Guide to the Robert Saunders Papers, 1810-1990s
Record Group 011
Date Span 1810-1990s
Extent 1.35 cf
Historical Note: Robert Saunders earned his PhD in American History from Auburn University. He subsequently taught history at Auburn University Montgomery and 麻豆网站列表State University Dothan. Much of his research concerns Early National military and Alabama history.
Scope/Content: Contains research materials consisting of photocopies of primary and secondary sources for Dr. Saunders' dissertation and subsequent book, John Archibald Campbell, Southern Moderate, 1811-1889 (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1997) and materials on the First and Second Seminole Wars photocopied by Saunders from secondary sources and microfilm of letters from National Archives papers of Benjamin Hawkins, James Wilkinson and others involved in the First Seminole War. Also contains records that document Saunders's activity as a TSUD faculty leader.
Organization: Collection organized into 3 series:
- Series 1 - Research Notes and Drafts of John Archibald Campbell, Southern Moderate, 1811-1889. Copies of primary and secondary sources ; drafts of chapters.
- Series 2 - Research Notes on the Creek Wars in the Southeast United States. Copies of primary and secondary sources, including 3 microfilm reels copied by
Dr. Frank Owsley, Jr., from the National Archives holdings.
- Series 3 - TSUD Faculty Committee Records, 1997-2002. Saunders served in multiple faculty leadership positions, including internal SACS committees. These records document those in the stated time frame.
Provenance: MF made by Dr. Frank L. Owsley, Jr., emeritus professor of history at Auburn University, and who gave same to Saunders.
Preferred Citation: Robert Saunders Papers, RG011. The Wiregrass Archives, 麻豆网站列表--Dothan Campus, Dothan, AL.
Date processed: 02/26/2003
Processed By: T. Bernath
Series 1 - Research Notes and Drafts of John Archibald Campbell, Southern Moderate, 1811-1889.
File I.D. File Label
011-07-0402-001-001 Saunders - Campbell book - Correspondence - 1993-1995
011-07-0402-001-002 Saunders - Campbell book - Outline, n.d.
011-07-0402-001-003 Saunders - Campbell book - Personal Notes, n.d.
011-07-0402-001-004 Saunders - Miscellaneous [1995]
011-07-0402-001-005 Saunders - Research - Bibliographic
011-07-0402-001-006 Saunders - Research - Interlibrary Loan
011-07-0402-001-007 Saunders - Research - National Archives
011-07-0402-001-008 John Bragg Papers
011-07-0402-001-009 Campbell Family Papers, 1860 - Sept 1865 [most transcribed]
011-07-0402-001-010 Campbell Family Papers, Oct 1865 - 1869 [most transcribed]
011-07-0402-001-011 Campbell Family Papers, 1870's [most transcribed]
011-07-0402-001-012 Campbell Family Papers, 1880's [most transcribed]
011-07-0402-001-013 Collier Papers - 1850
011-07-0402-001-014 Confederate States War Department - Various Documents, 1861-1865
011-07-0402-001-015 Benjamin Fitzpatrick Papers - 1841, 1842
011-07-0402-001-016 House Journal
011-07-0402-001-017 Journal of Proceedings of the Southern Convention - 1850
011-07-0402-001-018 Manuscripts written by John A. Campbell - 1880, 1884, 1887
011-07-0402-001-019 Miscellaneous
011-07-0402-001-020 Newspaper items [1865]
011-07-0402-001-021 Phillips-Meyers Papers - 1870, 1884 [transcribed]
011-07-0402-001-022 Photos of John A. Campbell [from microform]
011-07-0402-001-023 Supreme Court of the United States
011-07-0402-001-024 ACTS - State of Alabama
011-07-0402-001-025 Address of Citizens of Louisiana to the People of the United States - Appendix IV - n.d.
011-07-0402-001-026 Alabama Historical Quarterly - 1961, 1974
011-07-0402-001-027 The Alabama Lawyer - n.d.
011-07-0402-001-028 The Alabama Review - [individual articles] - 1951, 1953, 1958-60, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1974, 1975
011-07-0402-001-029 American Historical Association, n.d.
011-07-0402-001-030 American Historical Review - v.17 no. 5
011-07-0402-001-031 Century Illustrated Magazine - n.d.
011-07-0402-001-032 City Directory & History of Montgomery Alabama - n.d.
011-07-0402-001-033 Confederate Veteran - June 1904, March 1917, July 1922
011-07-0402-001-034 "Electoral Count of 1877" - n.d.
