Claims whether repairable or needing to be replaced should be reported to Lynx Services at 1-800-264-4143. Information the department will be asked to furnish is:

  1. The policy number (on the insurance card.)
  2. The date or approximate date of loss.
  3. The VIN of the vehicle (on the insurance card.)
  4. Description of the damage.
  5. The exact location of the vehicle.

Lynx Services will schedule a time for the vehicle to be attended.

If the vehicle is a rented automobile:

  1. Complete and return to RMSI a Windshield Auto Claims Questions Form.
  2. Provide RMSI with a copy of the rental agreement.
  3. Provide RMSI with any supporting paperwork. If the rental company makes the repair then provide RMSI with a copy of the bill for repair.

NOTE: The department filing a claim will be responsible for any deductibles associated with loss.


Liability Insurance

General Liability Certificates of Insurance (COI)

The purpose of a certificate of insurance is to provide proof of coverage under Troy University's insurance for University related business, proceedings and/or events. Please note that as an entity of the state of Alabama, the university cannot list others as an additional insured on its policies or agree to indemnify them.


How to Obtain a COI for Proof of Coverage

A request for a COI may be made by emailing the request to RMSI to englisha@troy.edu or ahwelch@troy.edu or by faxing to 334-670-5666. The requestor will need to provide the following information:

  • The Certificate holder name and address.
  • A description of operations or event for which the COI is desired.
  • Dates of an event if applicable.
  • Limits of liability needed.

Once the COI is issued, it will be emailed/faxed/mailed to the requestor and/or the certificate holder.


Insurance Recommendations for Projects/Contracts

Recommend use of contracts for all projects above $1000

Contracts should include:

  • Indemnification statements
  • Primary and Non-contributing statements
  • Workers Compensation provisions

Certificates of Insurance

  • Minimum $1 million per occurrence; $2 million aggregate limits
  • Coverage amounts may vary by project size
  • Umbrella Policy coverage may be recommended for larger construction projects
  • Additional Insured Status

Property Insurance

Accidental loss or damage can occur to both real and personal property. Real property (property which cannot be moved) includes state-owned buildings, parks, swimming pools, boilers and heavy machinery. Personal property includes motorized equipment (not licensed for road use), supplies and movable capital items such as desks, chairs, typewriters and tools. Property damage may result from a number of perils, such as freezing temperatures, water damage, lightning, and fire. 


RMSI should be contacted regarding:

  • Contracts which might have insurance or liability ramifications, including construction contracts, maintenance contracts, building leases, service contracts, equipment and auto leases.
  • Any significant addition to or reduction in, values of property. 
  • Any new project which either involves fire loss potential or public liability potential.
  • State property leased to another party. 
  • When properties are purchased.

Guidelines for Adding Buildings/Coverage

Complete Property Insurance Request and send to:
Tonya Senn
107 Wright Hall
Fax: 334-670-5666
E-mail: tsenn@troy.edu


Unemployment Claims

If you are separated from employment, you may choose to file an unemployment claim.

  • How to File: If you worked in Alabama, claims for unemployment benefits are filed through the State of Alabama Department of Labor. Claims can be filed via phone by calling 1-866-234-5382 or via internet by going to .
  • Many states require claims to be filed independently instead of through Alabama. If you work or reside outside of Alabama, please contact Human Resources for filing information.

Questions or comments: Contact Human Resources


Worker's Compensation

Report all on the job injuries to your supervisor immediately.

International Travel

How to request International Travel Coverage:

All 麻豆网站列表 faculty and staff wishing to travel abroad on university business must first obtain approval from the appropriate approval authorities and the Chancellor. This may be initiated by completing the Application for Travel Approval Form. Once the form has all approvals a copy is sent to RMSI at which time the applicant is officially added to the International Travel Package coverage. This coverage is only available to 麻豆网站列表 faculty, staff and students. Any additional travel insurance desired may be purchased independently. Insurance cards will be emailed to the traveler the last week of the month preceding the month of the scheduled trip.


US State Department for Travel Warnings:


Quick Links

Minors on Campus

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance for issues related to child protection and the reporting of child abuse. University faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and representatives as well as third-party vendors and their employees, representatives, volunteers, camp coordinators, staff, and participants that contract for use of University facilities, with responsibilities that involve interaction with children, must carefully review and abide by the following guidelines regarding child protection and the reporting of child abuse. Any University personnel who makes a good faith report of child abuse may not be subjected to retaliation by the University.


Anyone who works with or has the potential to work with minors must pass a background check before they may begin working or volunteering for 麻豆网站列表.


Training Resources

The Department of RMSI is committed to providing the tools and resources that will help reduce risk and exposure to 麻豆网站列表. We believe that it is crucial to our pursuit of 麻豆网站列表's overall mission and performance, that we provide information and resources that will help us accomplish this goal. This page contains information regarding training and links to useful documents.


United Educators provides many free, educational training courses. Below is a list of current courses. If you are interested in any of these programs for yourself or your employees please contact Abi Welch.


  • Driver Safety Training
  • Bus Driver Safety Training
  • Teaching Science Safety (lab safety course)
  • Sexual Misconduct: How Teachers and Other Educators Can Protect Our Children
  • Sexual Misconduct: A Manager's Guide to Prevention and Response
  • Workplace Harassment Prevention 113
  • Short-Term International Programs


Active Shooter Training Resources


Liability Waiver

Release, Waiver, and Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless Agreement


Important Links

IT Security Policies



Click here to view the latest version of the 麻豆网站列表 Student Handbook, the Oracle.


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