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H F Scarborough

Camp Ashby

March 9, [18]64

Dear Wife

I received yous of the 28th Feb last Thursday evening__  about two hours before Lt Girly arrived__  he has not said any thing to me about his care at home__  and I have no idea that he will __  he appears as friendly as he ever did__  he comes down and stays with us of a night__  and took dinner with us last Sunday__  I do not expect to mention it to him__  and as he is married I desire the matter to rest where it is __  though I shall take back nothing I have said__  there is no news here of much interest here__  there seems to be some excitement concerning the currency question   the most of persons holding confederate money is funding them for bonds__  I spoke in my last letter to you about yours and told you to consult Addison about it__  all you have on hand at the end of the month will be dis=counted thirty three and a third cents= on the dollar__   If you have not used it and cannot buy corn with it__  If you can send it to me I will try to get it in five dollar bills for you__  or if you can spare the money you can take up the note that I owe Whit Clark__  though I do not wish you to understand that I want the note taken up unless you you have no use for the money__  Frank Pickett is at home now and if you get this letter before he starts back you can send the money to me by him  if you see proper to send it   his time is out next Tuesday__  he will probably start back mondey__ you can get Addison to see him for you   if you have not sold the cotton you had better keep it until after the first of Apl unless you can get corn for it__  write whether any arrangements is made for you to make a crop or not__  If you have no one hired con you spare me some meat__  our rations is very short__  this leaves me well__  I remain your affectionate Husband

H F Scarborough


I will send you some pens next letter



[Transcribed by Stacy Bryant, June 2005]

[Edited by Tina Bernath, June 2006]


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