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Division of Student Services

The Division of Student Services provides services and support for students at all campuses and sites, assuring a wide range of opportunities for a diverse student population. Students, who come to 麻豆网站列表 with hopes and high expectations, face choices and challenges which can be channeled into positive directions or which can prove to be overwhelming. The Student Services staff believes that educators both within and outside the classroom can make a positive difference in the lives of students. Education of the whole person, which is the purpose of the programs and services offered, helps students meet their expectations and expand understanding of themselves and their world. Staff members may guide many students鈥 experiences but the student is ultimately responsible for personal choices and decisions. As educators, the staff strives to assure that those choices are sound and the decisions are well-reasoned. When things go well for students, staff builds on that experience, first providing recognition and acclaim and then challenging them to seek new experiences. In times of disappointment, staff members provide support and then gentle prodding to move past the disappointment.

The Student Services staff is also responsible for operating facilities, running businesses, supporting programs, and providing cost-effective services to meet the needs of our students. As good stewards of the resources at Troy, the staff strives to respond to changing interests and remain student centered in all we do.

Through Student Services, 麻豆网站列表 seeks to prepare students for full citizenship in a global community, at work, at play, in fellowship, and in personal fulfillment. The following are the campus offices that are a part of the Division of Student Services: Dean of Student Services, Housing and Residence Life, Student Center and Conference Services, Student Involvement and Leadership, University Health Center, Personal Counseling, Student Recreation and Intramurals, Transportation, Security Access and CCTV and University Police. For a more detailed description of services, please refer to the student handbook, The Oracle.

麻豆网站列表 Student Creed

I allow Truth and integrity to guide my goals.
I persevere by Remembering my predecessors.
I acknowledge that Openness promotes new concepts and ideas.
I celebrate our differences Justly and respectfully.
I strive for continued success by Aiming for excellence.
I will contribute to the 麻豆网站列表 legacy, Now and forever.

Standards of Conduct

By publication of these 鈥淪TANDARDS OF CONDUCT,鈥 the University calls to the special attention of students and organizations the standards by which they are expected to abide. Students and organizations should be aware of the STANDARDS and should know they will be held accountable for their provisions.

Student Conduct Office General Philosophy

麻豆网站列表 emphasizes a developmental approach toward discipline that is educational and proactive and allows for maximum student growth. The Office of Student Conduct embraces the concept of a student-centered University. 麻豆网站列表 is committed to developing and establishing programs designed to enhance lifelong learning opportunities, foster a climate of personal growth and development, set high expectations for personal integrity, and assist students in the development of an informed set of values, ethics, and beliefs. 麻豆网站列表 embraces a campus climate in which civility and respect among members of the campus community is viewed vital to the overall ethical development of its students.

Authority for Rules and Regulations

The Board of Trustees of 麻豆网站列表 is vested with the authority to promulgate rules and regulations regarding the conduct of students while enrolled at 麻豆网站列表 by Title 16-56-6, Code of Alabama, 1975. The University Trustees have delegated full authority to the University administration to prepare and administer rules and regulations for the welfare and discipline of its students.

Administrative Responsibility and Authority

The Student Services Division of the University has primary authority for the supervision of student conduct and administration of discipline. The Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Administration and campus staff are responsible for working with students and student organizations to encourage support and compliance with University standards. The Senior Vice Chancellor may delegate specific responsibilities to members of his respective staffs, and in some instances, to student government agencies. It is permissible for the Student Services Conduct Officers on each campus to handle disciplinary decisions administratively if both the student or student organization and the Conduct Officer agree to an administrative hearing. The Student Services Conduct Officer is responsible for coordinating all disciplinary procedures and maintaining appropriate records of student conduct and disciplinary actions.

