Barbara Everett Papers Record
Record Group 161
Date Span: 1992-2010
Unprocessed Extent: 30 cubic feet
Biographical Sketch: Barbara Pitts Everett is a southeast Alabama businesswoman, educator, and participant in many civic organizations. She is the spouse of retired Congressman Terry Everett (R-AL-2, 1993-2009), having married him on October 18, 1969 at Dothan's Cloverdale Baptist Church ()
Barbara Pitts was born in August 1946 in Webb, Alabama, grew up in Headland and Dothan, and graduated from Rehobeth High School. Before pursuing higher education, she partnered with her husband in the newspaper business, owning several weeklies beginning with Down Home Today and ending with Gulf Coast Media, Inc., from 1966 to 1988. Later, the Everetts operated Premium Homebuilders in Enterprise, Alabama. ()
Mrs. Everett received her Associate of Arts Degree from Enterprise State Junior College in 1984, a Bachelors degree in Sociology and Psychology from 麻豆网站列表State University in 麻豆网站列表(Summa Cum Laude) in 1986, and her Masters in Counseling and Psychology from 麻豆网站列表State University Dothan in 1988. From 1986 to 1990, she was the director of the Tutorial Assistance Program for High Risk College Students and the Career Training Program for Displaced Homemakers at Enterprise State Community College. ()
While Mr. Everett was in Congress, Mrs. Everett became active in civic organizations and commissions, particularly after suffering breast cancer in 2000. () She served on multiple state and county health and breast cancer commissions, multiple advisory committees to groups like the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, a number of Coffee County commissions, and foundation advisory boards, all documented in these records.
The Everetts retired to their home in Rehobeth, Alabama, after 2009.
Scope / Content Note: Documents Barbara Everett's life as a congressional spouse and her extensive work with state commissions, advisory councils, health and breast cancer groups, non-profits, and foundations, 1998 鈥 2010.
Organization: Organized into three series, 1. Christmas Cards, 2000-2008; 2. Congressional Mementos, 1992-2008; 3. State and Local Groups, 1998-2010.
Arrangement: Series 1 -- Christmas Cards arranged by year. Series 2 -- Congressional Mementos arranged by year then alphabetically. Series 3 -- State and Local Groups arranged alphabetically by group name, files arranged alphabetically therein.
Christmas Cards, 2000-2008 [ca. 2 cubic feet]: Christmas cards sent to the Everetts from their constituents and cards sent by the Everetts to their constituents. Also includes cards sent to the Everetts by the White House. Christmas cards were received at the Everetts' Alabama and Washington, D.C. addresses. Cards are addressed to the Everetts as a couple but also to Terry and Barbara individually. Note: Envelopes were removed and Christmas cards were sampled at 50% to reduce bulk.
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-015-018 Christmas Cards, 1996
161-15-0720-015-019 Christmas Cards, 2000
161-15-0720-015-020 Christmas Cards, 2002
161-15-0720-016-001 Christmas Cards, 2002-03
161-15-0720-016-002 Christmas Cards, 2003
161-15-0720-016-003 Christmas Cards, 2004
161-15-0720-016-004 Christmas Cards, 2005
161-15-0720-016-005 Christmas Cards, 2006
161-15-0720-016-006 Christmas Cards, 2007
161-15-0720-016-007 Christmas Cards, 2008
161-15-0720-O/S-007 O/S - Christmas card from the White House, 1996
161-15-0720-O/S-008 O/S - Christmas card from the White House, 2000
161-15-0720-O/S-009 O/S - Christmas card from the White House, 2003
161-15-0720-O/S-010 O/S - Christmas card from the White House, 2005
161-15-0720-O/S-011 O/S - Christmas card from the White House, 2006
161-15-0720-O/S-012 O/S - Christmas card from the White House, 2007
161-15-0720-O/S-013 O/S - Christmas card from the White House, 2008
Congressional Mementos, 1992-2008 [ca. 7 cubic feet]: correspondence, reports, directories, periodicals, media and various artifacts related to Terry Everett's time in office. Note: Most content received as loose papers, order imposed by archives staff. Files arranged alphabetically by title. Artifacts housed separately.
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-009-009 41st Annual National Prayer Breakfast
161-15-0720-009-010 Barbara Everett's Remarks to Republican Women's Club, Sep 24, 1992
161-15-0720-009-011 Cancer Research Foundation of America
161-15-0720-009-012 Conference for New Members of the 103rd Congress, 1993
161-15-0720-009-013 Conference for New Members of the 103rd Congress - Application & Correspondence
161-15-0720-009-014 Correspondence
161-15-0720-009-015 CRS Reports for Congress
161-15-0720-009-016 Event Programs
161-15-0720-009-017 Everett for Congress: Second District - AL, 1992
161-15-0720-009-018 Invitations
161-15-0720-009-019 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-009-020 News Articles
161-15-0720-009-021 Newspapers
161-15-0720-009-022 Photos
161-15-0720-009-023 Proclamation for Terry Everett Day - Enterprise, AL
161-15-0720-009-024 Program - Signing of the Israel - Palestine Agreement, 1993
161-15-0720-009-025 Reference Materials
161-15-0720-009-026 Reserve Officers Assoc. of the U.S., AL Dept.: 64th Annual Convention, 1993
161-15-0720-009-027 Terry Everett Campaign Kickoff Remarks, Apr. 1992
161-15-0720-009-028 Waste Management Family of AL
161-15-0720-009-029 Wiregrass Consortium for Science & Technology
161-15-0720-Artifact-021 Everett for Congress - fan and stickers
161-15-0720-Artifact-022 1993 Republic of China appt. diary - empty
161-15-0720-Artifact-023 Certificate of Appreciation to T.E. from Kiwanis Club of Ozark, AL
161-15-0720-Artifact-024 Welcome to Washington canvas tote
161-15-0720-Artifact-025 National Textiles week Fabric - TSU
161-15-0720-Artifact-026 "Pet Baby Rattler" - baby rattle
161-15-0720-Artifact-027 Go Warriors - foam tomahawk
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-010-001 1996 Newly Elected Spouse Orientation
161-15-0720-010-002 1997 Public Service Announcement Project
161-15-0720-010-003 Addressing the needs of AL Children Reference Materials
161-15-0720-010-004 AL House & Senate Directories
161-15-0720-010-005 American Treasures of the Library of Congress
161-15-0720-010-006 At Work 2000 Task Force - Sparks Technical College
161-15-0720-010-007 Children & Families Reference Materials
161-15-0720-010-008 Christmas Card Selections
161-15-0720-010-009 Community Foundation Plan
161-15-0720-010-010 Correspondence
161-15-0720-010-011 Courtesy Tours
161-15-0720-010-012 Education Goals Conference
161-15-0720-010-013 Education Goals Reference Materials
161-15-0720-010-014 Enterprise Rotary Club
161-15-0720-010-015 Event Programs
161-15-0720-010-016 Financial Disclosure Statement - 1996 Calendar Year (Clay Swanzy)
161-15-0720-010-017 Ft. Rucker Retired Officers Assoc.
