Guide to the Wiregrass Festival of Murals Records
Record Group 130
Date Span: 1992-2010
Extent: 2.5 cu ft
Organizational Sketch: In the summer of 1992, Larry & Sue Register and Felton & Jean Woodham visited the town of Chemainus, British Columbia, Canada, where they discovered a series of thirty-two skillfully executed murals that depicted the history of Chemainus and the surrounding area. Returning from their vacation, the Registers suggested to Don Fabiani, Executive Director of the Dothan Area Convention & Visitors Bureau, that a similar project would benefit downtown Dothan and the Wiregrass region. Larry Register, a former mayor of Dothan, also contacted The Downtown Group because of its mission to preserve and enhance the old central business district in Dothan. The principals involved successfully invited Karl Shultz, who led the Chemainus effort, to lead a mural project workshop in Dothan.
The City of Dothan, Dothan Area Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Downtown Group endorsed the Wiregrass Festival of Murals project. The Wiregrass Festival of Murals expects to fund a total of 30 murals prepared by nationally and internationally recognized artists.
The primary objective is to encourage and stimulate the growth of the local economy through the development of tourism while providing a catalyst for downtown redevelopment, as well as enhancement of the cultural arts community and a documentation of the history of the region.
In 2010, the Wiregrass Festival of Murals ceased operating as an independent agency affiliated with The Downtown Group and became a committee of the Wiregrass Museum of Art.
See also Wendell H. Stepp Papers, RG 110; Wiregrass Museum of Art Records, RG 127; Doug Purcell Papers, RG 143.
Scope / Content: Documents the founding and operations of the Wiregrass Festival of Murals as well as detailing the creation of each mural. Administrative records include governing documents, meeting minutes, financial documents, information on relations with The Downtown Group, and general files. Files on mural design and creation include copyrights, award letters, contracts, mural renderings, research materials providing background for murals, narratives, grant information, the transparencies used for the mural wall projections, artist information, correspondence, mural prints and event posters.
Organization: Organized into 2 series with corresponding sub-series, as follows:
Series 1鈥擜dministrative Records, 1992-2010 [61 Total Files & 1 Plaque]: Documents the various functions required to create the Wiregrass Festival of Murals. Organized into 6 Series.
- Subseries 1.1--Organization, 1992-1997 [9 Files]: Documents activities necessary to establish the Festival of Murals. Contains forms to and from the IRS establishing the Festival of Murals; charter documents, such as by-laws; articles of incorporation and dissolution; contracts granting easements to paint the murals; copyright information such as certificates of registration; funding contracts; and National Register of Historic Places - nomination forms. Arranged alphabetically by file title.
- Subseries 1.2--Meeting Minutes, 1992-1999 [8 Files]: Documents the various committees that decided the topics, location, funding, and management of the Wiregrass Festival of Murals. Contains minutes and agendas for various committees on the Wiregrass Festival of Murals, includes Board of Directors, Mural Project Committee, Subject Committee, Ways & Means Committee. Arranged by committee.
- Subseries 1.3--Finances, 1992-1996 [14 Files]: Documents steps taken to fund Festival of Murals. Contains grant applications and awards; bids; donations; bank records; expense and repair reports creating and preserving murals. Arranged alphabetically by file title.
- Subseries 1.4--Downtown Group, 2004-2007 [8 Files]: Documents the activities of the original parent organization of the Wiregrass Festival of Murals. Contains certificates; correspondence; information on special events; newsletters; budgets and membership lists. Arranged alphabetically by file title.
- Subseries 1.5--General Files, 2005-2010 [22 Files]: Documents the history of Dothan area, the history of the Mural Project and the various promotional celebrations. Contains facts about Dothan and the Downtown District; publications about the Mural Project, information on other mural cities, such as Chemainus, B. C., Portsmouth, OH, and Stubenville, OH; reference material for murals; publications; memos; and miscellaneous photos. Arranged alphabetically by file title.
- Subseries 1.6--Awards, 2009 [1 Plaque]: Documents achievements of the Wiregrass Festival of Murals. Contains awards presented to the Wiregrass Festival of Murals.
Series 2鈥擬ural Creation, 2002-2007 [54 Total Files & 8 Oversized items]: Documents the individual murals of the Wiregrass Festival of Murals and the steps needed to create each one. Organized into 2 Series.
- Subseries 2.1--Murals, 2002-2007 [30 Files]: Documents the creation of the individual murals in the Wiregrass Festival of Murals. Contains information on the murals provided by the Festival of Arts events; copyrights; award letters; contracts; mural renderings; research materials providing background for specific murals; narratives; grant information; the transparencies used for the mural wall projections; mural prints and event posters. Arranged by mural in the order of their creation.