Statement on Student Conduct

麻豆网站列表 students are expected to obey national, state, and local laws, to respect the rights of members of the campus community, and to accept responsibility for the consequences of their behavior. In the event students fail to demonstrate such behavior, 麻豆网站列表 reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community. Such action may include pursuing disciplinary action for violations of University rules and regulations, policies, violations of national, state, and local laws that occur on-campus, off-campus, or on the internet that adversely affects the educational interest of the University.

麻豆网站列表鈥檚 student conduct system is not a court of law. The Student Conduct Code is not written with the specificity of a criminal statute. In cases where civil or criminal proceedings also involve a violation of the Student Conduct Code, the University reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action against the student. Such action will be regarded as separate and distinct from proceedings in criminal or civil court and may be scheduled according to timelines that serve the interest of the University.

The Trojan Way

To live and perform 鈥淭he Trojan Way鈥, we are expected to:

Be Respectful
Speak Appropriately
Dress Properly for the Occasion
Behave as a Responsible, Kind Person
Adhere to Applicable Laws and Policies

Misconduct Defined

By enrollment at the University, a student or organization neither relinquishes rights nor escapes responsibilities of local, state, or federal laws and regulations. The 鈥淪TANDARDS OF CONDUCT鈥 are applicable to behavior of students and organizations on and off the university campus if that behavior is deemed to be incompatible with the educational environment and mission of the university. A student or organization may be disciplined, up to and including suspension and expulsion, and is deemed in violation of the 鈥淪TANDARDS OF CONDUCT鈥, for the commission of or the attempt to commit any of the following offenses:

Academic Dishonesty, such as cheating and plagiarism to include the following:


  • submitting material that is not yours as part of your course performance;
  • using information or devices that are not allowed by the faculty;
  • obtaining and/or using unauthorized materials;
  • fabricating information, research, and/or results;
  • violating procedures prescribed to protect the integrity of an assignment, test, or other evaluation;
  • collaborating with others on assignments without the faculty鈥檚 consent;
  • cooperating with and/or helping another student to cheat;
  • demonstrating any other forms of dishonest behavior.


  • directly quoting the words of others without using quotation marks or indented format to identify them;
  • using sources of information (published or unpublished) without identifying them;
  • paraphrasing materials or ideas without identifying the source;
  • self-plagiarism: re-submitting work previously submitted without explicit approval from the instructor;
  • unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic material.

Alcohol Possession and Use

  • possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21;
  • driving under the influence of alcohol;
  • possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages in public locations on campus, including residence hall common spaces; Common spaces in residence halls refer to any public space that exists outside the bedroom of a specific residential unit. Examples include, but are not limited to kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms, group study/lounge spaces, laundry rooms, elevator lobbies, computer rooms etc. Common spaces also include the public spaces located on the outside grounds of a residence hall.
  • the sale, distribution, or furnishing of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21;
  • the use of alcohol in an irresponsible manner (games, contests, forced or ritualized consumption of alcohol, behaviors requiring the response of a University official or law enforcement officer, etc.);
  • providing alcoholic beverages to a person who is intoxicated;
  • any activity or conduct involving the use of alcohol that is in violation of law.


  • intentional abuse, inappropriate handling, or causing death to wildlife and/or animals
  • bringing any unauthorized animal into any building owned, leased, or controlled by 麻豆网站列表


  • any intentional physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature;
  • any physical abuse, intentional injury, or physical harm of another person.

Classroom Copyright Infringement

  • any recording and transmission of classroom lectures and discussions by students without prior written permission from the class instructor, and without all students in the class as well as the guest speaker(s) being informed that audio/video recording may occur (it is not a violation if student has educational accommodations through the Student Disability Resource Center);
  • uploading any recordings of lectures and/or class presentations to publicly accessible web environments

Classroom Disruption

  • any classroom behavior that interferes with the instructor鈥檚 ability to conduct class or the ability of other students to learn

Damage or Destruction of Property

  • any damage or destruction of University property or another person鈥檚 property


  • any misuse of any University records, forms, or documents through forgery, unauthorized alteration, reproduction, or other means;
  • any giving or receiving of false information to the University or to any University official, administrator, or administrative unit;
  • providing false information to law enforcement officials;
  • possession of any fake, altered, or any other identification that belongs to another person;
  • any attempt to perpetrate a fraud against the University or a member of the University community

Disorderly Conduct

  • all lewd, obscene, indecent behavior, or other forms of disorderly conduct;
  • any abuse or unauthorized use of sound amplification equipment;
  • any conduct which materially interferes with the normal operation of the University, or with the requirements of appropriate discipline.