161-15-0720-010-018 Invitations
161-15-0720-010-019 Legislative Days 1997
161-15-0720-010-020 Magazines
161-15-0720-010-021 Medical Bills, 1996-97
161-15-0720-010-022 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-010-023 News Articles
161-15-0720-010-024 News on Sen. Jeff Sessions
161-15-0720-010-025 Newsletters
161-15-0720-010-026 Newspapers
161-15-0720-010-027 Reference Materials
161-15-0720-010-028 Schedules for Congressman Everett
161-15-0720-010-029 Veterans
161-15-0720-010-030 VHS - 1997 Congressional Family PSA Project, Barbara Everett spots
161-15-0720-010-031 VHS - 1997 Congressional Family PSA Project, Blooper Reel
161-15-0720-Artifact-028 Tile - Hillcrest Baptist Church Worship Center Dedication
161-15-0720-Artifact-029 Plaque - Valuable Contribution, Barbara Everett: Education Goals Conference
161-15-0720-Artifact-030 Framed Bible Verse
161-15-0720-Artifact-031 Floral - red silk corsage & boutonniere
161-15-0720-Artifact-032 Floral - white wedding memento, Joanna & Todd
161-15-0720-Book-004 Book - Knots on a Counting Rope: appreciation gift, Education Goals Conference
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-010-032 54th Presidential Inauguration
161-15-0720-010-033 Bylaws of the Republican Women of Coffee Co. AL
161-15-0720-010-034 Cattlemen Park & Exposition Center Groundbreaking - Pike Co.
161-15-0720-010-035 Commentary from NRCC Chairman Tom Davis [National Republican Congressional Committee}
161-15-0720-010-036 Congressional Orientation - 106th Class
161-15-0720-010-037 Correspondence, 1999-2001
161-15-0720-010-038 Correspondence from Mary Jo Whitman, 1993
161-15-0720-010-039 Defining Your Role in the Campaign
161-15-0720-010-040 Event Programs & Invitations
161-15-0720-010-041 Legislative Campaign Partnership: A Workbook for Political Spouses
161-15-0720-010-042 Magazines
161-15-0720-011-001 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-011-002 News Articles
161-15-0720-011-003 Newsletters
161-15-0720-011-004 Newspapers
161-15-0720-011-005 Office Manual for Congressman Everett's Staff
161-15-0720-011-006 Remarks to First Freewill Baptist Church (Terry Everett)
161-15-0720-011-007 Republican National Convention - Philadelphia
161-15-0720-011-008 Schedules
161-15-0720-011-009 Terry Everett for Congress: Regional Coordinator Manual
161-15-0720-011-010 Wallace Community College
161-15-0720-Artifact-033 Flowers Seeds, unopened - Rep. Nat'l Conv. label
161-15-0720-Artifact-034 Disposable Camera, unopened - Rep. Nat'l Conv. label
161-15-0720-Artifact-035 Campaign Button, Bush for Pres. - Rep. Nat'l Conv.
161-15-0720-Artifact-036 Cardboard Binoculars - Rep. Nat'l Conv. label
161-15-0720-Artifact-037 Lapel Pin - Rep. Nat'l Conv.
161-15-0720-Artifact-038 Campaign Button - Rep. Main Street Partnership
161-15-0720-Artifact-039 Wooden Pen Case & Two Pens - Penn State Campaign "A Grand Destiny"
161-15-0720-Artifact-040 Lapel Pin - Delaware, compliments of Cong. Michael Castle
161-15-0720-Artifact-041 Lapel Pin - Helicopter
161-15-0720-Artifact-042 Frisbee - Commerce Bank
161-15-0720-Artifact-043 Key Chain - Commerce Bank
161-15-0720-Artifact-044 Magnet - Fire Safety, Cong. Kurt Weldon x2
161-15-0720-Artifact-045 Key Chain - Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
161-15-0720-Artifact-046 Key Chain - Tropico Rum
161-15-0720-Artifact-047 Label Pin, light up - Tropico Rum
161-15-0720-Artifact-048 First aid kit - Delaware Co. Memorial Hosp.
161-15-0720-Artifact-049 Pen - Hermes Transportation Co., Limo Service
161-15-0720-Artifact-050 Pen - Krozer Keystone, healthcare
161-15-0720-Artifact-051 Pencil - Wawa, Inc. x2
161-15-0720-Artifact-052 Magnet - Wawa, Inc. x2
161-15-0720-Artifact-053 Pill Box - Village Green Mobile Home Community
161-15-0720-Artifact-054 Luggage Tag, blank - Wilmington Trust
161-15-0720-Artifact-055 Golf Tees - Wilmington Trust
161-15-0720-Artifact-056 Hand Towel - Healthplex, Springfield Hosp.