- Subseries 2.2--Reference Materials, 2002-2007 [24 Files]: Documents information used to create the murals that was not directly connected to a specific mural. Contains artist resumes; correspondence; contracts; mural locations; postcards with mural images; information on potential murals; and reference materials offering background information on the mural subjects. Arranged alphabetically by file title.
Access/User Limits? Open per Donor Agreement (Wiregrass Museum of Art)
Date: 1/14/2013
Processed by DS
Series 1鈥擜dministrative Records, 1992-2010 [61 Total Files & 1 Plaque]: Documents the various functions required to create the Wiregrass Festival of Murals. Organized into 6 Series.
Subseries 1.1--Organization, 1992-1997 [9 Files]: Documents activities necessary to establish the Festival of Murals. Contains forms to and from the IRS establishing the Festival of Murals; charter documents, such as by-laws; articles of incorporation and dissolution; contracts granting easements to paint the murals; copyright information such as certificates of registration; funding contracts; and National Register of Historic Places - nomination forms. Arranged alphabetically by file title.
File I.D. File Label
130-12-0625-001-001 [Agency Funding Contract - Dothan Area Convention & Visitors Bureau]
130-12-0625-001-002 Articles of Incorporation, 8 Dec 1992
130-12-0625-001-003 Articles of Incorporation - Amendment, 1993
130-12-0625-001-004 By-Laws - 501 (c) (3)
130-12-0625-001-005 Certificate of Dissolution, 24 Sept 1997
130-12-0625-001-006 Contract Granting Easement for Murals, 1994
130-12-0625-001-007 Copyright - Murals - Certificates of Registration
130-12-0625-001-008 National Register of Historic Places Inventory - Nomination Forms
130-12-0625-001-009 To & From IRS
Subseries 1.2--Meeting Minutes, 1992-1999 [8 Files]: Documents the various committees that decided the topics, location, funding, and management of the Wiregrass Festival of Murals. Contains minutes and agendas for various committees on the Wiregrass Festival of Murals, including Board of Directors, Mural Project Committee, Subject Committee, Ways & Means Committee. Arranged by committee.
File I.D. File Label
130-12-0625-001-010 [First Meeting of the Board of Directors of Wiregrass Festival of Murals, Inc.] [Dec 15, 1992]
130-12-0625-001-011 [Wiregrass Festival of Murals - Board of Director's Meeting Minutes] [Mar 1993-Aug 1994, Feb 1996-Jan 1999]
130-12-0625-001-012 Mural Committee - [mural examples & sketches]
130-12-0625-001-013 Mural Project Committee - Meeting Minutes, 1992-93
130-12-0625-001-014 Mural Project Committee - Miscellaneous
130-12-0625-001-015 [Ways & Means Committee Meeting Minutes, 1992-93]
130-12-0625-001-016 [Wiregrass Festival of Murals, Division of The Downtown Group - 1997 Meeting Minutes]
130-12-0625-001-017 Wiregrass Festival of Murals - Subject Committee Minutes, Oct/Nov 1992 & Feb-Apr 1993
Subseries 1.3--Finances, 1992-1996 [14 Files]: Documents steps taken to fund Festival of Murals. Contains grant applications and awards; bids; donations; bank records; expense and repair reports creating and preserving murals. Arranged alphabetically by file title.
File I.D. File Label
130-12-0625-001-018 Arts Alliance Tab [Donation Certificates]
130-12-0625-001-019 Contributors
130-12-0625-001-020 [Deposits Feb. 12, 1993-Aug. 25, 1995 & Check Stubs Jan. 22, 1993 - June 30, 1993 & Aug. 8, 1995 - March 4, 1996]
130-12-0625-001-021 F of M - Ways & Means
130-12-0625-001-022 F of M: Ways & Means - State Grant
130-12-0625-001-023 Financial Statements - 1993 - Wiregrass Festival of Murals
130-12-0625-001-024 Historic Chattahoochee Grant
130-12-0625-001-025 Murals - 1995 Repainting - Finances
130-12-0625-001-026 Mural Bids
130-12-0625-001-027 WFM - Grant Applications
130-12-0625-001-028 [Wiregrass Festival of Murals - 1992-1996 Receipts]
130-12-0625-001-029 Wiregrass Festival of Murals [Financial, 1994-95]
130-12-0625-001-030 Wiregrass Festival of Murals - Old Bank Statements [1992-93, 1995-96]
130-12-0625-001-031 Took & Rickett - Expenses 1995
Subseries 1.4--Downtown Group, 2004-2007 [8 Files]: Documents the activities of the original parent organization of the Wiregrass Festival of Murals. Contains certificates; correspondence; information on special events; newsletters; budgets and membership lists. Arranged alphabetically by file title.
