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H. F. Scarborough

[Fragment, no date]

 one even at a high price_    as I wrote to John I expected to hear from John before now but have not.    The wather has been very cold here though it has remained dry until now.     We have had a good deal of rain to day and is still raining_    I hope you have had a good time to save your meat_     Take the best care you can of your provisions_     we are into a war that we can not see the end of and times will continue to get harder_     meal is now worth in Savanah from $3.50 to $4.00 per bushel      beef is worth from 25 to 30 cts per pound     I was in hopes that I would get a furlough home but there is no chance as Gen Mercer has ordered the discontinuance of furloughs for the present_     One man a member of this company_   Day before yesterday was refused a furlough home on information that his wife was at the point of death     therefore you see my chance to get home_     all I can do fer you is to pray Gods protection over you and children and that his wisdom may direct you in all your undertakings and guide your footsteps in the path of peace_     you spoke in your letter about sending me clothes   I have a plenty and the government furnishes the army in this department with clothes + shoes_    I must close as it is getting dark_    you must write soon as I am vey anxious to hear from you_     how is the hogs getting along_   No more but remaining your affectionate husband

H. F. Scarborough


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