161-15-0720-Artifact-057 Ruler, orange - Middleton Township Parks & Recreation
161-15-0720-Artifact-058 Music Cd, unopened - Philadelphia Orchestra: Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 4
161-15-0720-Artifact-059 Nightlight - Iron Workers Bank
161-15-0720-Artifact-060 Martini Shaker - Cointreau on Ice
161-15-0720-Artifact-061 Beach Ball - Alliance for Worker Retirement Security
161-15-0720-Artifact-062 Pager
161-15-0720-Artifact-063 Poster - AL Treasure Forest Assoc., Pike Co. Chapter x2
161-15-0720-Artifact-064 Birthday Poster - Terrey Everett from Barbara Morris-Lent & Bell Atlantic
161-15-0720-Artifact-065 Cylindrical travel case on lanyard, small- Sunco, Marcus Hook Refinery
161-15-0720-Artifact-066 Campaign Button - Bush/Cheney x2
161-15-0720-Artifact-067 Elephant Pin - Barbara Everett
161-15-0720-Artifact-068 Campaign Sticker - Bush for president "W. 2000鈥 x2
161-15-0720-Artifact-069 Campaign sticker - Bush/Cheney x2
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-011-011 2001 House Calendar: 107th Congress
161-15-0720-011-012 3rd Bipartisan Congressional Retreat
161-15-0720-011-013 Cancer Research Foundation of America
161-15-0720-011-014 Correspondence
161-15-0720-011-015 Event Programs
161-15-0720-011-016 Inauguration of George Bush: Jan. 20, 2001
161-15-0720-011-017 Invitations
161-15-0720-011-018 Magazines
161-15-0720-011-019 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-011-020 National WWII Memorial, Washington, D.C. w/ lapel pin
161-15-0720-011-021 News Articles
161-15-0720-011-022 Newspapers
161-15-0720-011-023 Presidential Address to Joint Session of Congress
161-15-0720-011-024 Schedules
161-15-0720-011-025 Welcome Aboard Air Force One
161-15-0720-011-026 VHS - "A Story of Alabama Values," Bob Riley for Governor
161-15-0720-Artifact-070 Fabric heart - St. Jude's Hospital
161-15-0720-Artifact-071 M&M carton - Presidential seal x4
161-15-0720-Artifact-072 Dry erase board - AL Citizens for a Sound Economy
161-15-0720-Artifact-073 Pen - The Master's Plan PTC
161-15-0720-Artifact-074 Pin - 9/11 remembrance
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-012-001 2002 House Calendar: 107th Congress
161-15-0720-012-002 Alabama Federation of Republican Women
161-15-0720-012-003 Alabama Regional Phi Theta Kappa Convention
161-15-0720-012-004 Alabama Tree Farm Convention
161-15-0720-012-005 Alabama's 2000-01 Registered Nurse & Licensed Practical Nurse Workforce
161-15-0720-012-006 Avon Breast Cancer Event
161-15-0720-012-007 Cancer Research Foundation of America Annual Report 2001
161-15-0720-012-008 Center for Workforce Preparation: Academy of Learning -- Coffee, Dale & Geneva Counties
161-15-0720-012-009 CODEL: Collins: Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Kuwait [Folder 1 of 3]
161-15-0720-012-010 CODEL: Collins: Kyrgyz Republic [Folder 2 of 3]
161-15-0720-012-011 CODEL Collins: Kuwait [Folder 3 of 3]
161-15-0720-012-012 Congressional Retreat 2003
161-15-0720-012-013 Correspondence
161-15-0720-012-014 Directory of Members of the U.S. House of Rep. & Their Families (2 copies)
161-15-0720-012-015 Enterprise High School: Letters to Terry Everett after Sep. 11, 2001
161-15-0720-012-016 Event Programs
161-15-0720-012-017 Financial Disclosure Statement - Clay Swanzy
161-15-0720-012-018 Habib House: American Embassy Residence Seoul, Korea
161-15-0720-012-019 Healthcare Forum presented by Dothan Chamber of Commerce & 麻豆网站列表 Dothan
161-15-0720-012-020 In This Place: Historical Markers of Montgomery Co., AL
161-15-0720-012-021 Invitations
161-15-0720-012-022 Medical Bill for Barbara Everett, 2003
161-15-0720-012-023 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-012-024 National Veterans Day in Birmingham
161-15-0720-012-025 News Articles
161-15-0720-012-026 Newsletters / Magazines
161-15-0720-012-027 Newspapers
161-15-0720-012-028 Remarks by Barbara Everett at Wallace Community College GED Graduation
161-15-0720-012-029 Remarks by Cong. Terry Everett for Elba Levee Groundbreaking
161-15-0720-012-030 Roast for Sonny Callahan
161-15-0720-012-031 Sail Mobile (w/ 7 silver tokens)
161-15-0720-012-032 Schedules
161-15-0720-012-033 State of the Union: Address to the 107th Congress, 2nd session
161-15-0720-012-034 United States Capitol Historical Society
161-15-0720-012-035 Voices for AL's Children Regional Meeting
161-15-0720-012-036 Women's History Month 2002
161-15-0720-Artifact-075 Patriotic Bundle - pencils, key chain, foldable fan, magnet, wrapped mint
161-15-0720-Artifact-076 Campaign Button - job stats
161-15-0720-Artifact-077 Name tag - Barbara Everett, Legislative days
161-15-0720-Artifact-078 Paint brush - pink ribbon
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-012-037 Breakfast with Speaker Hastert
161-15-0720-012-038 Cancer Research & Prevention Foundation, Annual Report 2004
161-15-0720-012-039 Certificate of Appreciation, presented by Ozark Kiwanis Club [Terry Everett]
161-15-0720-012-040 CODEL Collins, 2003
161-15-0720-012-041 Codel Everett: Texas, Arizona, California, 2004
161-15-0720-012-042 Codel Goss: United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, 2003
161-15-0720-012-043 Congressional Directory for 107th Congress
161-15-0720-012-044 Congressional Retreat 2003
161-15-0720-012-045 Correspondence
161-15-0720-012-046 Directory of Members of the U.S. House of Rep. & Their Families, 2002
161-15-0720-012-047 Event Programs
161-15-0720-012-048 Invitations
161-15-0720-012-049 Legislative Days 2004
161-15-0720-012-050 Magazines
161-15-0720-013-001 Menwith Hill Station
161-15-0720-013-002 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-013-003 National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise
161-15-0720-013-004 News Articles
161-15-0720-013-005 Newsletters
161-15-0720-013-006 Newspapers
161-15-0720-013-007 Photographs
161-15-0720-013-008 Postcards - Moscow
161-15-0720-013-009 Republican National Convention, New York, 2004
161-15-0720-013-010 Schedules
161-15-0720-013-011 Space Imaging: Presentation to Cong. Everett
161-15-0720-013-012 Welcome to Ireland
161-15-0720-013-013 Winfield House: A Witness to History -- The Official Residence of the Ambassador of the United States of American to the Court of St. James's
161-15-0720-Artifact-079 My South: A celebration of southern art, music & food
161-15-0720-Artifact-080 Team VFW - vanity license plate, 2004-2005 [2 plates]
161-15-0720-Artifact-081 Waterford Crystal: The Complete Collection (product catalog)
161-15-0720-Artifact-082 Tissue paper poppy - American Legion / American Legion Auxiliary x2
161-15-0720-Artifact-083 Paper fan - Tea with the First Lady, Governors Mansion, Apr 3, 2004
161-15-0720-O/S-005 O/S - Space Imaging: 2004 Calendar [blank]
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-013-014 Cancer Research & Prevention Foundation, 2005 20th Anniversary Annual Report
161-15-0720-013-015 CODEL Everett/Reyes: Sandia National Laboratories & Los Alamos National Laboratory
161-15-0720-013-016 Correspondence
161-15-0720-013-017 Equal Employment Complaint: Age Discrimination
161-15-0720-013-018 Event Programs
161-15-0720-013-019 Independence Day District Work Period Kit
161-15-0720-013-020 Invitations
161-15-0720-013-021 Magazines
161-15-0720-013-022 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-013-023 National "Write Your Congressman"
161-15-0720-013-024 News Articles
161-15-0720-013-025 Newsletters
161-15-0720-013-026 Newspapers
161-15-0720-013-027 Schedules
161-15-0720-013-028 U.S. Army Aviation Museum, Ft. Rucker, AL - Museum Guide (2 copies)
161-15-0720-Artifact-084 Children's Art Therapy, 2005 Calendar [blank]
161-15-0720-Artifact-085 Address Book Magnet - Enterprise Chamber of Commerce (2 magnets)
161-15-0720-Artifact-086 Drink Coaster - Enterprise Chamber of Commerce (2 coasters)
161-15-0720-Artifact-087 Pouch - Raytheon, Strategic Space and Defense Luncheon, 2006
161-15-0720-Artifact-088 Napkin - Gov. Bob Riley w/ AL seal, gold lettering
161-15-0720-O/S-006 O/S - The Story of a Government That Almost Didn't Happen -Amendments to the Constitution
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-013-029 Correspondence
161-15-0720-013-030 Event Programs
161-15-0720-013-031 Financial Records [Restricted - Acct #s]
161-15-0720-013-032 The Hive Creative Group
161-15-0720-013-033 Honorary Public Service Commissioner, Barbara Everett, 2005
161-15-0720-013-034 House Calendar 2006: Vote Schedule & District Work Periods
161-15-0720-013-035 Invitations
161-15-0720-013-036 Magazines
161-15-0720-013-037 Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, Annual Report 2005
161-15-0720-013-038 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-014-001 News Articles
161-15-0720-014-002 Newsletters
161-15-0720-014-003 Newspapers
161-15-0720-014-004 Schedules [Folder 1 of 2]
161-15-0720-014-005 Schedules [Folder 2 of 2]
161-15-0720-014-006 Strategic Studies Quarterly, Fall 2007, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Everett article on pg. 20)
161-15-0720-014-007 Travel
161-15-0720-014-008 Williams, Joe, 1999-2000 [Restricted - Personnel file]
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-014-009 Craig D. Schmidtke for Congress
161-15-0720-014-010 Cong. Terry Everett Remarks to Air Force Sergeants' Assoc.