Disorderly/Improper Assembly

  • any assembly for the purpose of causing a riot, destruction of property, or disorderly diversion, which interferes with the normal operation of the University;
  • any obstruction to the free movement of other persons about campus or the interference with the use of University facilities


  • the possession, use, manufacture, cultivation, distribution, sale, and/or misuse of any controlled or illegal substance, designer drug, or synthetic cannabinoid (i.e. Spice or K2)
  • the possession and/or use of any drug paraphernalia, i.e. bowls, hookah pipes, bongs, 鈥渉omemade鈥 smoking devices, any other smoking device or smoking paraphernalia;
  • any activity or conduct involving drugs that is in violation of local, state, or federal law.

Failure to Comply

  • failing to respond to a lawful request by properly identified University officials or law enforcement officials in the performance of their duties;
  • failing to report for a conference, meeting, or appointment with any University official or faculty member;
  • failing to appear and cooperate as a witness in a disciplinary case when properly notified;
  • failing to comply with any disciplinary condition imposed on a person by any student conduct body or administrator;
  • fleeing from law enforcement or university officials,
  • failing to follow established University policies or guidelines

False Representation

  • any unauthorized claim to speak and/or act in the name of 麻豆网站列表 or any organization, student, University officials or faculty members

Fire Safety

  • any failure to evacuate or immediately respond to a fire alarm;
  • participation in creating or causing a false fire alarm;
  • participation in tampering, disconnecting, or altering any fire alarm system, equipment or component;
  • failure to follow the instructions of staff and emergency personnel during fire alarms;
  • the possession, use, manufacture, and/or sale of any incendiary device;
  • participation in setting or causing to be set any unauthorized fire;
  • the possession and/or use of any type of fireworks


  • Engaging in any form of gambling that is in violation of the law.


speech or other expression (words, pictures, symbols) that constitutes fighting words and is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent so as to interfere, limit, or deny one鈥檚 ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program. Fighting words may include, but are not limited to, words, pictures or symbols that:

  • are directed to an individual or individuals based on that person鈥檚 race, color, sex, religion, creed, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, veteran status or national origin, and
  • threaten violence, tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace or provoke a violent response
  • In the context of this policy, fighting words are those which are commonly understood to convey direct and visceral hated or contempt for human beings. When determining whether speech is such as would provoke a violent response or incite an immediate breach of the peace, it is not necessary to show that that the person(s) addressed by the speech was or were actually incited to violence or hostile action. Conduct will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, considering all circumstances involved
  • following, placing under surveillance, or contacting (in person, by phone, electronically, or by any other means) another person without his or her permission for the purpose of harassing or intimidating that per-son. Harassing or intimidating means a knowing and willful course of conduct that serves no legitimate purpose and causes emotional distress by placing another person in reasonable fear for the safety of him/herself or others


  • any act which endangers the emotional, mental, financial, physical health or safety of a student, with or without their expressed permission, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization.
  • any act intended to or actually cause physical discomfort, embarrassment and/or ridicule of another person for the purposes mentioned above participation in hazing, either by facilitating or encouraging the act, or allowing oneself to be subject to acts of hazing

Joint Responsibility

  • Students who knowingly act or plan to act in concert to violate University regulations have individual and joint responsibility for their behavior;
  • Any student who knowingly allows another person to violate University regulations without reporting to a University Official;

Sexual Misconduct

  • Any sexual conduct that takes place without the victim鈥檚 consent, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct (Refer to Title IX and Campus SaVE Act section in this publication for more details.


