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H. F. Scarborough

Camp Ashby   Apl 8, 1864


Dear Wife


I recived your letter of the 2nd day before yesterday evening__  and am truly sorry that the letters I wrote to Addison and Susan had the effect to make the matter worse for the intentions of the letter was to settle the fuss and to gratify Susan as much as possible   Lt Girly requested me to write to Susan as she was very much troubled on account of the reports concerning him__  I did not mention in my letter to her anything about his having the pock__ I only contradicted the report__  that Girly and Franklin was lying about drunk   I said everything in his favor that I possibly could say__ (and tell the truth)  for I had und=erstood that Susan was setting about and crying all the time__  and I thought that I would console her if I could__  as her and More was already married and the reason that I wrote to Addison was __ that I was fearful that they might think from what I had wrote to Susan__ that I was trying to deny what I said about More__  and I just stated to him what I told Sarah__  and why I told her so__  and that for the future I was in hopes that there would be nothing more said about it for the sake of Susans feelings__  that you may better understand I will tell you the sub=stance of what I wrote to him__  I stated that Sarah had asked me concerning the matter and that I told her as there was a probability of Susan and More marrying that they would do well to enquire into the matter before the marriage took place__  that it would be to late after__   (and I do think they acted very imprudently__ to mention it to him after he was married as they did not do it before)__  I stated to him also that I had answered some points to you direct and that I had never said or wrote to you anything that I could not prove__  I told him that More was conducting himself very well at present__  and that all men was was subject to misfortunes and that I did not know that More was any worse off by his misfortunes__  You may rest assured that I did not contradict anything that I had ever said in either of the letters__   my intentions were to give satisfaction__  and to stop the matter where it was and if they are disposed to keep up a fuss about it let them__ rip__  they cannot injure me by it__  Girly did not mention it to me for some time after he got back and when he did he told me that Addisons folks had told him that I had told that him and Franklin was drinking and gambling and spending their money with loose characters about Savanah__  I told him that much of it was false and told him precisely what I did say about it__  and asked him what else I could have said and he appeared to be satisfied__  and said that he knew that he had done things that he ought not to have done__  and asked me to write to Susan__ myself  Franklin and More is as friendly as we ever were__  you said that you wanted me to send you transportation by Sid Williamson__  that you wanted to come back with him__  Turner Johnson has gone home in his place and I do not know when Williamson鈥檚 time will come__ Franklin will go home in June and you had better wait and come with him for Sid is a very poor chance__  transportation will entitle you to half fare__  I will send you transportation as soon as I can get the chance to go up to Savanah__  and it will be good to you whenever you a chance to come__  I want you to come when you get a chance__  If I can save money enough to pay your way [down] here__  I have been detailed on a garden for nearly two months and have not had the chance to make any money this year__  and I do not know when I will get off the detail__  I did not know that Lt Grisley had sent an instrament of writing home proving his character__  when I wrote to Susan and Addison__  they did not show it to me__  but I have learned that my name was not mentioned in it__  He only tryed to prove that his character as far as getting drunk was concerned__ his pock care was not mentioned in it__  and I have no idea that he will ever try to prove that he never had it__  for I can prove to the contrary by the whole company if it is necessary__  do no say anything about what I have wrote in this letter__  keep dark and rest easy__  I will send you the books as soon as I can__  everything is quiet here  no news of importance__  this leaves me well  tell [Sarah?] and Louise to let Susan alone  do not say any to aggravate her__  write soon and tell me all the news__  how you are getting along farming__  and gardening etc.  have the hogs come back__  my love to the children__


Your Affectionate Husband

H. F. Scarborough


[Transcribed by Stacy Bryant, June 2005]

[Edited by Tina Bernath, June 2006]

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