161-15-0720-014-011 Cong. Terry Everett Remarks for Enterprise Tornado Victims Memorial Service
161-15-0720-014-012 Correspondence
161-15-0720-014-013 Event Programs
161-15-0720-014-014 Handwritten Notes
161-15-0720-014-015 Invitations
161-15-0720-014-016 Magazines
161-15-0720-014-017 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-014-018 National Space Forum 2008
161-15-0720-014-019 News Articles [Folder 1 of 2]
161-15-0720-014-020 News Articles [Folder 2 of 2] ["From the House" column by Terry Everett]
161-15-0720-014-021 Newsletters
161-15-0720-014-022 Newspapers
161-15-0720-014-023 Reference Materials
161-15-0720-014-024 Retirement Application & Financial Records [Restricted - Acct #'s]
161-15-0720-014-025 Schedules
161-15-0720-014-026 Stephanie Bell for Congress
161-15-0720-Artifact-089 CD - RWCC Gala slideshow, Everett Tribute
161-15-0720-Artifact-090 CD - Thank You, Cong. Everett, Wallace Community College
161-15-0720-Artifact-091 Distinguished Public Service - includes, medal, letter, & certificate of award letter to Terry Everett, certificate to Jim Saxon, medal has no designation]
Misc Dates
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-014-029 Breast Cancer Legislation 2000
161-15-0720-014-030 Christmas Card Mailing List, 1999
161-15-0720-014-031 Christmas Card Selections, 2001
161-15-0720-015-001 Completed Schedule 1999
161-15-0720-015-002 Completed Schedule 2000
161-15-0720-015-003 Completed Schedule 2001
161-15-0720-015-004 Completed Schedule 2002
161-15-0720-015-005 Congressional Directory for 110th Congress
161-15-0720-015-006 Congressional Mementos, 2009-10
161-15-0720-015-007 Correspondence, 2001
161-15-0720-015-008 Family Service Center, 2000
161-15-0720-015-009 Handwritten Notes, 1999
161-15-0720-015-010 Health Committee, 2002
161-15-0720-015-011 Invitations, 2000
161-15-0720-015-012 Invitation, 2001
161-15-0720-015-013 Letter from Barbara Everett - cancer update, undated
161-15-0720-015-014 Magazines, 2009-2010
161-15-0720-015-015 Mailing List, 2000
161-15-0720-015-016 National World War II Memorial Donation Certificate, 2000
161-15-0720-015-017 Programs to help Nursing Students, 2002
161-15-0720-Artifact-092 Everett for Congress - stickers & pamphlets (water damage) [multiple copies]
161-15-0720-Artifact-093 Framed photo - group shot w/ Barbara Everett
State & Local Groups, 1998-2010 [ca. 9 cubic feet]: Details Barbara Everett's involvement in various committees, foundations, forums and causes in Alabama, such as Habitat for Humanity and the State of Alabama Women's Commission, multiple breast cancer forums and the governor's task force to strengthen families. Note: Some content received as loose papers, order imposed by archives staff. Files arranged alphabetically by title. Artifacts housed separately.
AL Co-op
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-001-001 Alabama 4-H Program
161-15-0720-001-002 Meeting Agendas, 1998
161-15-0720-001-003 Newsletter, 1997
161-15-0720-001-004 Reference Materials, 1997-1998
161-15-0720-001-005 Reports & Surveys, 1996-1997
161-15-0720-001-006 State Leaders Conference, 4/22 - 4/23, 1999
161-15-0720-001-007 System Advisory Council - 5/11/19999: Agenda & Resources
161-15-0720-001-008 System Advisory Council, 1997-1999
161-15-0720-001-009 Task Force on Extension Agriculture Report, 1998
AL Rural Action Comm.
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-001-010 Correspondence, 2007-2010 [Folder 1 of 3]
161-15-0720-001-011 Correspondence, 2007-2010 [Folder 2 of 3]
161-15-0720-001-012 Correspondence, 2007-2010 [Folder 3 of 3]
161-15-0720-001-013 KidCheck, 2008-2009
161-15-0720-001-014 Minutes, Agendas & Proposals, 2007-2010 [Folder 1 of 2]
161-15-0720-001-015 Minutes, Agendas & Proposals, 2007-2010 [Folder 2 of 2]
161-15-0720-001-016 Office of Primary Care & Rural Health - Reports, 2007
161-15-0720-001-017 Presentations, 2007-2010
161-15-0720-001-018 Publications, 2006-2009
161-15-0720-001-019 Reference Materials, 2007-2010
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-001-020 A Walk to Remember, 2000
161-15-0720-001-021 A Walk to Remember, 2001
161-15-0720-001-022 A Walk to Remember, 2002
161-15-0720-001-023 A Walk to Remember, 2003
161-15-0720-001-024 A Walk to Remember, 2004
161-15-0720-001-025 Correspondence, 2003-2005
161-15-0720-001-026 Dementia Education & Training Program
161-15-0720-001-027 Meeting Notes, 2004-2005
161-15-0720-001-028 News Articles, 2002-2004
161-15-0720-001-029 Reference Materials, 2002-2004
161-15-0720-001-030 Thirteenth Annual Alzheimer's Conference, March 22, 2002
161-15-0720-Artifact-001 Pen - WOOF FM
161-15-0720-Artifact-002 Pen - SYSCO Central Alabama, the Produce Company
161-15-0720-Artifact-003 Pen - Extendicare Health & Rehabilitation Center
161-15-0720-Artifact-004 Pen - Alzheimer's Resource Center, Inc.