  • conducting an unauthorized sales campaign in a residence hall, classroom, or administrative building, or any other campus location;
  • placing door hangers or signs on cars on campus or in on-campus residential facilities, or other campus property;
  • any violation of the 鈥淐ampus Advertising, Sales, and Solicitation Policy.鈥 (see the full policy in this publication)

Student Identification Card Violations

  • altering, lending, or selling a student identification card;
  • using a student identification card by anyone other than its original holder;
  • using a student identification card in any unauthorized manner


  • taking, possessing, or attempting to sell or distribute any property that is the property of another person, organization, or entity (including but not limited to the University) without the owner's permission;
  • taking or attempting to sell any service that belongs to the University without proper permission


  • an expression of intention to inflict injury or damage;
  • to cause another person to feel fear for their safety or well-being


  • the use of all forms of tobacco products on property owned, leased, rented or belonging to 麻豆网站列表, or in any way used by the University or its affiliates, is expressly prohibited. 鈥淭obacco Products鈥 is defined as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, all forms of smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes and any other smoking devices that use tobacco such as hookahs or simulate the use of tobacco such as electronic cigarettes, vaping, etc. (see full Tobacco policy in this publication)
  • smoking in the residence halls

Unauthorized Entry

  • unauthorized entry on or into any University building, office, residence hall, off campus residence, parking lot, motor vehicle, or other facilities;
  • remaining in any building after normal closing hours without proper authorization;
  • remaining overnight in public areas of the residence hall or surrounding areas without approval from University Housing staff.

Unauthorized Use

  • unauthorized use of University equipment;
  • unauthorized use of bathrooms, exits, or windows;
  • unauthorized use or duplication of keys;
  • unauthorized use or possession of any parking permit

Unauthorized Use of Computer or Electronic Resources

  • unauthorized entry into any network, computer, or file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose;
  • unauthorized transfer of a file;
  • unauthorized use of another individual鈥檚 identification and password;
  • use of computing facilities that interfere with the normal operation of the University computing system;
  • use of computing facilities that violate copyright laws;
  • all devices attached to the University network must be registered;
  • use of tools for port-scanning, 鈥渟niffing,鈥 or to monitor or read transmissions from other users on the network is prohibited;
  • workstations attached to the University network are required to have virus protection software. Virus definitions must be updated at least every two weeks;
  • any violation of the University's computer use policies.

Violation of Confidentiality

  • violating the confidentiality of a student鈥檚 educational record;
  • Student Conduct Advocates or University Student Conduct Board members may not disclose confidential student conduct information;
  • student employees may not disclose confidential work-related information

Violation of Law

  • Conduct in violation of public law, federal and state statutes, local ordinances, or university regulations or policies whether or not specified in detail, which adversely affects the student鈥檚 suitability as a member of the academic community and regardless of whether such conduct has resulted in a conviction under a statute of ordinance. This includes violations both on and off campus

Violations of Other University Policy

  • Violation of any university policies or regulations as published or referred to in the Student Handbook, including, but not limited to, those governing the time, place and manner of public expression; the registration of student organizations; the use of university facilities; occupation and visitation of residence halls and other housing owned or controlled by the university; and the use and parking of motor vehicles on the campus

Weapons and Firearms

  • Except where allowed by law or specifically authorized by the administration or as part of a University-sanctioned event, no student shall keep, use, possess, display, or carry any rifle, shotgun, handgun, or other lethal or dangerous device capable of launching a projectile by air, gas, explosion, or mechanical means (including BB guns, air-soft guns, and paint-ball guns) on any property owned, controlled, or leased by the University;
  • no student shall use, possess, display or carry any toy weapon which resembles a real weapon;
  • No student shall use, possess, display or carry any swords, any illegal knives, any explosives (including fireworks and sparklers), any martial arts weapons or any devices which are used to threaten the safety and well-being of a person on any property owned, controlled, or leased by the University unless specifically authorized by the administration or as part of a University-sanctioned event;
  • anything used to injure, attempt to injure, or harass another person is considered a weapon;
  • Illegal or unauthorized possession of weapons that include, but are not limited to: firearms, explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals;
  • any violation of federal or state Law against carrying a weapon and/or firearm;
  • In unclear cases of definition, the context in which a particular object was used or attempted to be used will determine whether it is a weapon.

