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Missing Information letters

Missing Information Letters

  1. NSLDS Reports You Have Reached Your Maximum Grade Level Loan Limit
  2. Invalid Application Status
  3. Invalid Academic Program
  4. Invalid Enrollment Status
  5. Living Expense Statement
  6. Proof of Marital Separation
  7. Proof of Current Marital Status
  8. Proof of the Degree you are seeking for the Academic Year
  9. Proof of Support of the Dependents in the Household
  10. Proof of VA Status
  11. Proof Loan Default Cleared
  12. Proof of Discharge in Bankruptcy
  13. Proof of Student Loans being Discharged
  14. Your SAR was Rejected by the Department of Education
  15. Proof of Emancipated Minor/In Legal Guardianship
  16. Proof of Orphan/Ward of the Court Status
  17. Proof of Homelessness Determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
  18. Proof of Homelessness Determined by the School District Homeless Liaison
  19. Proof of Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth who was Homeless or were Self-Supporting and at Risk of Being Homeless Determine by a Director of a Runaway or Homeless Youth Basic Center or Transitional Living Program
  1. NSLDS Reports You Have Reached Your Maximum Grade Level Loan Limit:
    There should be a message in the comment area of your Student Aid Report (SAR) which alerts you to a possible problem. You will need to contact us, for us to continue processing your financial aid. It means that at the grade level you are reporting (usually undergraduate senior), you may have reached the aggregate maximum loan eligibility.
    The message may also mean that you are no longer eligible for the Federal Direct Loan Program. The total maximum outstanding debt allowed is:

    Dependent Undergraduate $31,000 (1)
    Independent Undergraduate $57,500 (2)
    Graduate or Professional Student (3) $138,500 (4)
    1. Of the $31,000 no more than $23,000 may be subsidized loans.
    2. Of the $57,500 no more than $23,000 may be subsidized loans.
    3. Includes any Federal Federal Direct Loan and/or Federal Supplemental Loans for Students received as an undergraduate.
    4. Of the total maximum of $138,500 no more than $65,500 may be subsidized loans. These loan limits are the maximum and must be reduced by other assistance if total cost of education is exceeded. If other aid and loans exceed need then the subsidized is reduced and the unsubsidized is increased.

    As a last resort some private lenders will allow students to borrow (depending upon circumstances) in addition to Federal Direct Loans. More Federal Direct Loan Limit information is available in the Loan Limit Information Page.

  2. Invalid Application Status:
    Contact the Admissions Office at your site. Notify us after the Admissions Office has made changes and we will run a process to determine whether your invalid application status can be removed.

  3. Invalid Academic Program:
    Contact the Records Office at your site. Notify us after the Records Office has made changes and we will run a process to determine whether your invalid application status can be removed.

  4. Invalid Enrollment Status:
    Contact the Admissions Office at your site. Notify us after the Admissions Office has made changes and we will run a process to determine whether your invalid application status can be removed.

  5. Living Expense Statement:
    Proof of financial income that you use to meet living needs (i.e. food, clothes and housing- How do you pay for these items?). How are you supporting yourself? Show us your budget. Put this information in writing and send it to the financial aid office.

  6. Proof of Marital Separation:
    You indicated you are married but separated. The US Inspector General has requested that 麻豆网站列表 begin to follow up for proof that students are in fact separated. If legally separated, provide a copy of the legal documentation. If not legally separated, provide proof that you are living independently and not being supported by your spouse. If not legally separated, then the more documentation you can submit as "proof" the better; we will review the documents submitted as "proof" to make our best determination in the absence of a legal determination. We have placed a "Proof of Separation Form" on the documents page for the appropriate year for your use as a "guide" to provide the information requested.

  7. Proof of Current Marital Status:
    You are under the age of 24 with no dependents and indicated you are married; please send us proof that you are married.