File I.D. File Label
130-12-0625-001-032 [Certificate - Downtown Group as 2004 National Main Street Program]
130-12-0625-001-033 Downtown Group Banquet, March '07 [CD]
130-12-0625-001-034 [Downtown Group committee list for Wiregrass Festival of Murals]
130-12-0625-001-035 [Downtown Group - Event Flyers/Pamphlets]
130-12-0625-001-036 Downtown Group - Members/Name Lists
130-12-0625-001-037 [Downtown Old & News - Fall 2004]
130-12-0625-001-038 [Letters to Cathy Cole, Downtown Group Director]
130-12-0625-001-039 [Sponsorship Packet for A Downtown Christmas]
Subseries 1.5--General Files, 2005-2010 [22 Files]: Documents the history of Dothan area, the history of the Mural Project and the various promotional celebrations. Contains facts about Dothan and the Downtown District; publications about the Mural Project, information on other mural cities, such as Chemainus, B. C. and Stubenville, OH; reference material for murals; publications; memos; and miscellaneous photos. Arranged alphabetically by file title.
File I.D. File Label
130-12-0625-001-040 [Address Labels/Name Lists]
130-12-0625-001-041 Alabama's Mural City Illustrated
130-12-0625-001-042 Chemainus, B.C.
130-12-0625-001-043 Cowpainters llc - [Peanut displays]
130-12-0625-001-044 Downtown Dothan: Plans for Renaissance
130-12-0625-001-045 [Downtown Dothan buildings]
130-12-0625-001-046 Dothan Magazine, Jan/Feb 2007
130-12-0625-002-047 [facts about Historic Dothan]
130-12-0625-001-048 For I Heard Them Say: An Alabama Odyssey by: Barbara Ritch Jackson
130-12-0625-001-049 From the desk of Wendell Stepp
130-12-0625-001-050 Guide to Historic Downtown Dothan Alabama - [brochure]
130-12-0625-001-051 H. D. "Doc" Woodham
130-12-0625-001-052 [Miscellaneous papers & photos]
130-12-0625-001-053 [Mural Celebratory Events]
130-12-0625-001-054 Mural City ArtFest 2010
130-12-0625-001-055 Newspaper Articles
130-12-0625-001-056 Peanuts Around Town - Artist Information
130-12-0625-001-057 Portsmouth, Ohio Mural Project
130-12-0625-001-058 Proposed Park - Oates and Main Intersection
130-12-0625-001-059 [Stubenville, Ohio Report]
130-12-0625-001-061 ["Where Dothan Began"]
130-12-0625-001-062 Wiregrass Arts & Entertainment, Summer 05, Winter 06-07
Subseries 1.6--Awards, 2009 [1 Plaque]: Documents achievements of the Wiregrass Festival of Murals. Contains awards presented to the Wiregrass Festival of Murals.
File I.D. File Label
130-12-0625-001-063 Attraction of the Year Award 2009 - Presented to Wiregrass Festival of Murals
Series 2鈥擬ural Creation, 2002-2007 [54 Total Files & 8 Oversized items]: Documents the individual murals of the Wiregrass Festival of Murals and the steps needed to create each one. Organized into 2 Series.
Subseries 2.1--Murals, 2002-2007 [30 Files]: Documents the creation of the individual murals in the Wiregrass Festival of Murals. Contains information on the murals provided by the Festival of Arts events; copyrights; award letters; contracts; mural renderings; research materials providing background for specific murals; narratives; grant information; the transparencies used for the mural wall projections; mural prints and event posters. Arranged by mural in the order of their creation.