161-15-0720-Artifact-005 Pencil - Alzheimer's Resource Center, Inc.
161-15-0720-Book-001 Book - the 36-Hour Day
161-15-0720-Book-002 Book - Creating Moments of Joy for the Person with Alzheimer's or Dementia
Coffee Co. Breast Cancer Forum
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-002-001 Breast Health Seminar, 10-6-2000
161-15-0720-002-002 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-002-003 News Articles, 2000
161-15-0720-002-004 Reference, 2000
161-15-0720-002-005 SAMC Medical Pamphlets
161-15-0720-Artifact-006 Magnet - Southeast Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
161-15-0720-Artifact-007 Pink Ribbon w/ pin x 2
161-15-0720-Artifact-008 Sticker - Pink Ribbon
161-15-0720-Artifact-009 Pin - The Best Protection Is Early Detection
161-15-0720-Artifact-010 Beads of Hope - self check beads
161-15-0720-Artifact-011 Plastic bag - SAMC Breast Care Center
Coffee Co. Family Services Center
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-002-006 ADECA Sub-Grantees Meeting, 12/9/1998 [AL Dept. of Economic & Community Affairs]
161-15-0720-002-007 Alabama Humanities Foundation, 1998-2000, Motheread Program
161-15-0720-002-008 Board of Directors, Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 1998
161-15-0720-002-009 Board of Directors, Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 1999
161-15-0720-002-010 Board of Directors, Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 2000
161-15-0720-002-011 Correspondence, 1998-2000
161-15-0720-002-012 Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Conference, 10/22/1999
161-15-0720-002-013 ETP 410 Welfare to Work Situation Statement & Resource Guide, 1999
161-15-0720-002-014 Forum Exchange, 9/3/1999
161-15-0720-002-015 Handbook, ca. 1999
161-15-0720-002-016 Membership in AL Network of Family Resource Centers, 2003
161-15-0720-002-017 Newsletters, 1999
161-15-0720-002-018 News Articles, 1999-2000
161-15-0720-002-019 Parents as Teachers National Center, Inc., 1999
161-15-0720-002-020 Photographs, 1999
161-15-0720-002-021 Presentation Slides, 6/9/2000
161-15-0720-002-022 Projected Cost to Establish & Operate Operatory Dental Clinic
161-15-0720-002-023 Reference, 1996-1998
161-15-0720-002-024 SAFE Intervention Programs [Safety & Accountability for Everyone]
161-15-0720-002-025 SE AL Child Advocacy Center, Education & Support Services Annual Report, 9/30/2003
161-15-0720-002-026 Workforce Development Meeting, 1999
Coffee Co. Habitat for Humanity
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-002-027 Application for Affiliation, 1999-2001
161-15-0720-002-028 By-Laws
161-15-0720-002-029 CB&T Benefit Golf Tournament, 1998 [Community Bank & Trust]
161-15-0720-002-030 Celebration Banquet, 1999
161-15-0720-002-031 Correspondence, 1998-2000
161-15-0720-002-032 Habitat for Humanity, 1996-1997
161-15-0720-002-033 Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 1998-2001
161-15-0720-002-034 News Articles,1999
161-15-0720-002-035 Publications by Habitat for Humanity, 1998-1999
161-15-0720-002-036 Reference, 1998
Coffee Co. Strategic Planning Committee
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-002-037 21 and Beyond - Coffee Co. Views the 21st Century, Public Forum, Aug. 1998
161-15-0720-002-038 Correspondence, 1998
161-15-0720-002-039 Meeting Minutes & Referenced Materials, 1998-1999
161-15-0720-002-040 Quality of Life: Regional Development Conference, Oct. 1998
161-15-0720-002-041 Reference Materials, 1997-1998
161-15-0720-002-042 Report to Transportation Committee, 1999
161-15-0720-002-043 Transportation Committee, 1998
161-15-0720-O/S-001 O/S Map - Coffee Co. General Highways, 1998 (2 copies)
161-15-0720-O/S-002 O/S Map - Freeway from AL line to US 231 North of Dothan, concept map, 2002
161-15-0720-O/S-003 O/S Map - Proposed Southeast AL Interstate Transit System, 1997
Gov.'s Comm. On Cons., Eff., & Fund.
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-002-044 AL Children's Policy Council: County Needs Assessment, 2003-2004
161-15-0720-002-045 Correspondence, 2003-2004
161-15-0720-002-046 Final Report, 2003
161-15-0720-002-047 Handwritten Notes, 2003
161-15-0720-002-048 Health & Human Services Subcommittee: Report & Recommendations, Dec. 12, 2003
161-15-0720-002-049 News Articles, 2003
161-15-0720-002-050 Reference, 2003
161-15-0720-002-051 Subcommittee on Health & Human Services, Part 1 [Folder 1 of 2], October - December 2003
161-15-0720-003-001 Subcommittee on Health & Human Services, Part 1 [Folder 2 of 2], October - December 2003
161-15-0720-003-002 Subcommittee on Health & Human Services, Part 2 [Folder 1 of 3], October - December 2003
161-15-0720-003-003 Subcommittee on Health & Human Services, Part 2 [Folder 2 of 3], October - December 2003
161-15-0720-003-004 Subcommittee on Health & Human Services, Part 2 [Folder 3 of 3], October - December 2003
Gov.'s Task Force to Strengthen AL Families. Created by Governor Bob Riley in 2004 at Mrs. Everett's request. She served as the chair, and Kathleen Sauer served as executive director. The Task Force recommended ways to increase the effectiveness of local welfare administration. It recommended and began to develop a network of family service centers in each county, and in 2007 launched Camellia (Phase I), an online tool to streamline the welfare application process that covered 28 state human services programs. See also the Kathleen Sauer Collection finding aid (/about-us/dothan-campus/wiregrass-archives/inventories/293.html) and the Governor's Task Force to Strengthen Alabama Families Project Files at the Alabama Department of Archives and history ().