  8. Proof of the Degree you are seeking for the Academic Year:
    All aid recipients must be in an eligible degree program. When we attempted to make an award to you, the computer rejected you because:
    • You are not in an eligible degree program; your program must lead to a degree (not certificate) at 麻豆网站列表. If you wish to receive Federal financial aid, you must enroll in a degree program. You may apply for a private loan (list is on the main web page).
    • You are classified as a transient student (not seeking a degree at 麻豆网站列表); you are only eligible to receive funds from the school where you are seeking a degree. If your home University has provided you with a Consortium Agreement form, the Troy University Financial Aid Office will not sign it. However, give the form to the Office of the Registrar and they will provide information about your enrollment to your home University.
    • Both undergraduate and graduate degree programs are showing as open; you must have your advisor close one program before beginning the next in order for us to send you an award letter.
    • You are a Post-Baccalaureate student taking pre-requisites for a graduate program; You must contact your program advisor and have them send us a list of the pre-requisites which you must complete to begin your program; you are currently classified as not seeking a degree and we need the written documentation from your program. A one time eligibility may be granted and is limited to one year; if you previously used your eligibility in pursuit of an undergraduate or another degree at this or another institution, you are not eligible for Federal Direct Loans until you are admitted to your program.

  9. You must provide proof of Support of the Dependents in the Household:
    • You are an independent student under age 24 with dependents; we need proof that you are providing at least 50% of their support;
    • You were chosen for verification and the number of dependents on your tax return does not match the household size of the verification statement; we need both an explanation and documentation that you provide 50% of the support for those not listed on your tax return.

  10. Proof of VA Status:
    We need a copy of your DD214.

  11. Proof Loan Default Cleared:
    We need a copy of a letter from your lender/servicer indicating your previous loans are no longer in default. You may wish to obtain two letters because once you show us you have cleared the default and we certify your loan with the U.S. Department of Education's Direct Loan Program, they will also want proof from you that the default has been cleared.

  12. Proof of Discharge in Bankruptcy:
    We need a copy of a letter from your lender indicating that your loans were discharged in bankruptcy.

  13. Documentation of Student Loans being Discharged:
    If your loans were cancelled due to a total and permanent disability, we need a physician's certification that you are able to engaged in "substantial gainful activity" such as working or attending school, and a signed statement affirming that the new loan for which you are applying cannot be cancelled in the future based on present impairment (unless the borrower's condition substantially deteriorates). You may also have to complete a form which covers the same information with the guarantee agency. You may wish to complete the requirements for the guarantee agency and send us a copy.

  14. Your SAR was Rejected by the Department of Education, please review your SAR comments:
    • You or your parent did not sign your SAR - contact 1-800-4-FED-AID if you do not have a copy of your SAR - obtain the signature for your SAR on paper or on-line and submit to the Department of Education;
    • Your or one of your parents' date of birth, social security number, and name do not match with the records of the Social Security Administration - contact the Social Security Administration to make the change.

  15. Proof of Emancipated Minor/In Legal Guardianship
    You can provide a copy of a court鈥檚 decision that you were an emancipated minor or were in legal guardianship immediately before you reached the age of being an adult in your state. The court must be located in your state of legal residence at the time the court鈥檚 decision was issued. A student must have been emancipated before they were 18 years old in order to qualify as an emancipated minor. You will need to submit a copy of the court鈥檚 decision and attach it to the Professional Judgment/Special Circumstance form located under Forms in the Financial Aid section of our website.

  16. Proof of Orphan/Ward of the Court
    As per the FAFSA, a student should only mark 鈥淵es鈥 if you had no living parent (biological or adoptive) at any time since you turned 13, even if you are now adopted. Answered 鈥淵es鈥 if you were in foster care at any time since you turned age 13, even if you are no longer in foster care as of today. Answer 鈥淵es鈥 if you were a dependent or ward of the court at any time since you turned age 13, even if you are no longer a dependent or ward of the court as of today. You will need to submit a copy of the court鈥檚 decision and attach it to the Professional Judgment/Special Circumstance form located under Forms in the Financial Aid section of our website.

  17. Proof of Homelessness Determined by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
    You will need to provide documentation from the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on their letterhead signed that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless and attach it to the Professional Judgment/Special Circumstance form located under Forms in the Financial Aid section of our website.

  18. Proof of Homelessness Determined by the School District Homeless Liaison
    You will need to provide documentation from your high school or school district homeless liaison on their letterhead signed that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless and attach it to the Professional Judgment/Special Circumstance form located under Forms in the Financial Aid section of our website.

  19. Proof of Homeless and Unaccompanied Youth who was Homeless or were Self-Supporting and at Risk of Being Homeless Determine by a Director of a Runaway or Homeless Youth Basic Center or Transitional Living Program
    You will need to provide documentation from the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program on their letterhead signed that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless and attach it to the Professional Judgment/Special Circumstance form located under Forms in the Financial Aid section of our website.


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