Guide to the Records of the Office of Student and Community Services
Record Group 081
Date Span: 1981-2000
Extent: 7 File Folders
Organizational Sketch: At present, 麻豆网站列表 Dothan Campus's Office of Student and Community Services oversees several other offices on campus including Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, and University Events. Most of this office's history, however, is rooted in the former, separately accredited institution, 麻豆网站列表State University at Dothan (TSUD). In 1983, two years before TSUD was granted separate SACS accreditation, the Office of Student Affairs, as it was then called, operated independently of some of its future component offices, including Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, and Student Activities.
As it grew, it accumulated various other responsibilities, while adding Development onto its office title. Special programs, one of these new responsibilities, acquired in 1989, eventually was of slightly greater importance to the future of the Office of Student Affairs and Development. The Office of Special Programs became a coequal to its former parent office, and only after the death of Dr. Jack Sublette, Vice President of the Office of Student Affairs (and later, simply the Office of Student Affairs), was Special Programs effectively phased out as Dr. Barbara Alford assumed leadership of the newly consolidated Office of Student and Community Affairs. In 1998, Dr. Alford was promoted to Executive Vice President of the University, and former University Relations Director Tony Whetstone led the newly named Office of Student Services.
It gained its present title, the Office of Student and Community Services, in 1999. In 2001, Bob Willis assumed leadership of this office. He presently (2010) holds those same responsibilities as Dean of Students.
- ( - 1986) Office of Student Affairs:
- -1983 William T. Thornton, Dean
- 1983-1985 Nolan Williams, Director
- 1985-1986 Nolan Williams, Dean
- (1986 - 1994) Office of Student Affairs and Development:
- 1986-1994 Jack Sublette, Vice President
- (1994 - 1997) Office of Student Affairs:
- 1994-1997 Jack Sublette, Vice President
- (1997 - 1998) Office of Student and Community Affairs:
- 1997-1998 Barbara Alford, Vice President
- (1998 - 1999) Office of Student Services:
- 1998-1999 Tony Whetstone, Director
- (1999 - present) Office of Student and Community Services:
- 1999-2001Tony Whetstone, Director
- 2001 Bob Willis, Interim Director
- 2002-2004Bob Willis, Director
- 2004-present Bob Willis, Dean of Students
[Source: TSUD Undergraduate/Graduate Bulletins, 1983-2005]
Scope / Content: Documents outreach and reporting activities of the office. Contains departmental
meeting minutes, planning documents, award plaques, banners, video, university issued
publications for students and other reports made by the Office of Student and Community
Services for general university reference. Also contains school promotional packets,
scholarship packets, advertising, and an ACHE Five-Year Plan.
Organization: Organized into 5 series: 1. Office Files and Meeting Minutes, 1996-2004, 11 file
folders ; 2. Awards and Certificates, 1988-2003, 12 Items ; 3. Publications, 1981-2001,
10 file folders ; 4. Artifacts, n.d., 4 items ; 5. Video, 2002, 1 item.
Preferred Citation: Records of the Office of Student and Community Services, RG081. Wiregrass Archives,
麻豆网站列表 Dothan Campus, Dothan, AL.
Access/User Limits?: Open
Proc Date: 2/11/2010
Processor: HMcD and DSowell
1. Office Files and Meeting Minutes, 1996-2004, 11 file folders. Arranged roughly chronologically.
File I.D. File Label
081-11-0617-001-003 [ACHE 5-year plan]
081-09-0712-001-008 Counseling and Career Services Annual Report, 1999-2000
081-07-0625-001-001 Departmental Meeting Minutes, Oct 1996 - Dec 1998
081-07-0625-001-002 Departmental Meeting Minutes, Mar 1999 - Mar 2002
081-07-0625-001-003 Departmental Meeting Minutes, April 2002 - May 2004
081-07-0625-001-004 MIVER - Ft. Rucker Location Institutional Summary - Self Study - 2002
081-11-0617-001-002 Scholarship Packets / Scholarship Advertisements
081-07-0625-001-006 Semester Conversion, 1997
081-07-0625-001-005 Semester Conversion, 1997-1999
081-07-0625002-001 Strategic Plan - 1995
081-07-0625-002-002 Strategic Plan - 1995
Series 2. Awards and Certificates, 1988-2003, 12 Items. Arranged roughly chronologically.
File I.D. File Label
081-07-0625-002-004 Award Plaque - Community Service Award, 1988-1999 [TSUD]
081-07-0625-002-005 Award Plaque - Outstanding Alumni, 1989-2000 [TSUD]
081-07-0625-002-006 Award Plaque - Outstanding Classified Staff, 1990-2000 [TSUD]
081-07-0625-002-007 Award Plaque - Outstanding Professional Staff, 1990-2000 [TSUD]
081-07-0625-002-009 Award Plaque - Self Help Fund Drive - 1992 - President's Club [TSUD]
081-07-0625-002-010 Award Plaque - Self Help Fund -1993 [TSUD] - (includes transcript of names on plaque)
081-07-0625-002-011 Award Plaque - Self Help Fund 1994 [TSUD] - (includes transcript of names on plaque)
081-07-0625-002-008 Award Plaque - Outstanding Volunteerism & Community Service鈥 Fight Against Substance Abuse - 1994 [TSUD]
081-07-0625-002-012 Certificate of Appreciation - Wiregrass United Way - 1996 [TSUD]
081-07-0625-003-004 Award - Blue Ribbon - Team T-Shirt Award [1st Place] - 2000 - [Alzheimer's] A Walk to Remember
081-07-0625-003-005 Award - Blue Ribbon [1st Place] - 2000 - [Alzheimer's] A Walk to Remember
081-07-0625-002-003 Award Plaque - [Alzheimer's] A Walk to Remember - 2003 [TSUD]
Series 3. Publications, 1981-2001, 10 file folders. Arranged roughly chronologically.
File I.D. File Label
081-09-0712-001-001 "The Student News," 1981-82
081-09-0712-001-002 "The Student News Banner," 1982-1987
081-09-0712-001-003 "The TSUD Newsline," 1988-1997
081-09-0712-001-005 "TSUD Update," 1991-1993
081-09-0712-001-007 "History of Distance Education," 1998
081-09-0712-001-004 "TSUD Student Newsline," 1998-2001
081-09-0712-001-006 TSUD Recruitment Review, 1999-2000
081-11-0617-001-001 [School Promotion Pamphlets]
081-11-0617-001-004 TSUD Today Publication
081-11-0617-001-005 TSUD Bulletin
Series 4. Artifacts, n.d., 4 items. Arranged by type.
File I.D. File Label
081-07-0625-003-001 Banner [Red w/ Black edging] - 麻豆网站列表State University at Dothan, 72 inches x 60 inches
081-07-0625-003-002 Banner [Red w/ Black edging] - 麻豆网站列表State University at Dothan, 72 inches x 60 inches
081-07-0625-003-003 Banner [Red w/ Black edging] - 麻豆网站列表State University at Dothan, 72 inches x 60 inches
081-24-0724-Item-001 Scrapbook: 16.5鈥漻18鈥, has 32 completed pages, and consisted of clippings (mostly newspapers, some magazines) of events revolving around the Troy University Dothan Campus and the city of Dothan.
Series 5. Video, 2002, 1 item.
File I.D. File Label
081-07-0625-003-006 Video [VHS] - TSUD 2002 Fall Graduation - Raw Footage
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麻豆网站列表 Dothan Campus
Everett 128
502 University Dr.
Dothan, AL 36303
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