Complaint Policy

Please consult the 麻豆网站列表Student Complaint Policy located at: /student-complaints.html and submit a completed form to the Associate Provost and Dean of Undergraduate and First Year Studies office at 117 Eldridge Hall, 麻豆网站列表, Troy, AL, 36082.

Any complaint against the school should be routed through the VA Educational Benefits Feedback System by going to the following link: . The VA will then follow up through the appropriate channels to investigate the complaint and resolve it satisfactorily.

Disability Services: Policies and Procedures

Please consult the Oracle, the University鈥檚 official student handbook, online at   for the most current and complete policies related to disability services.

Tobacco Policy


麻豆网站列表 is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for all students, faculty and staff. The University鈥檚 Board of Trustees demonstrated this commitment with the approval of a resolution designating 麻豆网站列表 as a tobacco-free institution. This policy prohibits smoking and the use of all tobacco products within all University buildings, parking lots, structures, walkways, indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, University vehicles, worksites and grounds and any vehicles on campus regardless of ownership. The health care and health education programs of the University perform an important function by demonstrating and promoting healthy lifestyles through activities such as curtailment of the use of tobacco products.


  • 鈥淪moking鈥 means inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette or pipe.
  • 鈥淭obacco Products鈥 such as all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products (e.g. chewing tobacco and snuff).
  • 鈥淢embers of the University Community鈥 include its faculty, staff, students, volunteers, vendors, customers and visitors.


This policy applies to all 麻豆网站列表 employees, students, contractors, vendors, recruits and visitors.

The use of all tobacco products is prohibited on all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied or controlled by the University. 鈥淧roperty鈥 for the purposes of this paragraph includes buildings and structures, grounds, parking lots, non-public walkways, sidewalks and vehicles, as well as personal vehicles in these areas. These same policies apply for all TROY campuses and locations.

麻豆网站列表 will provide a variety of wellness initiatives to assist students, faculty, and staff to achieve nicotine independence and smoking cessation.

Implementation Authority

Authority for enforcement of this policy is vested in the Deans of Colleges, Department Chairs, Supervisors or the Dean of Students and Athletic Director or their designee, in conjunction with the Senior Director of Human Resources.


Violation of this policy may result in corrective action under the Student Code of Conduct, Human Resources Policies and Procedures or other applicable University Regulations or Policies. Visitors refusing to comply may be asked to leave campus.

Commitment to Free Expression

Students at public universities enjoy robust speech rights under the Constitution in order to contribute to the marketplace of ideas, learn from each other, and freely discuss and debate a wide range of issues. 麻豆网站列表 is committed to protecting the freedom of speech for students, faculty, and staff, and will not infringe on speech that may be considered to be an unpopular or inconvenient expression of ideas.

Campus Free Speech and Assembly Policy

Adopted by the 麻豆网站列表 Board of Trustees on August 26, 2020

  1. Background

    Alabama State Legislature Act 2019-396 enacted in June 2019 mandated certain free speech and assembly actions applicable to state universities and concurrent with other state and Constitutional freedoms. Complying with provisions of this new law, Troy University fully supports a campus environment that promotes, protects and upholds intellectual freedom of expression contributing to the marketplace of ideas to include those expressions that some may consider unwelcome, unpopular or disagreeable.