File I.D. File Label
130-12-0625-002-001 A History of The Downtown Dothan Group's Wiregrass Festival of Murals, Book 1 of 3 [Murals 1-5]
130-12-0625-002-002 A History of The Downtown Dothan Group's Wiregrass Festival of Murals, Book 2 of 3 [Murals 6-10]
130-12-0625-002-003 A History of The Downtown Dothan Group's Wiregrass Festival of Murals, Book 3 of 3 [Murals 11-13]
130-12-0625-002-004 Salute to the Peanut Industry - reference materials
130-12-0625-002-005 Salute to the Peanut Industry - [Southland Debit Card]
130-12-0625-002-006 DeSoto's First Encounter with the Wiregrass Natives [Spanish/Indians] - reference materials
130-12-0625-002-007 The Abduction of Elizabeth Stuart Dill - reference materials & information on Dill House
130-12-0625-002-008 Ft. Scott - reference materials
130-12-0625-002-009 Johnny Mack Brown - Mural Projections [transparencies]
130-12-0625-002-010 Chief Eufaula - research materials
130-12-0625-002-011 Chief Eufaula - Mural Projections [transparencies]
130-12-0625-002-012 Dothan Riot - research materials & correspondence
130-12-0625-002-013 [Godwin Dispute - "Dothan Riot" Mural]
130-12-0625-002-014 Tribute to Sherman Rose and the Tuskegee Airmen - [autographed prints]
130-12-0625-002-015 Fort Rucker - [research materials & mural description]
130-12-0625-002-016 Fort Rucker - [mural prints]
130-12-0625-002-017 Women's Mural - Contract
130-12-0625-002-018 Women of the Wiregrass - Mural Background Info
130-12-0625-002-019 Women of the Wiregrass - Women's Mural 2002, Sponsorship Package
130-12-0625-002-020 Women's Mural Grants
130-12-0625-002-021 Women's Mural - [supply pricing]
130-12-0625-002-022 [Women's Mural Committee Correspondence]
130-12-0625-002-023 Women's Mural - Artist's Interpretation
130-12-0625-002-024 Women's Mural - Resumes for Artwork
130-12-0625-002-025 Women's Mural Proposal
130-12-0625-002-026 Proposal for "Women of the Wiregrass" Mural - "Nurturing Paths," [Gayle Nelson]
130-12-0625-002-027 Proposal for "Women of the Wiregrass" Mural - [Judith Huey]
130-12-0625-002-028 The Steamboat Era - reference materials
130-12-0625-002-029 AME Church [Cherry St. A.M.E.] - Thank you letters to Donators
130-12-0625-002-030 Timber & Turpentine - [research for the Early Commerce Mural]
130-12-0625-O/S-001 Framed print - Foster Street, Looking North, Dothan, Ala.
130-12-0625-O/S-002 Framed print - Aerial view of Dothan
130-12-0625-O/S-003 Certificate - Dothan Main Street Commercial District added to the National Register of Historic Places
130-12-0625-O/S-004 Print - Chief Eufaula Mural
130-12-0625-O/S-005 The Train Mural - background information poster
130-12-0625-O/S-006 Posters - WFM Celebration of the Arts, May 1-5, 2007 & WFM Street Fest, May 5, 2007
130-12-0625-O/S-007 Poster - Cherry Street A. M. E.
130-12-0625-O/S-008 Poster - Salute to the Peanut Industry
Subseries 2.2--Reference Materials, 2002-2007 [24 Files]: Documents information used to create the murals that was not directly connected to a specific mural. Contains artist resumes; correspondence; contracts; mural locations; postcards with mural images; information on potential murals; and reference materials offering background information on the mural subjects. Arranged alphabetically by file title.
File I.D. File Label
130-12-0625-002-031 Art Rosenbaum [Resume]
130-12-0625-002-032 Artist list - Letters, Mural list - [call for proposals, resumes, artist lists]
130-12-0625-002-033 [Background on Murals]
130-12-0625-002-034 Bricks - Phase II
130-12-0625-002-035 Charles M. Svob [Resume & Correspondence]
130-12-0625-002-036 [Civil War Mural - Boy Scout Eagle Project]
130-12-0625-002-037 Contracts [Agreement & Award]
130-12-0625-002-038 [Miscellaneous Mural research materials]
130-12-0625-002-039 [Mural Narratives]
130-12-0625-002-040 Mural Project - Correspondence
130-12-0625-002-041 Mural Walls [Mural Locations]
130-12-0625-002-042 Mural Wall [Preparation]
130-12-0625-002-043 Murals - Dothan
130-12-0625-002-044 Murals - [Postcards]
130-12-0625-002-045 Paddy Carr
130-12-0625-002-046 [Resume - Cheryl Mann Hardin]
130-12-0625-002-047 Sam Dale
130-12-0625-002-048 Wiregrass Festival of Murals - A Celebration of the Arts, Historic Downtown Dothan, May 2 - 6 [2006] & May 1 - 5 [2007]
130-12-0625-002-049 [WFM - A Celebration of the Arts]
130-12-0625-002-050 [WFM - A Celebration of the Arts - Event Account]
130-12-0625-002-051 Wiregrass Festival of Murals - August '95
130-12-0625-002-052 Wiregrass Festival of Murals - [miscellaneous]
130-12-0625-002-053 The Wiregrass Festival of Murals - Walking Tour, 2005
130-12-0625-002-054 Wiregrass Festival of Murals "white paper" ["Art and History to Reshape Dothan's Future" by Doug Purcell]
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