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-003-005 2005 Grant Proposal Drafts
161-15-0720-003-006 2008 Goals for Community-Based Services to Strengthen Families in AL
161-15-0720-003-007 Alabama County Data Book 2003
161-15-0720-003-008 Alabama Dept. of Corrections - Family Reintegration & Re-entry Services, 2008
161-15-0720-003-009 Alabama Dept. of Human Resources, Annual Report, 2001
161-15-0720-003-010 Alabama Dept. of Mental Health & Mental Retardation
161-15-0720-003-011 Alabama Dept. of Public Health, Annual Reports, 2002-2003
161-15-0720-003-012 Alabama Dept. of Rehabilitation Services, Annual Report, 2003
161-15-0720-003-013 Alabama Kids Count Data Book, 23003
161-15-0720-003-014 Alabama Medicaid Agency
161-15-0720-003-015 Alabama Medicaid Agency Presentation to Task Force, 2004
161-15-0720-003-016 Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers, 2009-2010
161-15-0720-003-017 Alabama Policy Institute's News Conference on Cultural Indicators, 2006
161-15-0720-003-018 Alabama Resource Management Systems (Arms), 2007
161-15-0720-003-019 Alfred Saliba Family Services Center, 2006-2007
161-15-0720-003-020 America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2007
161-15-0720-003-021 Annie E Casey Foundation - Interim Reports, 2008
161-15-0720-003-022 Beyond the Interstate: The Crisis in Rural Alabama, 2003
161-15-0720-003-023 Briefing for Gov. Bob Riley, Aug. 2007
161-15-0720-003-024 Budgets, 2007-2008
161-15-0720-003-025 Building Statewide Capacity to Support Family Service Center (FSC) Expansion in AL, 2006
161-15-0720-003-026 Camellia Project, 2007-2008
161-15-0720-003-027 Camellia Project, 2008-2009
161-15-0720-003-028 Camellia Project: A Connected Health & Human Services Framework for Alabama, May 2007 [Draft]
161-15-0720-003-029 Camellia Project: A Connected Health & Human Services Framework for Alabama, May 2007 [Final]
161-15-0720-003-030 Camellia Study: Report on Transformational Technology Opportunities in Alabama, March 2007
161-15-0720-003-031 Caring for Seniors, 2003
161-15-0720-003-032 CASA State Convention - reference materials, 2004
161-15-0720-003-033 Casey Foundation Proposal, 2003
161-15-0720-003-034 Central Alabama Nonprofit Training Conference, 2004
161-15-0720-003-035 Certificates of Recognition, 2007, 2009
161-15-0720-003-036 Child Care Services Division: Child Care Subsidy Program, 2007
161-15-0720-003-037 Children's Policy Council 3rd Annual State Conference, Feb. 2004
161-15-0720-003-038 Children's Trust Fund of Alabama
161-15-0720-003-039 Community Outreach Committee, 2005
161-15-0720-003-040 Correspondence, 2004-2009 [Folder 1 of 5]
161-15-0720-004-001 Correspondence, 2004-2009 [Folder 2 of 5]
161-15-0720-004-002 Correspondence, 2004-2009 [Folder 3 of 5]
161-15-0720-004-003 Correspondence, 2004-2009 [Folder 4 of 5]
161-15-0720-004-004 Correspondence, 2004-2009 [Folder 5 of 5]
161-15-0720-004-005 Correspondence, 2006-2007
161-15-0720-004-006 CRS Reports for Congress, 2003-2004
161-15-0720-004-007 Designing the Dept. of Human Services: Report to the Illinois Legislative Task Force on Human Services Consolidation, 1999
161-15-0720-004-008 Developing the Task Force, 2004-2005
161-15-0720-004-009 Early Learning Left Out: An Examination of Public Investments in Education & Development by Child Age, 2004
161-15-0720-004-010 Employee & Community Involvement Committee, 2004
161-15-0720-004-011 Enhancing Family Self Sufficiency in the State of Alabama, 2006
161-15-0720-004-012 Establishing the Alabama Human Services Coordination Commission
161-15-0720-004-013 eTapestry, Revolutionizing the Charity World via Technology & Service
161-15-0720-004-014 Family Guidance Center of Alabama
161-15-0720-004-015 Family Preservation & Support Services - Family Service Center Standards, 2005
161-15-0720-004-016 Family Services Center Tool Kit, ca. 2005
161-15-0720-004-017 Franklin Co. Facilitator & Recorder Guide
161-15-0720-004-018 Gary E. MacDougal, biographical information, 2000
161-15-0720-004-019 Gov.'s Task Force Briefing, 2005
161-15-0720-004-020 Gov.'s Task Force: Emails, 2002-2004
161-15-0720-004-021 Gov.'s Task Force: Meeting Notices, Agendas & Minutes, 2002-2004
161-15-0720-004-022 Handwritten Notes
161-15-0720-004-023 HIPPY USA, 2005-2007: [Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters]
161-15-0720-004-024 Inside Alabama Politics: newsletter, 2007
161-15-0720-004-025 Interagency Agreement, 2006-2007: AL Dept of Finance, Information Services Division & Health & Human Services Agencies involved in Camellia Project (Phase II)
161-15-0720-004-026 Job Description, 2000, 2006
161-15-0720-004-027 Judges Guide to CASA/GAL Program Development, 2004 edition
161-15-0720-004-028 Kids Count Data Book, 2004
161-15-0720-004-029 Kids Count Data Book, 2007, 2008
161-15-0720-004-030 Kidstuff: Alabama Partnership for Children
161-15-0720-004-031 Marguerite Casey Foundation, 2005-2007
161-15-0720-004-032 Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 2004-2008 [Folder 1 of 3]
161-15-0720-005-001 Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 2004-2008 [Folder 2 of 3]
161-15-0720-005-002 Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 2004-2008 [Folder 3 of 3]
161-15-0720-005-003 Membership Rosters, 2006
161-15-0720-005-004 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-005-005 News Articles, 2004-2007
161-15-0720-005-006 Newspapers, 2004-2006
161-15-0720-005-007 Perry Co. Needs Assessment, Children's Policy Council, 2004
161-15-0720-005-008 Perry County Town Hall Meeting, 2004
161-15-0720-005-009 Pilot System License & Hosting Agreement, 2005 (Qualifacts Systems, Inc.)