  2. Policy Statement

    麻豆网站列表 recognizes and supports the role of a university as a marketplace for ideas. Freedom of expression and public assembly are essential components of the education process. 麻豆网站列表 is committed to its function as an institution in which stakeholders discover and disseminate knowledge by means of research and teaching. Further, 麻豆网站列表 supports the rights of students, employees, and visitors to speak in public and to demonstrate for or against actions and opinions with which they agree or disagree.

    Such freedom comes with a responsibility to welcome and promote this freedom for all, even in disagreement or opposition. The responsibility of the University to operate and maintain an effective and efficient institution of higher education requires regulation of time, place, and manner of assembly, speech, and other expressive activities on the grounds and facilities of the University. In keeping with this responsibility, students, faculty, and staff are free to exercise the rights to assemble and engage in expressive activity in a constitutionally protected manner subject only to the content-neutral regulations necessary to fulfill the mission and obligations of the University, preserve the rights of others, coordinate multiple uses of limited space, assure preservation of the campus facilities and grounds, and assure financial accountability for any damage caused by these activities.

    It is not the proper role of the University to shield individuals from speech protected by the First Amendment of the United State Constitution and Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution of Alabama, including, without limitation, ideas and opinions they find unwelcome, disagreeable, or offensive.

    The University will at all times strive to remain neutral as an institution on the public policy controversies of the day, except as far as administrative decisions on the issues are essential to the day-to-day functioning of the University. The University will not require students, faculty, or staff to publicly express a given view of a public controversy. However, 2 students, administrators, faculty,and staff are free to take positions on public controversies and to engage in protected expressive activity in outdoor areas of the campus, and to spontaneously and contemporaneously assemble, speak, and distribute literature.

  3. Definitions

    Amplified Sound is sound that is increased or enhanced by any electric, electronic, or mechanical means, including handheld devices such as megaphones and sound trucks.

    Campus Grounds means all outdoor areas owned, leased or controlled by the University that are common accessible to all students and employees such as sidewalks, lawns, parking lots, and promenades.

    Demonstration action by a mass group or collection of groups of people in favor of a political or other cause or people partaking in a protest against a cause of concern; it often consists of walking in a mass march formation and either beginning with or meeting at a designated endpoint, or rally, to hear speakers.

    Debate is a discussion in which opposing sides of an issue are advocated and/or presented by differing speakers.

    Expressive Activity is the verbal or symbolic expression of an idea, thought or opinion and may include speeches, assembly, marches, parades, rallies, picketing, distribution of literature, graphic or pictorial displays and other similar activities intended to communicate an idea or opinion. Expressive Activity does not include speech that is likely to incite or produce imminent lawless action, expression that consists of fighting words or threats of physical harm or expression that is defamatory, obscene or commercial in nature.

    Literature is any printed material that is produced in multiple copies for distribution or publication to an audience, including but not limited to flyers, handbills, leaflets, placards, bulletins, newspapers, and magazines, but does not include the Tropolitan or official University material.

    Official University Function is all activities, events and programs sponsored by an academic or administrative unit of the University.

    Outdoor Forum is a designated area on campus not confined by walls or a roof. Within this designated area, individuals or groups are encouraged to openly discuss, express, and/or exchange ideas on topics in accordance with university policies.

    Outside Group/Individual is an organization or group of people not registered with or recognized by the Dean of Students or, if a nonstudent group, another University division. An Outside Individual is any person not enrolled at or employed directly by the University.

    Registered Student Organization is an organization that has been approved and recognized by the Division of Student Affairs in accordance with the ORACLE.

    Sponsored Activity is any expressive activity that is presented by a sponsored guest under this policy.

    Sponsored Guest is any person or organization invited to engage in expressive activity on campus grounds by a sponsoring organization in accordance with this policy.

  4. Policy
    1. General. 麻豆网站列表 is committed to providing an educational environment that is conducive to the development of each individual. As a public institution, the university provides formal and informal forums for the expression of ideas and opinions as long as it is done within the context of university policies and does not impede pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic, disturb or interfere with normal academic, administrative or student activities, or involve coercive behavior.