011-07-0402-001-035 Hampton Roads Conference
011-07-0402-001-036 "In the Matter of the Liability of Officers who were compelled to Surrender Moneys of the United States to the Officers of the Seceding States, After Passage of the Acts of Secession in 1861"
011-07-0402-001-037 John Archibald Campbell: Associate Justice of the United Supreme Court, 1853-1861 - Henry G. Conner - 1920
011-07-0402-001-038 Journal of Southern History - 1938, n.d., 1941, 1960, [1967]
011-07-0402-001-039 Journals of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States or America - Dec. 6 1852 to March 3, 1855 - v.9
011-07-0402-001-040 Landmark Briefs & Arguments of the Supreme Court of the United States: Constitutional Law Kurland/Casper, editors - v.6 & v.7
011-07-0402-001-041 "Lawyers and the Constitution: How Laissez Faire came to the Supreme Court鈥: - Benjamin R. Twiss - 1962
011-07-0402-001-042 Magazine of American History - 1899
011-07-0402-001-043 Materials authored by John Archibald Campbell, 1850-1870
011-07-0402-001-044 Memorial Record of Alabama, v.1 - 1976
011-07-0402-001-045 Miscellaneous
011-07-0402-001-046 Mississippi Valley Historical Review - n.d. & 1928
011-07-0402-001-047 Mobile Register - 1981 & 1995
011-07-0402-001-048 Papers of Andrew Johnson - P.H. Bergeron, editor - 1991
011-07-0402-001-049 "The Political and Constitutional Thought of John Archibald Campbell" - J.S. Mann - 1966 - Dissertation - Beginning to Chapter 6
011-07-0402-001-050 "The Political and Constitutional Thought of John Archibald Campbell" - J.S. Mann - 1966 - Dissertation - Chapter 6 to End
011-07-0402-001-051 Slavery in the United States [1847]
011-07-0402-001-052 Southern Historical Society Papers - n.d., 1896, n.d., 1909, 1907
011-07-0402-001-053 Southern Quarterly Review [1851]
011-07-0402-001-054 Vanderbilt Law Review [1958]
011-07-0402-001-055 Virginia Historical Magazine [n.d]
011-07-0402-001-056 War of the Rebellion Official Records of the Union & Confederate Armies - c.1971, 1985 reprint
011-07-0402-001-057 Creek War of 1836 - research material
011-07-0402-001-058 Luis - research materials
011-07-0402-001-059 Luis - research materials
011-07-0402-MD1-OS1 Robert Hardy Smith Papers SHC / Record of Slave Purchase (1858) / Tax Books (Campbell entry) 1841, 1843, 1845, 1846, 1848-54. 1857-59, 1861-63
011-11-0512-001-001 1 - ["John Archibald Campbell" by George W. Duncan - Studies in Southern & Alabama History, 1905]
011-11-0512-001-002 2 - [Campbell research]
011-11-0512-001-003 3 - [Legal briefs, Bank crisis 1842-1843, Gov. Fitzpatrick]
011-11-0512-001-004 9 - [Andersonville - Prison Condition Report, 1864 / Letter to E. Goldthwaite, 1863]
011-11-0512-001-005 11 - [Campbell letters, to Anna Campbell, 1865 & 1884, & to Anne Goldthwaite Seibels, 1873]
011-11-0512-001-006 12 - [Legal briefs, Phillips letters, E. Goldthwaite obituary, & Letter to Goldthwaite family member]
011-11-0512-001-007 13 - [Letter from Gov. Collin, 1850 - JAC in Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1969 - Section on banking from "Alabama & Her People", 1927 - Letter & prose by Duncan Campbell, ca. 1862]
011-11-0512-001-008 Campbell - Chapter 1 - working version
011-11-0512-001-009 Campbell - Chapter 1 - research materials
011-11-0512-001-010 Campbell - Chapter 2 - working version
011-11-0512-001-011 Campbell - Chapter 2 - research materials
011-11-0512-001-012 Campbell - Chapter 3 - research materials
011-11-0512-001-013 Campbell - Chapter 4 - working version
011-11-0512-001-014 Campbell - Chapter 4 - research materials
011-11-0512-002-001 Campbell - Chapter 5 - research materials
011-11-0512-002-002 Campbell - Chapter 6 - working version
011-11-0512-002-003 Campbell - Chapter 6 - research materials
011-11-0512-002-004 Campbell - Chapter 7 - working version
011-11-0512-002-005 Campbell - Chapter 7 - research materials
011-11-0512-002-006 Campbell - Chapter 8 - working version
011-11-0512-002-007 Campbell - Chapter 9 - working version
011-11-0512-002-008 Campbell - Chapter 11 - working version
011-11-0512-002-009 Further Research
Series 2 - Research Notes on the Creek Wars in the Southeast United States.