161-15-0720-005-010 Plan 2010: Our Vision for Alabama (Bob Riley for Governor)
161-15-0720-005-011 Presentations by Barbara Everett
161-15-0720-005-012 Programs & Accomplishments 2010
161-15-0720-005-013 Proposal to Establish Task Force, presented to Gov. Bob Riley, April 2003
161-15-0720-005-014 Proposal to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2007
161-15-0720-005-015 Protocol for Gathering & Reporting Data on Mental Health Services, 2006
161-15-0720-005-016 Rand Experts Guide 2007
161-15-0720-005-017 Rand Gulf States Policy Institute, 2008-2009
161-15-0720-005-018 Reference Articles, 2004-2008
161-15-0720-005-019 Reference Materials, 2004-2007 [Folder 1 of 2]
161-15-0720-005-020 Reference Materials, 2004-2007 [Folder 2 of 2]
161-15-0720-005-021 Review of Task Force Accomplishments
161-15-0720-005-022 State of AL - Camellia II: Roadmap & Business Requirements Planning, 2007
161-15-0720-005-023 State of Alabama - HHS Evaluation & Architectural Design
161-15-0720-005-024 Steps to Safeguard Your Medicare
161-15-0720-005-025 Strategic Planning & Budget Request Instructions, Fiscal Year 2005-2006
161-15-0720-005-026 Strengthening AL Families: Objectives & Milestones, 2007
161-15-0720-005-027 Task Force, 2006-2009
161-15-0720-005-028 Task Force, 2007
161-15-0720-005-029 Task Force Meeting, October 2008
161-15-0720-005-030 Task Force: member bios, correspondence, minutes, mission & reference materials, 2003-2004 [Folder 1 of 2]
161-15-0720-005-031 Task Force: member bios, correspondence, minutes, mission & reference materials, 2003-2004 [Folder 2 of 2]
161-15-0720-005-032 Task Force: Minutes, Correspondence, Reports & Reference Materials, 2007
161-15-0720-005-033 Testimony of Susan S. Stepleton before Missouri House of Rep. Appropriations-Education Committee, Jan. 2006
161-15-0720-005-034 The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2007-2008
161-15-0720-005-035 The Code of AL 1975: Membership in AL Network of Family Resource Centers
161-15-0720-006-001 The Costs of Child Abuse vs. Child Abuse Prevention: Alabama's Experience, April 2007
161-15-0720-006-002 The New World of TANF: 10 Things to Consider, 2007 [Temporary Assistance for Needy Families]
161-15-0720-006-003 The Privacy Act of 1974
161-15-0720-006-004 The Rural South: Listening to Families in AL, KY & TN, 2004
161-15-0720-006-005 Together of Quality: AL's Tool Kit for Transformation
161-15-0720-006-006 Town Hall Meeting Format
161-15-0720-006-007 Town Hall Meetings Analysis, 2004
161-15-0720-006-008 Washington, D.C. Meeting with Alabama Delegation HHS & USDA, 2007
161-15-0720-006-009 Welfare Reform Briefings, 2003
161-15-0720-006-010 Workforce Development
161-15-0720-Artifact-012 Pencil- State Health Insurance Program
161-15-0720-O/S-004 O/S - Small Town Design Initiative: Marion , Alabama (w/inserts)
Johns Hopkins Forum / AL Breast Cancer Coalition
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-006-011 Cancer Symposium - Invoices, 2001
161-15-0720-006-012 Cancer Symposium - Receipts, 2001
161-15-0720-006-013 Cancer Symposium - Thank Yous, 2001
161-15-0720-006-014 Coffee County Breast Cancer Forum, 2000
161-15-0720-006-015 Correspondence, 2001 [Folder 1 of 2]
161-15-0720-006-016 Correspondence, 2001 [Folder 2 of 2]
161-15-0720-006-017 Doctor Search Letters, 2001
161-15-0720-006-018 Doctors addresses, phone numbers, fax and email
161-15-0720-006-019 Doctors' CVs and Presentation information, 2001
161-15-0720-006-020 Dothan Area Chamber of Commerce - City of Dothan Informational Packet (2 copies)
161-15-0720-006-021 Enterprise, AL Informational Packet (2 copies)
161-15-0720-006-022 ESJC Doctor Forum, 2001 [Enterprise State Junior College]
161-15-0720-006-023 Everett Fund Raising Letters, 2001
161-15-0720-006-024 Fundraising Committee, 2001
161-15-0720-006-025 Hospitality / Chamber of Commerce Committee, 2001
161-15-0720-006-026 Johns Hopkins To Do List
161-15-0720-006-027 List of Doctors and Hospitals in Service Area, 2001
161-15-0720-006-028 Miscellaneous, 2001
161-15-0720-006-029 News Articles, Newsletters, Newspapers, 1999-2001
161-15-0720-006-030 Photographs
161-15-0720-006-031 Publicity and Outreach Committee, 2001
161-15-0720-006-032 Reference Materials, 2004
161-15-0720-006-033 Satellite Uplink - State Health Dept., 2001
161-15-0720-006-034 Southeast Breast Cancer Coalition - Agendas, 2001
161-15-0720-006-035 Southeast Breast Cancer Symposium - Logo, 2001
161-15-0720-006-036 Southeast Breast Cancer Symposium & Wiregrass Breast Cancer Awareness Conference - Budgets, 2001
161-15-0720-006-037 Southeast Breast Cancer Symposium, 2001
161-15-0720-006-038 Steering Committee, 2001 -- Southeast Breast Cancer Symposium
161-15-0720-006-039 Wallace College Forum, 2001
161-15-0720-006-040 Wiregrass Breast Cancer Awareness Conference & Southeast Breast Cancer Symposium - Proposed Itinerary, 2001
161-15-0720-006-041 CD - Dr. Dooley (2 copies)
161-15-0720-006-042 CD - Dr. Dooley Latest Techniques
161-15-0720-006-043 CD - Dr. Nahabedien
161-15-0720-006-044 CD - Dr. Taylor / Dr. Carpenter
161-15-0720-006-045 Floppy Disk - Dr. Taylor CV / Dr. Carpenter CV / Topics - Rehab Title
161-15-0720-006-046 VHS - Current Standards For Management of Breast Cancer (2 copies)
161-15-0720-006-047 VHS - Southeast Breast Cancer Symposium
161-15-0720-Artifact-013 Avon Beads of Hope - Self check beads (2 strands)
SE AL Community Foundation
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-007-001 Community Foundation of Southeast Alabama, 1999, 2002
161-15-0720-007-002 Correspondence, 1999-2004
161-15-0720-007-003 Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 1998-1999, 2003-2004
161-15-0720-007-004 Reference Material, 1998-2004
161-15-0720-007-005 Wiregrass Community Foundation, 1999
161-15-0720-007-006 Wiregrass Community Foundation By-laws, ca. 1995
SE AL Med Cen Foundation
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-007-007 2009 Annual Report
