Guide to Dr. William Capps Papers
Record Group 102
Date Span: 1994 - 2004
Extent: 21 file folders
Biographical Sketch: Dr. William R. Capps was a professor at 麻豆网站列表 鈥 Dothan Campus from 1998-2004.
He was selected as the College of Education Outstanding Faculty Member for 2002-2003.
B.S., 1972, Old Dominion University; M.S., 1975, Old Dominion University; Ed.D., 1980,
Nova University.
[Sources: Find Articles at BNET, 鈥淗onor 鈥 Transitions,鈥 School Administrator, Jan
(accessed December 10, 2009); Faculty, Undergraduate Bulletin / Graduate Bulletin,
麻豆网站列表State University Dothan, 2001-2002]
Scope Content Contains course material, including lectures, notes, research information, class outlines and class agendas for School Finance and Taxation (EDL 6605) class offered at 麻豆网站列表 鈥 Dothan Campus. Dr. Capps left the material for Dr. Davis to use in his lectures. Also includes CD-Rom of course syllabi.
Organization: Organized into 3 series:
- Series 1: Course materials, 1994 - 2004, 18 file folders. Syllabi, bibliographies, lecture notes for Capps's courses in educational leadership
and psychology.
- Series 2: Committee meeting minutes, 1998 - 2003, 2 file folders
- Series 3: Conferences, 1996, 1 file folder
Preferred Citation: William R. Capps Papers, RG 102, Wiregrass Archives, 麻豆网站列表 Dothan Campus,
Dothan, AL.
Access/User: Open per Donor Agreement
Proc Date: 12/14/2009
Processor: LS
Series 1: Course materials, 1994 - 2004, 18 file folders. Syllabi, bibliographies, lecture notes for Capps's courses in educational leadership and psychology.
File I.D. File Label
102-09-1101-001-001 Printed inventory of CD contents, 2002
102-09-1101-001-002 EDL 6605, School Finance and Taxation, Course Info, 2002
102-09-1101-001-003 EDL 6605, School Finance and Taxation, Class Agendas and Notes, 2002, Folder 1 of 2
102-09-1101-001-004 EDL 6605, School Finance and Taxation, Class Agendas and Notes, 2002, Folder 2 of 2
102-09-1101-001-005 EDL 6605, School Finance and Taxation, Research Materials, 2002, Folder 1 of 5
102-09-1101-001-006 EDL 6605, School Finance and Taxation, Research Materials, 2002, Folder 2 of 5
102-09-1101-001-007 EDL 6605, School Finance and Taxation, Research Materials, 2002, Folder 3 of 5
102-09-1101-002-001 EDL 6605, School Finance and Taxation, Research Materials, 2002, Folder 4 of 5
102-09-1101-002-002 EDL 6605, School Finance and Taxation, Research Materials, 2002, Folder 5 of 5
102-09-1101-002-003 EDL 6605, School Finance and Taxation, Quizzes , LIMITED ACCESS, 2002
102-11-0103-001-001 EDL Program, 1998-2004 (incomplete), LIMITED ACCESS
102-11-0103-001-002 EDL 6603, School Business Procedures, 2001
102-11-0103-001-003 EDL 6604, Practices/Procedures for School Administrators, 2002
102-11-0103-001-004 EDL 6690, Organizational & Administrative Behavior, 2001
102-11-0103-001-005 EDL 7701, Administration of Special Education, ca. 2000
102-11-0103-001-006 EDL 7794, Problem Analysis, 2004
102-11-0103-001-007 Mock Interviews, post 2003
102-14-0217-001-001 Syllabi, etc., College of Education, 1994 - 1999:
- Bibliography for National Counselor Examination for Licensure and Certification, c. 1994
- Proposed syllabus for PSY 330, Health Psychology, c. 1997 [added to catalog 1998-1999]
- Syllabus EDL 6684, Curricular Development and Instructional Processes for Educational Leaders, 1999.
Series 2: Committee meeting minutes, 1998 - 2003, 2 file folders
File I.D. File Label
102-11-0103-001-008 Meeting Minutes, Dept of Educational Leadership, 1998-2000 & 2002/2003
102-11-0103-001-009 Meeting Minutes, University Master Planning Committee, 18 Sept 2001
Series 3: Conferences, 1996, 1 file folder
File I.D. File Label
102-11-0103-001-010 Conference Proceedings, Professors of Educational Leadership on Alabama Class A Educational Administration Program, 1996
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