    2. Application. This policy applies to all University students, employees, organizations, and sponsored guests. This policy does not apply to official academic activities and official functions of the University. For Faculty policies, refer to the Faculty Handbook.

    3. Outdoor Forums

      Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to limit a student鈥檚 right to free expression elsewhere on campus so long as the expressive activities or related conduct do not violate any other applicable university policies.

      1. An outdoor forum area is designated in the Quadrangle area adjacent to the student center on the 麻豆网站列表campus.
        • For Dothan- the quadrangle between the three main buildings is so designated.
        • For Phenix City- the southside of the Riverfront building is so designated.
        • For Montgomery- the paved walkway to the west main entry to Bartlett Hall is so designated.
      2. The University reserves the right to define, redefine or re-designate outdoor forum locations at its sole discretion.
      3. These forum areas provide an area for free exchange of ideas and do not have to be pre-scheduled, However, sponsors/participants are encouraged to schedule with the Dean of Students to minimize possible conflict.
    4. Free Expression Responsibilities

      Freedom of expression at the university includes organized demonstrations or events. At the same time, the university has long recognized that this right does not include the right to engage in conduct that disrupts the university's operations or endangers the safety of others. Expressive activity may not create a vehicular or other safety hazard or constitute disruptive activity, defamation, riotous conduct or obscenity as defined by federal or state law and may not impede access to other expressive activity, such as blocking the audience鈥檚 view or preventing the audience from hearing a speaker. Displaying a sign, gesturing, wearing symbolic clothing or otherwise protesting silently is permissible anywhere unless it is a disruptive activity as defined by federal or state law.

    5. Expressive Activity and Use of Campus Facilities

      1. Campus Events
        • Campus large scale events defined as events attracting 50 or more people require coordination with either the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (for academic events) or Dean of Students (for student organizations) for speaking events or demonstrations outside the outdoor forum.
        • Such events may include: invited speakers, use of amplified sounds, marches etc.
        • Only campus recognized organizations may sponsor such activities and must request authorization to use a university controlled building or campus area.
        • Such requests must be submitted seven working days in advance to Dean of Students using the online event management request system.
      2. Organization Responsibility.

        Organizations inviting outside groups or speakers to campus will ensure that a safe, non-disruptive environment exists for free expression. In turn, speakers 鈥渆xpressive actions鈥 must avoid defamation, threats, obscenities or conduct not conducive to good order and discipline. The University will not charge security fees based on anticipated speech content requiring the need for additional security.

      3. Reservation Denial.
        • The University will not deny a registered student organization any benefit or privilege available to any other registered student organization or other wise discriminate against the organization based on the expression or beliefs of the organization.
        • Requests to reserve a designated area, to use amplified sound, or to register a route for a parade, march or rally may not be denied based on the content of the proposed expressive activity.
        • Requests may be denied for the following reasons:
          • Scheduling conflict with another group;
          • the designated area or an adjacent area has been reserved for an official University function or the designated area is no longer suitable for use due to a conflict with a nearby official University function;
          • the reservation or registration form is incomplete; o the request exceeds more than fifteen days in a semester or is for more than five consecutive days;
          • the proposed event or activity will substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of traffic or create a safety hazard; or
          • the request was submitted by an individual or organization that is not permitted to reserve space on campus under this policy.
      4. Expressive Activities Relocation

        Individuals and organizations engaged in expressive activity on campus may be required to relocate to other areas by the Dean of Students or, when immediate action is necessary, the University police department, under the following circumstances:

        1. the noise generated by the activity disrupts an official University function or substantially interferes with resident housing life and activities (e.g. the activity is too close to an academic, administrative or residential building);
        2. the location does not safely accommodate the number of participants;
        3. the number of individuals participating in or attending the activity creates unsafe conditions for vehicular or pedestrian traffic, parking, or blocks the ingress or egress to buildings or official university activities;
        4. the space has been reserved for an official University function, has been reserved in accordance with this policy, or a reserved location is needed for an official University function; or
        5. the activity creates a health or welfare hazard, such as interfering with fire, police or emergency services.
      5. Distribution of Literature

        Students, employees and sponsoring organizations may distribute literature on campus grounds. Sponsored guests may distribute literature only in the designated area reserved for their use. If no Registered Student Organization will sponsor an outside individual or organization to distribute literature on campus grounds, they may file a request with the Dean of Students seven business days before the requested event or activity. If an outside individual 6 or organization does not reserve an area at least seven business days before they intend to distribute literature, they must use a designated outdoor forum defined in Section IV. C of this policy.

        Students, employees, sponsoring organizations and sponsored guests who distribute literature should be responsible for refraining from littering on campus grounds.

        It should be understood and presumed that all literature distributed by students, employees, sponsoring organizations, or sponsored guests does not represent the views and opinions of 麻豆网站列表. If literature could be reasonably mistaken as taking an official position on behalf of the University, a disclaimer statement should be added to the literature.

        This policy does not apply to attempts to distribute literature that is commercial in nature (i.e. information about goods or services offered for sale).

      6. Responsibilities of Individuals, Sponsoring Organizations and Sponsored Guests

        Sponsoring organizations are responsible for ensuring that sponsored guests read and understand all obligations set out in this and all other applicable University policies. Members of the University community may be held individually responsible and sponsoring organizations may be held collectively accountable for any violations of University policies, including the Code of Student Conduct and personnel policies, as applicable. Sponsored guests who do not comply with this or other applicable University policies automatically forfeit their reservations and must immediately vacate University property. Repeat violations of this policy by a sponsored guest may result in loss of privilege for the sponsored guests as determined by the Dean of Students.

      7. Appeal of Decisions Related to Expressive Activity

        Students, employees and organizations whose requests for use of campus grounds for expressive activity are denied may appeal the decision to the Dean of Students no later than two business days after the decision that is being challenged was made. The appeal must be made in writing and state the specific reason(s) the individual or organization disagrees with the decision. The appeal should include all information the individual or organization believes will assist the Dean of Students to decide the matter. The Dean of Students will issue a decision on the appeal within three business days of its receipt. The decision is final.

  5. Sanctions

    Anyone under the jurisdiction of the University who materially and substantially disrupts the free expression of others is subject to a range of disciplinary sanctions per Alabama law. For students, see the Student Code of Conduct. For employees, see Staff and Faculty handbook.

  6. Event Termination/ Postponement

    In addition to the forgoing stipulations in this policy, the University reserves the right to cancel, relocate, postpone, or take protective measures with respect to proposed or ongoing expressive activity if the speech or conduct in question poses an imminent threat of unlawful action, violence, or disruption of University activities or operations.

  7. Implementation and Reporting:
    1. This policy will be incorporated as follows:
      • Publish annually in student handbook- The ORACLE
      • Include with Human Resources materials for new faculty and staff orientation
      • Post on TROY website
      • Share annually with Student Government Association
    2. 麻豆网站列表Board of Trustee Reporting
      • On implementation, 麻豆网站列表Board of Trustees will report initial action to the Legislature and Governor no later than September 28, 2020.
      • Annually, by August 1, the Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Services will provide a 12 Month report (August 1-July 31) to Chancellor who will submit to the Board, information as follows:
        • Violations of policy with dates/ description.
        • Outcome of violation-administrative, punitive
        • Describe challenges/ successes in supporting administratively or maintaining institutional neutrality
        • Any other information Board feels necessary to report
      • Board, in turn, must submit an annual report to Governor and Legislature beginning September 1, 2021.
      • 麻豆网站列表 will submit Board report to ACHE and post on its university web site.
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