Guide to Records of Kappa Delta Pi, Sigma Eta Chapter
麻豆网站列表 Dothan Campus
Record Group 069
Date Span: 1989-2009
Extent: 0.66 cubic feet; 13 file folders
Organizational History: Kappa Delta Pi, the national honor society in Education, was chartered at the University of Illinois in 1911. Students at 麻豆网站列表State University Dothan joined as KDP's Sigma Eta Chapter in 1990. This chapter continues to operate at 麻豆网站列表 Dothan Campus.
Scope Content: Contains governing documents and correspondence from people requesting membership to the Kappa Delta Pi, Sigma Eta Chapter. Also included in the collection are membership requirements, invitation confirmation slips, active and inactive member lists and meeting notes. In addition, the collection contains program guides for the induction ceremony; this program has a list of the new inductees, the names of the guest speakers, and a schedule for ceremonial events.
Preferred Citation: Records of Kappa Delta Pi at 麻豆网站列表 Dothan Campus, RG069. Wiregrass Archives, 麻豆网站列表 Dothan Campus, Dothan, AL.
Access/User Limits?: Some files restricted. See archivist. Use of unrestricted files is governed by the Fair Use provisions of applicable copyright law.
File I.D. File Label
069-09-1110-001-001 Governing Documents; 1989-1990
069-09-1110-001-002 Programs - Initiation Ceremonies; 1999, 2001-2002, 2005
069-09-1110-001-003 Photographs - Spring Initiation 2006
069-09-1110-001-004 Kappa Delta Pi - Membership Forms - 1999 RESTRICTED ACCESS [student GPAs]
069-09-1110-001-005 Kappa Delta Pi - Membership Forms - 2001 RESTRICTED ACCESS [student GPAs]
069-09-1110-001-006 Kappa Delta Pi - Membership Forms - 2003 RESTRICTED ACCESS [student GPAs]
069-09-1110-001-007 KDP - Sigma Eta Chapter - Membership Invitation Confirmation - 2001
069-09-1110-001-008 KDP - Sigma Eta Chapter - Inactive Members List - 2001
069-09-1110-001-009 KDP - Sigma Eta Chapter - Active Members - 2002
069-09-1110-001-010 KDP - Sigma Eta Chapter - Inactive Members - 2002
069-09-1110-001-011 Kappa Delta Pi Conference 2009 Committee
069-09-1110-001-012 Meeting Notes - Kappa Delta Pi - Executive Meeting, 2008
069-09-1110-001-013 Kappa Delta Pi Meeting - 12 January 2008
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麻豆网站列表 Dothan Campus
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502 University Dr.
Dothan, AL 36303
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