161-15-0720-007-008 Correspondence, 2008-2010
161-15-0720-007-009 Fund Raising Feasibility Planning Report, 4/12/2010
161-15-0720-007-010 Meeting Minutes, 2008-2010
161-15-0720-007-011 News Articles, 2009-2010
161-15-0720-007-012 Southeast AL Medical Center Foundation, 2000
161-15-0720-007-013 Southeast AL Medical Center Screening Services
161-15-0720-007-014 Strategic Planning Session - 8/22/2009
161-15-0720-Book-003 Book - Lilly Oncology on Canvas: Expression of a Cancer Journey
Sunsouth Bank Women's Advisory Council
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-007-015 Correspondence, 2003
161-15-0720-007-016 Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 2003-2004
麻豆网站列表 Foundation
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-007-017 2010 麻豆网站列表Athletics - Board of Trustees & Foundation Board Spring Report
161-15-0720-007-018 A Decade of Distinction: 10-Year Chancellor's Report, 1999-2009
161-15-0720-007-019 Academic / Staff Convocation Program, July 29, 2005
161-15-0720-007-020 Bibb Graves Hall, Progress through Restoration
161-15-0720-007-021 Blank Forms
161-15-0720-007-022 Building Beyond Boundaries Campaign, 2008
161-15-0720-007-023 Building Beyond Boundaries Campaign, 2008-2009
161-15-0720-007-024 "Building Enhancements for American Charities" Presentation, 2007
161-15-0720-007-025 Capital Campaign Steering Committee, 2008-2009
161-15-0720-007-026 CCFA Communique, 2006 [College of Communication & Fine Arts newsletter]
161-15-0720-007-027 Chancellor's Report, 2007
161-15-0720-007-028 Charitable Gift Planning: A Complete Guide, 2006
161-15-0720-007-029 Confucius Institute at 麻豆网站列表 2009 Report of the Director
161-15-0720-007-030 Copied References for Planned Giving
161-15-0720-007-031 Correspondence, 2007-2010
161-15-0720-007-032 Endowment Reviews, 2004, 2006, 2010
161-15-0720-007-033 Estate Planning Seminar, 2009
161-15-0720-007-034 Federal Legislative Agenda, 2006-2007
161-15-0720-007-035 Financial Report from Trust Company of Sterne, Agee & Leach, 2007
161-15-0720-007-036 Foundation Board - Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 2005-2009
161-15-0720-007-037 Foundation Board Meeting Minutes, 2006
161-15-0720-007-038 Foundation Board Meetings, 2006-2009
161-15-0720-008-001 Foundation Finance Reports, 2008-2009
161-15-0720-008-002 Funding Projects for 2005-06
161-15-0720-008-003 Handwritten Notes
161-15-0720-008-004 Invitations, 2008-2010
161-15-0720-008-005 Joint Retreat - Board of Trustees / Foundation Board, 2005-2006, 2010
161-15-0720-008-006 Master Contract between 麻豆网站列表 & the 麻豆网站列表 Foundation, 2006
161-15-0720-008-007 Miscellaneous
161-15-0720-008-008 News Articles, 2007-2008
161-15-0720-008-009 Newspapers & Magazine, 2006-2010
161-15-0720-008-010 Planned Giving Council - Marketing & Education Sub-Committee, 2006-2007
161-15-0720-008-011 Planned Giving Council - Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 2006-2010
161-15-0720-008-012 Planned Giving Council - Proposed Policies & Procedures, 2006-2007
161-15-0720-008-013 Planned Giving Council, 2006
161-15-0720-008-014 Planned Giving Reference Materials
161-15-0720-008-015 Presentation by Wachovia Nonprofit & Philanthropic Services, 2006
161-15-0720-008-016 Professional Advisors Seminar, 2007-2008
161-15-0720-008-017 Proposal by Merrill Lynch, 2007
161-15-0720-008-018 Proposed Bylaws of 麻豆网站列表Shield Society
161-15-0720-008-019 Resignation Notice, 2010
161-15-0720-008-020 麻豆网站列表Athletics, 2006
161-15-0720-008-021 TROY in Motion Campaign
161-15-0720-008-022 TROY Magazine, 2007-2008, 2010
161-15-0720-008-023 麻豆网站列表Shield Society Resolution, Jan. 25, 2008
161-15-0720-008-024 麻豆网站列表Today, Faculty/Staff Newsletter, 2006, 2008
161-15-0720-008-025 麻豆网站列表 Financial Affairs Presentation, 2004-2005
161-15-0720-008-026 Troypolitan, student newspaper, 2006-2007
161-15-0720-008-027 University Informational & Promotional Materials
161-15-0720-Artifact-014 Framed photo - Barbara receiving award, Troy frame, in box
161-15-0720-Artifact-015 Small trapper keeper, black, 麻豆网站列表
161-15-0720-Artifact-016 Name tag - Barbara Everett, Foundation Board
161-15-0720-Artifact-017 Pen, black/red - 麻豆网站列表
161-15-0720-Artifact-018 Pen, red/gold, straight barrel - 麻豆网站列表
161-15-0720-Artifact-019 Pen, red/gold, curved barrel - 麻豆网站列表
161-15-0720-Artifact-020 Pen, grey/red - 麻豆网站列表
Women's Commission 06-07, State of AL (04-05)
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-008-028 Alabama Women's Commission, 1998-2000
161-15-0720-008-029 Correspondence, 2000-2005
161-15-0720-008-030 Governor's Commission for Women Strategic Action Plan, 2004-2005
161-15-0720-008-031 Highlights of Women in Alabama's History, 1805-1991 [copied book pages]
161-15-0720-008-032 Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 2004-2005
161-15-0720-008-033 Miscellaneous, 1999-2005
161-15-0720-008-034 Office of Women's Health, 2004
161-15-0720-008-035 Reports, 1999-2000
161-15-0720-008-036 Strengthening AL Families through Partnerships w/ Faith & Community-Based Organizations, 2004
161-15-0720-008-037 The Status of Women in Leadership in Alabama, 2002
161-15-0720-008-038 Women's Access to Care: A State Level Analysis, 2003-2004
161-15-0720-008-039 Women's Commissioners Manual, 2002-2004
Women's Commission 06-07, State of AL (06-07)
File I.D. Title
161-15-0720-009-001 A Day at the Capitol - Empowering Alabama's Women, 2005
161-15-0720-009-002 Correspondence, 2005-2010
161-15-0720-009-003 Letters of Appointment/Resignation, 2007-2010
161-15-0720-009-004 Meeting Minutes & Agendas, 2005-2009
161-15-0720-009-005 Project Proposals, 2008
161-15-0720-009-006 Reference, 2005-2008
161-15-0720-009-007 Reports, 2001-2009
161-15-0720-009-008 The Status of Women in Alabama, Draft Auburn University, 2008
Contact Us
Wiregrass Archives
麻豆网站列表 Dothan Campus
Everett 128
502 University Dr.
Dothan, AL 36303
Phone: 334-983-6556 x21327