File I.D. File Label
011-02-010-001-001 Griffith, Lucille. Alabama: A Documentary History to 1900. University, AL: The University of Alabama Press, 1972. [Various Pages]
011-02-010-001-002 Brewer, W[illis]. Alabama: Her History, Resources, War Record, and Public Men, From 1540-1872. Spartanburg, SC: Reprint Co., 1975. [Pages 52-53]
011-02-010-001-003 Alabama Historical Quarterly [Pages 156-158]
011-02-010-001-004 Posey, Walter Brownlow, ed. Alabama in the 1830s as Recorded by British Travelers. Birmingham, AL: Southern University Press, 1938. [Pages 4-37]
011-02-010-001-005 The Creek War of 1836, a Military History [Pages 463-485]
011-02-010-001-006 Excerpts From Issues of the Pensacola Gazette Covering Walton County Indian War of 1837 [Various Pages]
011-02-010-001-007 Southerland, Henry deLeon, Jr., and Jerry Elijah Brown. The Federal Road Through Georgia, the Creek Nation, and Alabama, 1806-1836. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 1989. [Pages 70-71, 122-143, 164-189]
011-02-010-001-008 Stanley, J. Randall. History of Gadsden County. Quincy, FL: Gadsden County Historical Commission, 1948. [Pages 42-45]
011-02-010-001-009 History of Henry County [Various Pages]
011-02-010-001-010 Golden, Virginia Noble. A History of Tallassee for Tallasseeans. Tallassee, AL: Tallassee Mills of Mount Vernon--Woodberry Mills, 1949. [Pages 1-10]
011-02-010-001-011 Mahon, John K. History of the Second Seminole War. Gainesville, FL: The University of Florida Press, 1985. [Pages 190-193]
011-02-010-001-012 Carswell, E. W. Holmesteading: The History of Holmes County, Florida. Chipley, FL: E. W. Carswell, 1986. [Pages 31-36]
011-02-010-001-013 Foreman, Grant. Indian Removal: The Immigration of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1953. [Pages 107-190]
011-02-010-001-014 White, Christine Schultz. "Opothleyahola, Factionalism, and Creek Politics." PhD. dissertation, Texas Christian University, 1986. [Various Pages]
011-02-010-001-015 Young, Mary Elizabeth. Redskins, Ruffleshirts, and Rednecks: Indian Allotments in Alabama and Mississippi, 1830-1860. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1961. [Pages 72-113, 190-207]
011-02-010-001-016 Debo, Angie. The Road to Disappearance: A History of the Creek Indians. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1941. [Pages 72-107]
011-02-010-001-017 Walker, Anne Kendrick. Russell County in Retrospect: An Epic of the Far Southeast. Richmond: Dietz Press, 1950. [Various Pages]
011-02-010-001-018 Fretwell, Mark E. This So Remote Frontier: The Chattahoochee Country of Alabama and Georgia. Eufaula, AL: Historic Chattahoochee Commission, 1980. [Pages 230-249]
011-02-010-001-019 麻豆网站列表State University Libraries 鈥 WebCat- Item Report [Pages 1-12]
011-02-010-001-020 Benton, Jeffrey C. The Very Worst Road: Travelers' Accounts of Crossing Alabama's Old Creek Territory, 1820-1847. Eufaula, AL: Historic Chattahoochee Commission, 1998. [Pages 85-133]
011-02-010-MF-Reel-001 (a) Odd on Hawkins Line 1810, (b) Gen. Thomas Pinckney, contains letters from Hawkins-Floyd-Jackson. (War Dept. Sec. War, LR re Creek War 1811-15, NNWC-753, 53 ft.)
011-02-010-MF Reel-002 Letters on the Creek War (a) Silas Pinsmoor, (b) Return J. Meigs, (c) J. Nelly, (d) Jas Robertson, (e) Ben Hawkins. (NNWC-36, 30ft.)
011-02-010-MF Reel-003 a) Selected Letters of General James Wilkinson, 1912, (b) Selected Letters of General Thomas Flournoy 1813-14, (c) Selected Letters of Edmund P. Gaines, (d) Selected Letters of Gov. W.C.C. Claiborne, (e) Benjamin Hawkins after 1815. (NNWE-5, 52ft.)
Series 3: TSUD Faculty Committee Records, 1997-2002
File I.D. File Label
011-11-0512-002-010 ACUPF [AL Council of Univ. Fac. Presidents] , 2001-2002
011-11-0512-002-011 SACS, 1997-1999
011-11-0512-002-012 SACS - Editing Committee, 1998-1999
011-11-0512-002-013 SACS - Memos, 1997-1999
011-11-0512-002-014 [Consent Decree Monitoring Committee], 1998-1999
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