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Fannie A Miller

Troublesome [Postofise] Lownds Conty Ceorgia

April the 4 1859

Dear Sister

I have not heard from you sense Timothy got back  I have bin looking fer a letter from you ever sense  I have concluded to drop you a few lines to let you now that I am yet living though the baby and myself come very near dying with the Scarlet feevr   it was from a Sunday marning until [fryday] dinner that I never swallowed a mouthfull of nothing to eat  at last got so that if I tried to drink enything it would come through ym nostrols but thank God we are nearly over it  I had no fersition with us  I sent for one doctor he came and said it was cold that aled me  I then sent for another and failed to get him  I then concluded to doctor my self.  I drank Ginger tea as a longe as I could swaller it then I put spirits of tuppertime to my throat but dident think to mix oil with it there four I could not [bear] it gonge enuf to do eny good  I then had red oak poltices put to my throat & [jaws] took some of the tea and put alumand huny in it gogled it down my throat  I commense this one night and by the next day dinner I could eat.  Mr Dasher family had that some diseas two of his childre died  [Bebecher] the baby the rest of them ware nearly well that last time I heard from them they surposed they got it from my baby but it is a mistake they had it too weeks before it had it  I caught it from Captin Burk's family one of his little daughters had it we thought she would die  I set up with her every other night until she got sick ever body was so fraid that they would take it that they dident go [toset] up  that ant my disposition I dont believe in seeing a person suffer from the want of attention.  I took it before the baby did  Polly did not take it.  Timothy is gone to the Debating sosiety he is to deliver a speech to night.  the question they hav got to discurse to night is which is the most happiest to man a married life or a single one.  Timothy is one the married side we will see which side caris the day.  Well Timothy has got wache and his side gaind the case.  I got a leter from Lou an and Turner last weeke they are well and living in Auburn yet they have two children a boy an a girl and looking each day for another.  the [7] Timothy is now gone to Troupvill he started sunday vening I look for him to day  I will hear from Mr Dasher family when he comes.  they are two boys bording hear goying to school  I have got the sweetest child in this state an the pretiest.  Timothy has got back Mr Dasher's family are all well he said he had got a letter and all of you had the Scarlet feever if your childrn bloat give them batesmans drops every night on goying to bed it coured my baby.  my garden is very sorry this year the frost bit down my first peas but they have come out I have some later ones that touch very nise  we had frost and ice this morning it give the corn & beans sut  we have not planted cotton yet but will comens the last of this wek or the first of next  Timothy is replanting some of his corn  Polly has come out the most you every saw she is as well contented hear as she would be there I think  Write soon direct to Troubesom.  Timothy jinds me in love to you and all of my connections  I hope this will find you all well.  may Gods blessings rest on you all and his merciful hand gide you through this life and at death take you home to heaven

Fannie A Miller


[Transcribed by Stacy Bryant, June 2005]

[Edited by Tina Bernath, June 2006]


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