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H. F. S.

Camp Ageechee   Feb 25th/ 63

Dear Wife

In conformity with my promise in my last to you I proceed to write you again to day   I stated in my last letter that I sent you twenty dollars and would in a few days send you twenty more and in a week more would send twenty dollars more but as I have an opportunity of sending it by private conveyance I send you the forty dollars now -  which you will find inclosed-  which will probably take up the note if it lacks any tell William to pay it to you -  He ought to have paid it before now as he only borrowed it for a few days-  and was to have paid it certain whenever I wanted it and I have wanted it several times   I received a letter from Dr Farrior last Sunday stateing that he could furnish the potatoes.  I imediately answered him ordering them but since that time circumstances has changed that I do not wish them sent and I have wrote to him yesterday countermanding the order.   An order has been sent out ordering all troops of this command from Gen Beauregard ordering all to keep on hand three days rations rady to keep on land move at a moments warning.  Therefore it is so uncertain what will take place here  I have concluded to have nothing more sent from home at present -  you asked in your letter whetter I had bed clothes enough or not I have a plenty__  perhaps more than I will be allowed to move myself   Jordan Parker and Henry White tents together and sleeps together and between us we make out very well   Dr Farrior stated in his letter that he would pay the money he owed we soon that he was not willing to pay such a percent any longer  I wrote to him that he could keep it by logingtwelve and a half颅颅_ or pay the money as he choosed   If he pays the money you can buying the McNeil place from Lete? If you wish at the price he offered it at to me_  six hundred dollars in two payments I think is what he said he would take for it  three hundred down and three hundred in twelve months   if you pay him the money Dr Farrior owes the interest will be to deduct of the last payment William spoke of letting me have the place the Mr Sterma is on at sixteen hundred dollars   if he will I had rather buy it than the McNeil place though do as you think best about it __ if you buy the McNeil place have the title taken to yourself & children   you must take the best care of yourself that you can and do not disdain   this war will end some time and I have never had any doubts but that I shall by the mercies of Heaven be preserved through this war and will return to my family uninjured   Take the best care you can of the children for I long to see them again   be mild with them but at the same time learn them to respect and obey you_  and do not fail to impress upon their minds (while young) the importance of a moral life and the impropiety of vulgar and profane language_  Keep them out of bad company as much as possible and never allow  them the habit of staying from home at night   I was sorry to hear that you had ban robed_  You had better send to Columbus or Eufaula and buy a bolt of asnaburgs if the children needs lets get more to create them since my will do to wear in the summer   how does [Vera] get along   can she talk颅_  write soon   Farewell   H. F. Scarborough


I send you some paper also by Mr. Jenkins the bearer of this letter which I have directed him to drop in the office at Mt Andrews   H. F. S.


[Transcribed by Stacy Bryant, June 2005]

[Edited by Tina Bernath, June 2006]


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